GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59625
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Thomas Edwards
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59629
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Tracey Turner-Smith
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59631
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr. Gordon Robbins
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59633
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Kevin Mitchell
Cannot be integrated into landscape without harm to character of area. Approach to Warwick. Damage to tourism. Threat to local businesses.
Potential threat to historic Bishops Tachbrook.
Possible use of site for work and potential pollution.
Good quality arable land needed for food production.
Schools oversubscribed.
Roads are 50mph. No pedestrain footpaths or public transport links.
No safe access and dangerous for large caravans to turn in and out.
Car travel will be utilised as children cannot wait on main road for transport. Unsustainable.
Prone to flooding.
Provision of utilities questionable.
Employemnt availablity a concern.
Control of pitches.
Doctors oversubscribed.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59640
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Miss Rachel Warwood
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59642
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Paul Berger
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59644
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Ms Louise Roberts
Site remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are full or have limited capacity.
Pubic transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles.
Bus stop without pedestrian footpath.
Risk of flooding.
More vehicles will add to delays. Roads are busy and fast. Fosse Way is high risk route. Roads are noisy and site close to railway line with associated noise and danger.
No mains sewerage, drainage and gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Inadequate phone and broadband.
Possible destruction of archaeology on Roman road and former tollhouse location.
Blight on vistas from Chesterton Windmill.
More new residents than existing resulting in lack of integration.
Effect on local businesses.
Loss of quality agricultural land.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59651
Derbyniwyd: 10/10/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Anthony Morris
Remote from major amenities.
All sites must be managed by WDC not Travellers themselves. Must be made to pay council tax and for upkeep of suite and maintenance.
Better to locate sites on edge of industrial parks near towns.
See attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59670
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Tracey Bell
Local GPs out of catchment or full.
Schools either full or have limited capacity.
No pedestrian links to public transport.
Increase in traffic flows. Increasing risk on busy, dangerous roads. Fosse Way designated high risk route.
Area prone to flooding.
No mains sewers, gas or drainage.
Limited electricity supply.
Noise from railway line.
Potential threat to wildlife.
Small local community will be absorbed by new residents.
Currently good quality farmed land. Site would invade open countryside.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59679
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Alan Sampson
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59791
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Johnson
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59792
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jennifer Johnson
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
See attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59796
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Miss Heather Burtt
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59799
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Christopher Brown
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59805
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Evelyn Hagan
This site is in excess of 1.5 miles from any GP surgery but local surgeries are full.
Harbury Primary School is full. Schools in Whitnash (2+ miles away) have only limited capacity.
There is a bus stop on Harbury Lane but there is no pedestrian links from it to the potential site. Travelling community unlikely to use public transport.
The area is prone to flooding and is effectively a flood plain. The Middle Road/Fosse Way junction is often flooded and Harbury Lane flooded and impassable.
Site will generate additional traffic movements at the junction of two major roads. Highway improvements would be necessary (creating more urbanisation) but will still add to existing peak time delays so maybe unwise to introduce more traffic here. Fosse Way is a designated High Risk Route by the County Council. More than 12 Serious Accidents at this junction over the last 3 years.
The Fosse Way is a very busy main road, generating both noise and disturbance to the site as will the Birmingham to London Chiltern railway line, which is also a potential danger.
The proposed site has no mains sewerage, drainage or gas and electricity supply is a limited rural line which would need upgrading. Site is too far from the Whitnash Telephone Exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service and does not have a reliable mobile phone service.
Site is near the Fosse Way's original alignment so archaeological remains are likely to be destroyed by the development, especially as remains from nearby 17 century tollhouse have been found in the area. Therefore important that archaeology and heritage of the area can be recovered and safeguarded prior to any site works. Site would blight views from Grade 1 Listed Chesterton Mill ss site is visible from Chesterton Hill.
The proposed site is larger than New Windmill Football Ground and will cover 0.8 hectare (8000 m²) and could possibly increase in size. The site is at the bottom of the valley so not possible to integrate this use into the landscape without harming the visual appearance and character of the area. It could be a precedent for further ribbon development.
The villages of Harbury and Whitnash over 1.5 miles away. The very small community of houses within half a mile of the site would be absorbed by the 120 travelling community so the site will not promote peaceful and integrated co-existence.
Many businesses (including farms, fencing contractor, pony riding, a hotel, a breakers yard) that operate from this site and the surrounding area will potentially suffer if the proposed sites go ahead.
Unauthorised intrusion from the site occupiers onto the agricultural land could result in contractors not wishing to risk tractors and equipment and any crop damage and rubbish deposits could result in land ceasing to be farmed and becoming unsightly.
The proposed site will be a major invasion into the openness of the countryside and will be an irreversible urbanisation of the entire area.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59807
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Saroj Rana
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59809
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr John Hall
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59811
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr James Farrell
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59814
Derbyniwyd: 14/10/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Deborah Harrison
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
See attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59816
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr Stuart Harrison
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59820
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Hadley Farms Ltd
Nearest GP at capacity.
Nearest schools at capacity.
On high risk travel route.
No bus stop on Fosse Way which is already busy and dangerous.
No footpath and cycling dangerous on commuter route.
Children cannot stand on busy road to wait for bus to school.
Visual impact from Harbury and Fosse Way.
No mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
Flood risk at end of Middle Road, Harbury Lane and fields.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59822
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Sarah williams
Village has very few resources.
School is oversubscribed and couldn't meet demands of GT community.
Site backs onto busy road putting children and adults at risk as there are no pavements and a lack of public transport.
Site is remote.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59829
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Ann Vincent
Poor access to transport options, schooling and doctors.
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59832
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr David Powell-Tuck
Area prone to flooding.
GP surgeries full.
Schools oversubscribed or outside catchment.
Generation of more traffic on busy and hazardous high risk route. Dangerous entering and leaving site in fast moving traffic.
Fosse Way noisy and site is adjacent to railway line.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply may need upgrading.Poor mobile phone coverage.
Blight on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Size of site cannot be intregrated into landscape without harming visual aspect and character.
No dialogue/discourse with affected parties to promote peaceful integration.
Have travellers been consulted as to the requirements of their lifestyle? If they work from home, what will that be? What view will planning make of this? Is it to be industrial use?
Appears to be fair accompli. Causes uncertainty for local inhabitants and travellers alike.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59833
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr David Thistlethwaite
Nearest GP surgery has no capacity for new patients.
Schools are at capacity.
Site on high risk travel route.
No bus stop on Fosse Way. Provision would be dangerous.
Already busy road with speeding traffic, especially at commuting times.
No path to walk and cycling dangerous on busy commuter route.
Children cannot stand on busy road waiting for transport to school.
Visual impact from Harbury and Fosse Way.
No mains gas, sewerage or drainage.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
Flood risk at end of Middle Road, Harbury Lane and fields.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59834
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Barbara Thistlethwaite
Nearest GP surgery has no capacity for new patients.
Schools are at capacity.
Site on high risk travel route.
No bus stop on Fosse Way. Provision would be dangerous.
Already busy road with speeding traffic, especially at commuting times.
No path to walk and cycling dangerous on busy commuter route.
Children cannot stand on busy road waiting for transport to school.
Visual impact from Harbury and Fosse Way.
No mains gas, sewerage or drainage.
Damage to wildlife habitat.
Flood risk at end of Middle Road, Harbury Lane and fields.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59837
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Pat Hearn
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59838
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013
Ymatebydd: S F Wooley
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59851
Derbyniwyd: 29/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Rosalind Wilson
Remote from GP surgery which is full.
Schools are either fully subscribed or with few places.
Public transport satisfactory but irrelevant as residents will use own vehicles. Bus stop but no pedestrian links.
Prone to flooding.
Additional traffic on existing busy, noisy road with dangerous junctions. Fosse Way is high risk route.
No mains sewerage, drainage or gas. Electricity supply needs upgrading.
Poor phone and broadband provision.
Fosse Way is Roman road where there is likely to be archaeological remains which would be destroyed. Also site of tollhouse.
Impact on views from Chesterton Windmill.
Site cannot be integrated into landscape being at the bottom of the valley and not easily screened.
Small local community would be absorbed by new residents resulting in lack of integration.
Impact on local businesses.
Loss of quality farmland.
Major invasion into openness of countryside.
Result in ribbon development.
see attached
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options
ID sylw: 59884
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Nicholas & Helen Green
Site on Fosse Way which is difficult for local residents already. Narrow road and additional large vehicles in and out of site would be dangerous.
Unsuitable for pedestrians with no bus stop on Fosse Way. Dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists.
Harbury surgery already full.
Local school full.
Detailed and careful planning for new houses in village to cater for local needs. Further development would have overwhelming impact.
see attached