GT04 Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way (green)
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65314
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Harris
Does not meet guidelines as shops and amenities are a 45 minute walks away on dangerously fast roads.
Lack of good roads, pavements, broadband, street lighting which would be expensive to provide.
Nearest GP surgery to both sites is over 3 miles away and is already stretched to capacity.
Nearest primary and junior schools are at capacity. Additoonal car journeys would exacerbate existing problems near the school.
Dangerous for children to wait for buses at the side of the Fosse way or Harbury lane.
No evidence that Gypsies and travellers would be willing to pay the costs involved and council have not suggested an alternative means of raising the revenue required.
Development will damage wildlife habitat at a time when many species are declining in numbers.
Area prone to flooding . Would be unable to use soakaway or run-off systems as the soil is clay based so connection to mains sewerage would be needed and this is not currently available in Harbury lane.
Loss of good quality farmland utilised for livestock and arable farming.
I would like to express my objections to the proposed sites GT02 and GT04.
My main concerns are as follows:-
1) The Salford GTAA report appears to ignore the impact of the planned transit site at nearby Southam which has been agreed since the completion of the GTAA.
2) According to government planning policy framework, adjacent district councils are required to collaborate but warwick DC and Stratford DC do not seem to be collaborating at any length, save for a reported 10 minute un-minuted meeting.
3) Both GT02 and GT04 sites do not meet national planning framework guidelines recommending 10 minute pavement walks to shops and amenities, they are around 45 minute walks and on dangerously fast roads.
4) Both sites do not meet national planning framework guidelines recommendations for availability of good infrastructure (roads,pavements,broadband,street lighting). Considerable investment would be required to rectify this and difficult for warwick DC to meet within its annual struggle to remain within budget.
5) GT04 is in an area prone to flooding with Harbury lane and surrounding fields often under water. In accordance with planning and building regulations, GT04 would be unable to use soakaway or run-off based drainage systems as the soil is clay based so connection to mains sewerage would be needed and this is not currently available in Harbury lane.
6) Regarding local services, the nearest GP surgery to both sites is over 3 miles away and is already stretched to capacity. The nearest primary and junior school is also at capacity and already experiences issues with lack of vehicle parking resulting in residents near the school being unable to exit their driveways as they are blocked in. this would only be exacerbated by additional vehicles from the GT02 and GT04 sites. If buses are required, where will the bus stops be? It would be dangerous for children at both sites to be waiting for buses at the side of the Fosse way or Harbury lane.
7) The cost to create 5 to 10 permanent pitches at GT04 ranges between £325k to £650k, using government's figures of £65k per pitch. There is no evidence that Gypsies and travellers would be willing to pay these sums and Warwick DC have not suggested an alternative means of raising the revenue required.
8) Development of The sites will damage wildlife habitat at a time when many species are declining in numbers. GT04 is in an area of good quality farmland utilised for livestock and arable farming.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65438
Derbyniwyd: 07/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Allan Fawcett
Good location with easy access away from residential areas but with potential to be linked to new residential development and associated facilities.
Needs screening, possibly with new woodland along the north-east boundary to improve the situation for Leamington Hall Farm.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65444
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Stephen Baldwin
Using this site would have the benefit of providing the football club with better facilities that are more appropriate for its status. It could possibly be incorporated into the expansion of South Witnash.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65592
Derbyniwyd: 12/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Environment Agency
Any application would require a Preliminary Risk Assessment to assess the possible impact of contamination on water receptors.
Site will need a non- public foul mains sewer solution. The site should not drain to the south because of the potential impact on the water environment which already has high levels of phosphates.
A suitable means of dealing with foul effluent will be required.
The local wildlife trust and county ecologist should be consulted about potential impacts on ditches, watercourses, Whitnash Brook and Warwickshire Habitat Alert Sites.
Flood risk from alluvial sources is unlikely now the site has been reduced in size but any development must have regard to surface water flooding and localised ponding.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65904
Derbyniwyd: 25/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Whitnash Town Council
The loss of Leamington Football club from this site is a major concern. It is an asset of community value and its loss would be a great loss to the community.
Strong objections to the use of CPO.
Traffic issues are also a major concern, particularly the accident risk at Harbury Lane/Fosseway. Access points to the site could cause further problems. This would require major road improvements.
The semi-rural character of the area will be spoilt, including the setting of Chesterton Windmill. This is a particular problem when combined with the amount of greenfield development being proposed to the south of the town.
Flooding is also prevelant in the areas and drainage and sewerage will need to be upgraded.
The will be an adverse impact on local infrastructure (health, schools), particularly when considered in combination with proposed housing. Schools in Whitnash are at capacity.
The site has poor access to shops and no footpaths to links to facilities.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65939
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Richard Carr
Due to the close proximity of the poropsed site propoerties at Leamington Hall Farm would become unihabitable.
Road safety - the nearby crossroad of Harbury Lane and the Fosse is a serious blackspot.
Nearest GP surrgery at Harbury is already nearly overwhelmeed with 6000 patients - cannot accept additional patients.
With propsed additional housing in the area local schools at Harbury nad Bishops Itchington will be unable to accept new pupils
GT04 is an entirely unsuitable site.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65941
Derbyniwyd: 10/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Anthony Caney
Travellers should travel
Countryside not a good location
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65942
Derbyniwyd: 10/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Margaret Finch
Health and safety issues in relation to lack of mains services, proximity to chicken farm and high pressure gas mains, access onto high speed, dangerous road and Fosse Way junction
No regular public transport, pedestrian access, cycle paths to nearest villages
Harbury School oversubscibed
GP surgery under pressure
Lack of screening, landscape concerns, proximity to Chesterton Windmill.
Costs incurred of relocating football club/shared parking facility
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65946
Derbyniwyd: 10/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Kevin Elkington
Safety concerns - site is busy link road between Leamington and Fosse Way
Isolated location
no easy access to facilities and services
requries relocation of football club with costs incurred
Does not meet NPPF
Location in relation to chicken farm - smells
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65947
Derbyniwyd: 10/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Ms Lynn Clarke
Road unsuitable with no footpath/lighting and leading to busy Fosse Way junction
Dangerous for pedestrians
Not close to services and school/GP surgery in Harbury already full with some children attending Bishops Itchington school
Harbury Lane prone to flooding
Cost of resiting football club - if club relocated land should be returned to agriculture
Needs to be close to local community not stuck on edge of villages
Does not meet NPPF
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65952
Derbyniwyd: 28/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Cadelle Hill
No validation of GTAA
Consultation does not consider capacity on other sites in county/districts
No collaboration with other districts
No evidence that cost of CPO has been weighed against developed of underutilised brownfield land
Need overstated
Site does not meet criteria
Cost prohibitive
Remote from local services/facilities
Accessibility to shops more than 5-10 minutes on foot
Proximity to local community does not meet NPPF guidelines which recommend periphery of community
Disproportionate to existing community
Lack of public transport, infrastructure
WDC would incur great expense providing services - an expense which should not be incurred when cutbacks in expenditure/services
Prone to flooding
Schools/GP surgery too far away/at capacity
Within aerial discharge area from Barnwelll Farm chicken farm
Within 400m of breakers yard - noise, smell
Farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming
Lack of integration into landscape and would spoil views from Chesterton Windmill
Adverse visual impact
Need for private vehicle or public transport to access facilities - not eco-friendly
Detrimental to tourism and Mallory Court Hotel
Damage to wildlife
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 65964
Derbyniwyd: 06/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Robinson
People will move away
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 66093
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr John Bolton
Inadequate sewage system.
Inadequate mains system.
Poultry farm opposite site has air pollution.
Football site used for weekday parking for 100 cars from technology park.
Relocation of football club would incur considerable cost to local people.
High pressure gas mains runs across site.
Access to and from site and leading to Fosse Way is dangerous due to vehicle speed.
Crossroads with Fosse Way dangerous - numerous accidents per year.
Local school oversubscribed.
Local surgery is full.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 66094
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Ufton Parish Council
In the consultation document it states that medical facilities are available at Harbury / Whitnash 2.6 miles or at Bishops Tatchbrook 2.7 miles away. From this it can be seent that Harbury is the nearest medical facility available, however the Parish Council have been informed by the 'Harbury Practice' that this site GT04 does NOT fall within their catchment area. Added to this, the practice is already struggling to cope with its present workload, so adding further patients will require increasing resources to cope.
In the consultation documents it has been assumed that the children will attend Bishop's Itchington Primary School. No mention is made of the fact that Planning Permission has already been granted for 115 dwellings, with a possible further 200 being granted permission on the site of the old cement works.
It can be seen from the above, that it is very unlikely that there will be any spare capacity within this school, added to this, Harbury Primary School is also oversubscribed, it therefore follows that any children from this site will have to travel into Leamington Spa to receive education.
Road Safety:
The proposed GT04 site is off the busy Harbury Lane, which has a 50 mph speed restriction and is used as a major route by vehicles travelling to the M40, Jaguar/Land Rover, and Aston Martin at Gaydon. Local villagers also use it as a major access route into Leamington/Warwick. Harbury Lane exits onto the Fosse Way, which is a very busy road via the 'Bendigo Crossroads' a notorious accident black spot.
Statistics from the WCC Road Safety Unit show that:
Fosse Way from A425 - B4100 (Old Banbury Road)
41 accidents recorded in past 5 years resulting in 68 casualties
Harbury Lane / Fosse Way Crossroads
8 accidents in the last 3 years resulting in 10 casulaties
It is also contended, that with the proposed expansion of Jaguar/Land Rover, the situation will only get worse, add to this vans, lorries, caravans etc as the travellers enter and exit GT04 will only exacerbate the situation.
Ufton Parish Council considered the consultation document very carefully and decided that neither GT02 or GT04 were suitable for Gypsies & Travllers Sites for the reasons set our below:
1: There are NO suitable educational facilities close to either proposed site
2: There are NO suitable medical facilities close to either site
3: Both sites will increase the dangers to road safety, being sited close to very busy and dangerous stretches of the Fosse Way.
The Parish Council contends that there are more appropriate sites available that will be better suited as Gypsy - Traveller sites, which can satisfy the required criteria.
See attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 66113
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Angela Howard-Johnston
Harbury Lane is almost as dangerous as the Fosse Way. Cars travel at great speed and there is no pavements or walkway Non mains sewage is inadequate for proposed numbers. The Poultry Farm causes horrible smells. Harbury Lane Fosse Way junction a renowed danger spot. No regular public transport or cycleways. Harbury school and GP surgery oversubscribed. Site not screened from surrounding landscape, where would Technology Park parking be relocated.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 66124
Derbyniwyd: 02/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Radford Semele Parish Council
Site is adjacent to the main birmingham to london railway line which poses a potential hazard. Small stream which is a tributary from the River leam has been subject to flooding. It is a fully developed site quite unsuitable for a gypsy and traveller site.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 66136
Derbyniwyd: 06/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Graham and Vera Leeke
This site could come forward without the support of the football club, given te amount of land included. Access on the Fosse could be idneitifed if the original extent of GT04 was considered.
see attached