GT04 Land at Harbury Lane/Fosse Way (green)

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Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64481

Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Jonathan Cook

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Purchasing site and relocating football club is an inappropriate use of funds when compared to alternative sites elsewhere in the Local Plan. This alone should make the scheme unviable.

No mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage which will add to the overall cost of development.

Electricity supply may need upgrading and site is too far from the Whitnash exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service.

Site is a minimum 45 minute walk to either Harbury or Bishop's Tachbrook. No closer amenities

The nearest primary, junior and secondary schools are already at capacity.

Village doctor's surgery has no capacity for any influx of new patients.

Harbury Lane is a notorious accident blackspot and high-risk, high-speed commuter route. Additional traffic will increase the risks

No street lighting or footpaths

Bus stops on a busy road create hazard for children standing on road side waiting for school buses.

Smells from adjacent Barnwells chicken farm are very unpleasant.

Surrounding road network makes it too dangerous to safely provide and use public/school transportation and bicycles by children.

Testun llawn:

Reference: GT04 Land at Harbury Lane

Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to register my objections to the proposed development of site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane.

1. Cost.
As a council tax payer and as a qualified Chartered Accountant, I object to the site being considered in any way appropriate as the development will require the purchase of the site currently belonging to Leamington Football Club and their re-location to alternative, suitable venue before any costs of development. I do not consider this in any way to be an appropriate use of funds when compared to alternative sites elsewhere in the Local Plan, where there are no such up-front costs to be considered. The buying-out of the football club should itself make this site non-viable from a relative cost point of view when compared to other alternatives. In addition to the up-front costs, for the proposed site itself, I note that there is no mains gas, mains sewerage or drainage currently, so the necessary provision of these will significantly add to the overall cost of development. An upgrade may also be required to the electricity supply, as it is currently a rural system supplying a limited number of consumers. BT have also confirmed that the proposed site is too far from the Whitnash exchange to provide an adequate telephone or internet service, both considered to be basic requirements of 21st century living standards.

2. Distance to all local infrastructure and amenities.
The proposed site is a minimum 45 minute walk to either Harbury or Bishop's Tachbrook, both equidistant, and therefore effectively demands the use of a car or the introduction of bus stops along Harbury Lane (also see 3. below). The nearest primary, junior and secondary schools are already at capacity. In addition, the village doctor's surgery having no capacity for any influx of new patients (it currently takes a week to get an appointment).

3. Safe access to and from the site for vehicles and pedestrians.
Harbury Lane is a notorious accident blackspot and high-risk, high-speed commuter route, whose accident record can only deteriorate with the advent of significantly increased traffic volumes from such a development . I would suggest that the health and safety issues alone arising from no street lighting, no footpaths, bus stops on a busy road and the hazards of children standing on road side waiting for school buses should all strongly act as deterrents to proceeding with the proposals.

4. Reasons for not wanting to live at site GT04.
a. The smells that emanate from the adjacent Barnwells chicken farm are very unpleasant.
b. The surrounding road network is a high-speed commuter route; it is too dangerous to safely incorporate the provision and use of public and school transportation and too dangerous for the use of bicycles by children.
c. There are no pavements or paths for adults or children to safely walk anywhere without walking in the road.
d. There are no local amenities for those residents without access to a car.
e. There is only limited telephone, mobile or internet access.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require verification of any points to my objection to the proposed GT04 Land development.


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64484

Derbyniwyd: 29/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr John Stringer

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Strongly object to this allocation.

This site opens onto a fast country road but there are no footpaths.

Much of the land is on a flood plain.

There is no technical infrastructure - water, sewerage, cabling.

Harbury school has already refused residents' children because of class sizes.

There are long-established houses, and a successful business (the Fosse Garage) on the site.

Object in principle to people in any situation, who do not contribute, being offered somewhere to live that is funded by tax payers.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64495

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Russell Harris

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* Insufficient consideration given to demand on local resources
* There is poor access and already regular restrictions and congestion on this road
* There is no extra provision for medical and education services
* The site is in a "valley" and will be seen for some distance
* There will be negative impact on local leisure and tourism
* Travel from this site into local towns and villages will cause disruption
* There are better sites available near Centre of Warwick

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64498

Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Margaret Lucas

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* Medical facilities Harbury Surgery cannot accept additional patients
* Lack of schooling-Harbury School already full to capacity
* Not ideal for public transport-no footpaths-accident risk
* On busy main road
* On flood map on Environment Agency Website

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64499

Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Nockalls

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* The nearest GP Surgery is three miles away and is at capacity

* The nearest primary. junior and senior schools are already at capacity.
* GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and Fosse Way cross roads that is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists

* According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected.

* Barnwell farm can smell awful and GT04 would not be a good place to live

* GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.

* The NPFF requires that the assessment of site suitability should be consistent with other planning requests. However I understand that other residential planning applications within 200m of GT04 have been recently rejected by WDC , referencing rural policy on the grounds that the proposal would have an adverse "impact on the character of the area-.

* the cost to create 5 to 10 permanent pitches ranges between 82Sk to £65Ok, using government figures (£65k per pitch). In addition to this, G04 site may require relocation of Football Club. There is no firm evidence that G&T can or will pay these sums of money and WDC have not suggested an alternative if G&T cannot or will not pay.

* GT04 should not be considered if there is not proof that G&T can and will buy and develop it.
* GT04 is an area of good quality farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming.
* GT04 will lack Integration into the landscape and would spoil the views from Chesterton Windmill, a l1th-century Grade I listed building and a striking landmark in South-East Warwickshire
* The proposed site will have an adverse visual impact from Harbury and The Fosse Way (Roman Road).
* If GT04 were to be developed, the use of a vehicle or public transport to shops and schools is a necessity and not considered eco-friendly.
* The site will have a detrimental impact on tourism and visitors to Warwickshire especially including Mallory Court Hotel and a consequential effect on local employment.
* The site will damage wildlife habitat.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64502

Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2014

Ymatebydd: Anthony Aspbury ssociates

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects to GT04 on following grounds:

* Some of the issues raised in previous objection to dated 15th July 2013 in respect of proposed Sites GT03 and GT04 in the Gypsy and Traveller Site Options paper have not been included (or have been only selectively referenced) in the February 2014 Executive Report that preceded the Preferred Options Sites consultation document.
GT04 would deliver residential development that is unsuitable for, incompatible with and inappropriate in its proposed location.
'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' (March 2012):
* The overarching aim of CLG's 'Planning Policy for Traveller Sites' (March 2012) is to "ensure fair and equal treatment for travellers".
* The guidance clearly states that the objective is to "increase the number of traveller sites in appropriate locations"
* GT04 is in a wholly inappropriate location for any residential occupation (irrespective of whether it is for permanent housing or traveller accommodation), for all the reasons set out below.
* Permitting the permanent siting of pitches in this location would NOT deliver fair or equal treatment to Travellers residing at the site.
* As detailed in our earlier objection, the allocation of Site GT04 as a Gypsy and Traveller site is in direct conflict with Paragraphs 3.3 and 3.6 to 3.12 of guidance contained within the Government's good practice guide: 'Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites' on selecting appropriate locations for sites.

Paragraph 3.6 states that "sites should not be identified for Gypsy and Traveller use in locations that are inappropriate for ordinary residential dwellings, unless exceptional circumstances apply. These circumstances would be where the location is unsuitable for housing, for practical and technical reasons which would not adversely affect the health and safety of Gypsy and Traveller residents or the sustainability o/the site."

* It is clear that the definition of 'exceptional circumstances' does not apply in this case

National Planning Practice Guidance:

* The PPGS provides useful planning guidance and is a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications.

* The proposed use of Site GT04 as a Gypsy and Traveller site is inconsistent with the guidance set out in the 'Noise' and 'Air Quality' sections of the PPGS (see below)

WDC Assessment Criteria:

Site GT04 is wholly inappropriate, unsuitable, and unsustainable, having particular regard to the following:

a) Impact on the landscape character:

Site GT04 lies in open countryside situated between the settlements of Bishops Tachbrook and Harbury and is currently utilised as the Leamington Football Club home ground. The immediate and surrounding rural landscape is largely open in nature and, despite the existing boundary planting, there are sight lines into and out of the site from both distant and close views. As the site is not set within an existing residential or agricultural built form context, it is considered that the proposed use would have an adverse impact upon the character of the landscape, appearing as an incongruous feature in the countryside. Furthermore, as a result of the evident physical disconnect of the site from the edge of the built-up areas of the nearest settlements, it is our view that the remote location of the site will likely impede successful integration of the resident Gypsy and Traveller population within the local community.

b) Impact of land contamination, noise and other disturbance:

The nearest development to Site GT04 includes Leamington Hall Farm adjacent to the northern boundary of the site, our c1ienfs poultry farmholding at Barnwell Farm on the opposite side of Harbury Lane to the south, and a mixed-trade industrial area to the west (the closest operator being Harbury Lane Breakers and Dismantlers Ltd).

Odour impacts:

WDC should give full and careful consideration, in its assessment of the suitability of the site, to the environmental conditions that are generated by the operation of existing intensive poultry units at Barnwell Farm.
The background to the 1996 planning permission (Ref. W/96/1095) and commentary on the materials submitted in support of the application was detailed in letter of 13th July 2013. However, the importance of the results of the odour assessment is set out below, as the Council appears not to have assigned sufficient weight to the poultry farm odour impacts upon the residential amenity of potential occupiers of the proposed site.
* The air quality assessment submitted as part of the 1996 application examined the impact of odour emissions from the poultry units on the air quality. Diagrams [submitted as part of the representation at Figure 1] indicate the odours plume and downwind directional dispersal from the centre of the site for the whole year, as well as for August (when the potential for odour complaints are highest).
* The diagrams clearly illustrate that prevailing winds in the locality blow from the south/southwest, dispersing odour emissions from the poultry farm in a north/north-easterly direction towards and across Site GT04, thereby generating undesirable conditions for residential occupation in that location.

* Also highlighted that the southern boundary of Site GT04 is less than 200 metres from the nearest poultry unit at Barnwell Farm, therefore the impacts upon residential amenity and potential for odour complaints from the occupiers of the site is greatly increased.

* The third bullet point of Paragraph 5 of the NPPGS in the 'Air Quality' guidance clearly states that LPAs should consider whether the development would "expose people to existing sources of air pollutants. This could be by building new homes, workplaces or other development in places with poor air quality."

* As the 1996 air quality assessment demonstrates, the odour emissions generated by the existing poultry units affects the air quality of the areas surrounding the site, with considerable effects upon the areas to the north-east of Barwell Farm where Site GT04 is proposed. Accordingly, it is considered that this area is not suitable for residential occupation.

Noise impacts:

Harbury Lane Breakers and Dismantlers Ltd is a large reclamation and scrap vehicle breakers yard located only 400 metres west of Site GT04.

* The yard is likely due to nature of its operational activities to generate noise (and potentially dust) pollution which will result in adverse effects on the residential amenity for the occupiers of the site. It should also be noted that the breaking yard operates seven days a week, further reinforcing the unsuitability of the site for residential occupation.

* In addition to the breaking yard, the intensive poultry business at Barnwell Farm operates 'phased' cyclical processing which generates a high number of traffic movements (166 in total) per cycle. A summary of the traffic movements were included in earlier objection.

* However, it is worth reiterating that traffic movements for each cycle is unrestricted and can take place at any time of the day or night, 7 days a week. As previously noted, the majority of movements take place during the night, which may give rise to residential amenity noise concerns at GT04 due to the site's proximity to Barnwell Farm.

* In addition to the vehicular noise, automated feed, heating and ventilation systems are in operation 24 hours a day which further increase potential noise disturbance.

The seventh bullet point of NPPG Paragraph 6 in the 'Noise' guidance states that LPAs should have regard to "the potential effect on an existing business of a new residential development being located close to it should be carefully considered as the existing noise levels from the business may be regarded as unacceptable by the new residents and subject to enforcement action."

Impact on Existing Buisnesses:

* Bullet point 3 of Paragraph 123 in the overarching National Planning Policy Framework ('The Framework') highlights that "existing businesses wanting to develop in continuance of their business should not have unreasonable restrictions put on them because of changes in nearby land uses since they were established. II

* Locating sensitive land uses (particularly residential) close to industrial uses and intensive livestock operations can give rise to conflict between those uses. Harbury Lane Breakers and Barnwell Farm are long-established enterprises that contribute positively to the rural economy and local community.

* However, the introduction of an inappropriate and incongruous use such as that proposed - on the nearby Site GT04, is likely to generate odour and noise amenity conflicts which may impact upon the operation and future viability of those existing business.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64509

Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Leamington FC Supporters Co-operative Ltd

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This site is not available and would only be made available if appropriate alternative facilities can be found and secured. Any new site would need to meet in full the requirements of Sport England's Playing Fields Policy - 'A Sporting Future for the Playing Fields of England' Policy Exception E4, which would ensure any replacement facility is of equal or better quality.

The club offers social value and community benefits to the local area eg the club participates in a range of community events and initiatives, the club promotes sport/exercise, the site is used for charity fundraisers, clubhouse facilities available for use, offers space for nursery groups, fayres, car boot sales, car parking etc.

Loss of sports land and buildings is contrary to the NPPF in this instance as neither the land nor buildings are surplus to requirements, there is no definite proposal for better provision elsewhere with any current proposals being vague and without timetable, and the re-use of the site is not for a sports/leisure purpose.

Loss of the site would be contrary to the Warwick Sustainable Community Strategy as it offers sporting/leisure opportunities and potentially helps reduce anti-social behaviour.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64512

Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Diane Nockalls

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* The nearest GP Surgery is three miles away and is at capacity

* The nearest primary. junior and senior schools are already at capacity.
* GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and Fosse Way cross roads that is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists

* According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected.

* Barnwell farm can smell awful and GT04 would not be a good place to live

* GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.

* The NPFF requires that the assessment of site suitability should be consistent with other planning requests. However I understand that other residential planning applications within 200m of GT04 have been recently rejected by WDC , referencing rural policy on the grounds that the proposal would have an adverse "impact on the character of the area-.

* the cost to create 5 to 10 permanent pitches ranges between 82Sk to £65Ok, using government figures (£65k per pitch). In addition to this, G04 site may require relocation of Football Club. There is no firm evidence that G&T can or will pay these sums of money and WDC have not suggested an alternative if G&T cannot or will not pay.

* GT04 should not be considered if there is not proof that G&T can and will buy and develop it.
* GT04 is an area of good quality farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming.
* GT04 will lack Integration into the landscape and would spoil the views from Chesterton Windmill, a l1th-century Grade I listed building and a striking landmark in South-East Warwickshire
* The proposed site will have an adverse visual impact from Harbury and The Fosse Way (Roman Road).
* If GT04 were to be developed, the use of a vehicle or public transport to shops and schools is a necessity and not considered eco-friendly.
* The site will have a detrimental impact on tourism and visitors to Warwickshire especially including Mallory Court Hotel and a consequential effect on local employment.
* The site will damage wildlife habitat.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64515

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Margaret Field

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* GT04 is close to Barnwell Chicken Farm which raises health and environmental issues-the smell from the chicken farm cab ne extremely bad, and it would not be a sensible choice for housing.
* The area is prone to flooding and the GT04 site would struggle to clear water with drainage systems as ground is clay based. There is no mains sewerage to connect to in the Hanbury lane area.
* GT04 is at least 45 minutes' walk away from the nearest schools and GP surgeries ( 5-10 mins walk is recommended distance)
* Local transport Links to the area are poor
* Supports site owners (Leamington FC) opposition to this option. If they were forced to move, this would take an important community amenity away from Whitnash and its residents.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64516

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr John Hurlow

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

* GT04 is too close to Barnwell Chicken farm which raises health and environmental issues-the smell can be extremely bad, and it would not be sensible for housing
* The area is prone to flooding and the site would struggle to clear water with drainage systems as ground is clay based. There is no mains sewerage to connect to in the Harbury lane area.
* GT04 is at least 45 minutes walk away from the nearest schools and GP surgeries compared to 5-10 min recommended distance.
* Local Transport links are poor
* Supports owners opposition to the proposal (Leamington FC). If they are forced to move, this would take an important community amenity away from Whitnash and its residents.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64539

Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Bryan Young

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

No evidence that WDC has weighed up the cost of Compulsory purchase vs development of under-utilised brownfield sites.

Site does not provide access to nearby services and quality of life.

Site is not on community periphery to encourage integration.
Establishing 5-10 pitches would be disproportionate to the local community.

Harbury Lane and Fosse Way crossroads are high risk travel routes with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents.

Site is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. Barnwell chicken farm can and does smell awful and this site would not be a good place to live.

Site is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution.

Allocation is being pushed through to meet an unsubstantiated objective without due regard to following process, adhering to national guidelines or actual local need.

Testun llawn:

RE: Preferred Site GT04 for Gypsies and Travellers (G&T)

I wish to object to the Gypsy and Traveller preferred site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way. My concerns are as follows:

There is clear evidence via Hansard that MP's now want a fair planning policy that should result in the abolition of the G&T planning requirement however there has been little (and passive) publicity of the Consultation process and key milestones. Had it not been for the local Community group I would not have known about it - it feels and looks like this is a deliberate underhanded approach.

As further evidence this is underhanded, WDC utilised the findings in the Salford GTAA report in order to establish need, however I am unable to find any evidence of WDC's due diligence in validating the accuracy of the report and /or the relevance of the established need. Neither does the WDC consultation consider as required the existing capacity of current sites within Warwickshire county and adjacent districts.

The GTAA ignores the impact of the planned Transit site near Southam, which has been agreed since completion of the GTAA.

- According to the Government's planning policy framework, adjacent DCs are required to collaborate, and yet Warwick DC and Stratford DC are very much out of phase with their consultations so logically they cannot collaborate. Further there is no evidence that WDC has collaborated or discussed with Stratford DC other than a reported 10 minute long but un-minuted meeting with Rugby DC.

My comments specific to Site GT04:

- The site does not meet the fundamental planning criteria laid out in the NPPF, guidance from Department of Communities and Local Government and WDC's own consultation documents for Gypsy & Traveller sites. GT04 does not comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide access to nearby services and quality of life. Specifically:-

There is no evidence in WDC's consultation report that as required by NPFF and CLG , that WDC have weighed up the cost to council of Compulsory purchase vs development of under-utilised brownfield sites including those that the council already own.

GT04 does not comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide access to nearby services and quality of life. This would include:-

1. Accessibility to shops and local services: GT04 does not meet national planning framework guidelines recommended 5-10mins walk on a pavement.
2. GT04 does not meet the national planning framework guidelines recommendation for sites to be on community periphery to encourage integration.

3. Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 would be disproportionate to the local community (8 residential properties, with 16 adults and 4 children). This is contradictory to national planning framework guidelines recommendations.

4. GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and Fosse Way cross roads that is a high risk travel route with high volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists.

5. According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected. Simply -Barnwell chicken farm can and does smell awful and GT04 would not be a good place to live.

6. GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.

In summary, the planned site at GT04 is, in my opinion being pushed through to meet an unsubstantiated objective without due regard to following process, adhering to national guidelines or actual local need. This is utterly wrong.


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64560

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Edwards

Nifer y bobl: 2

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Site does not meet the planning criteria set out in the NPPF, specifically access to services, proximity to local community, accessibility via local transport. Infrastructure on the site is poor and would require significant investment. Area is prone to flooding. Access to GP surgeries and schools does not meet planning policy requirements. Harbury Lane and the Fosse Way are high risk traffic routes. The Barnwell Chicken Farm raises serious environmental and health concerns. Harbury Lane breakers yard generates noise and air pollution. No indication the funds to set up pitches can be raised or to relocate the football club. Is an area of good quality farmland. Will not integrate into the landscape and spoil views from Chesterton Windmill. Will have a detrimental impact on tourism including Mallory Court.Site will damage wildlife habitat.

Testun llawn:

I wish to object to the Gypsy and Traveller preferred site GT04 Land at Harbury Lane, Fosse Way.
My comments and some of my concerns are as follows:
- WDC utilised the findings in the Salford GTAA report in order to establish need, however there is no evidence of WDC's due diligence in validating the accuracy of the report and /or the relevance of the established need.
- The WDC consultation does not consider as required the existing capacity of current sites within Warwickshire county and adjacent districts.
- The GTAA ignores the impact of the planned Transit site near Southam which has been agreed since completion of the GTAA
- According to the Government's planning policy framework, adjacent DCs are required to collaborate, and yet Warwick DC and Stratford DC are very much out of phase with their consultations so logically they cannot collaborate. Further there is no evidence that WDC has collaborated or discussed with Stratford DC other than a reported "10 minute long but un-minuted meeting" or with Rugby DC
- there is no evidence in WDC's consultation report that as required by NPFF and CLG , that WDC have weighed up the cost to council of Compulsory purchase vs development of underutilised brownfield sites including those that the council already own.
. - The WDC proposals will provide for more accommodation than there are G&T residents within WDC boundary the vast majority of whom already live in houses so the requirement is clearly seriously over-stated
* There is clear evidence via Hansard that MP's now want a fair planning policy that should result in the abolition of the G&T planning requirement
* There has been little (and passive) publicity of the Consultation process and key milestones. Had it not been for the local Community group I would not have known about it - it feels and looks like this is a deliberate underhanded approach.
Specific to Site GT04:
- The site does not meet the fundamental planning criteria laid out in the NPPF, guidance from Department of Communities and Local Government and WDC's own consultation documents for Gypsy & Traveller sites. GT04 does not comply with planning policy whereby sites should provide access to nearby services and quality of life. Specifically:-
- Accessibility to shops and local services: GT04 does not meet national planning framework guidelines recommended 5-10mins walk on a pavement.
-Proximity to local community: GT04 does not meet the national planning framework guidelines recommendation for sites to be on community periphery to encourage integration.
-Establishing 5-10 pitches at GT04 would be disproportionate to the local community (8 residential properties, with 16 adults and 4 children). This is contradictory to national planning framework guidelines recommendations.
- GT04 does not meet national planning framework guidelines recommendations for accessibility to good local transport.
- GT04 does meet national planning framework guidelines recommendations for availability of good infrastructure (roads, pavement, street lighting, broadband, cellphone reception).The infrastructure at GT04 is poor and would require considerable investment to rectify. And this is an expense that WDC should not incur during times of cutbacks in public expenditure and services.

- The area is prone to flooding with Harbury Lane and surrounding fields are often under water.
In accordance with planning and building regs, GT04 would be unable to use soak away or runoff based drainage systems since the soil is clay based and will require connection to mains sewerage which does not exist in Harbury Lane.
-Planning policy for G&T requires schools / GP surgeries to be a 5-10 minute walk away, GT04 is at least a 45 minute walk away.
- The nearest GP surgery is three miles away
- that GP surgery is at capacity.
- The nearest primary, junior and senior schools are already at capacity.
- GT04 is located on Harbury Lane and Fosse Way cross roads that is a high risk travel route with high
volumes of traffic and an increasing number of accidents. Speed cameras and warning signs highlight this fact. Children will be at risk if allowed to stand on a busy road to wait for transport to school if indeed such transport exists
- According to aroma maps GT04 is within zone of aerial discharge from Barnwell Chicken farm. This raises serious environmental and health concerns, and was a primary reason that the potential G&T site at Barnwell farm was previously rejected. Simply -Barnwell chicken farm can smell awful and GT04 would not be a good place to live
GT04 is within 400m of the Harbury Lane Breakers yard, which generates noise and air pollution and which would make GT04 an unpleasant place to live but also an unhealthy one.
* The NPFF requires that the assessment of site suitability should be consistent with other planning requests. However I understand that other residential planning applications within 200m of GT04 have been recently rejected by council planning authorities, referencing rural policy on the grounds that the proposal would have an adverse "impact on the character of the area".
- the cost to create 5 to 10 permanent pitches ranges between £325k to £650k, using government's figures (£65k per pitch). In addition to this, G04 site may require relocation of Football club. There is no firm evidence that G&T can or will pay these sums of money and WDC have not suggested an alternative if G&T cannot or will not pay. GT04 should not be considered if there is not proof that G&T can and will buy and develop it
- GT04 is an area of good quality farmland fully utilised for livestock and arable farming.
- GT04 will lack of Integration into the landscape and would spoil the views from Chesterton Windmill, a 17th-century Grade I listed building and a striking landmark in South-East Warwickshire
- The proposed site will have an adverse visual impact from Harbury and The Fosse Way (Roman Road).
- If GT04 were to be developed, the use of a vehicle or public transport to shops and schools is a necessity and not considered eco-friendly.
- The site will have a detrimental impact on tourism and visitors to Warwickshire especially including Mallory Court Hotel and a consequential effect on local employment.
- The site will damage wildlife habitat.


Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64578

Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Andrew Instone

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Good site as everything is provided on the site

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64579

Derbyniwyd: 31/03/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Jennifer Instone

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Good site, has all facilities

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64586

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Antoinette Gordon

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Land owner willing to sell
Large area
Facilities reasonably accessible

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64590

Derbyniwyd: 06/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Christine Stanford

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

A gypsy site on this land will have a negative impact on landscape character
There is a chicken farm nearby which can create bad odours
Local doctors surgeries and schools are oversubscribed
Football club has been looking for an alternative site for a while without success

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64591

Derbyniwyd: 02/06/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Roy Standley

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The site can be screened and is previously developed land. It is a suitable size, is available and deliverable

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64597

Derbyniwyd: 06/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr John Hutchinson

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Fails to meet the majority of the above criteria. Specifically:

1. The site is approximately 30 minutes walk from any GP surgery, school, shop or community facility.
2. Site is very close to a major accident black spot - the Harbury Lane / Fosse Way intersection - pedestrian access from this site is dangerous.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64599

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Peter Hagan

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

1. Local amenities are already at capacity and schools would be unable to accommodate extra numbers.
2. This site is on a high risk travel route. The roads around the site are extremely busy and becoming more so. There are few if any bus stops. Walking and cycling would be dangerous as there are no footpaths. Children would be in real danger.
3. Site would have a devastating effect on mains sewarage and drainage in loca villages, costs of increasing capacity would be colossal.
Site is in a flood risk area, which would be incovenient and could lead to expensive legal claims.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64605

Derbyniwyd: 09/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Miss Thyrza Loveless

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Over stretch communities for GP surgeries, including Harbury and Bishop's Ithcington - they work together.
Over subscrived places for primary scjhools in local area, although there is a new one being built.
Busy main arterial road to industrial sites in Leamington - additional traffic more of a hazard.
Regular flooding on land and road although the flood maps say they do not flood.
Accidents occur at crossroads with Fosse Way, often due to excessive traffic.
Will the site be serviced by WDC? Will the site be required to be tidy and who will pay?

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64606

Derbyniwyd: 07/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Stuart Harrison

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Objects to the impact on visual amenity including the visibilty and character of the site and surrounding area.
Why is it such a good thing as everyone I have spoken to locally is totally against these plans?

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64608

Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Hadley Farms Ltd

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Proposed site is unsuitable because of impact on local community - schools and GP surgeries already full to capacity.
Harbury land traffic at peak times heavy and congested.
No pavements.
Access onto fosseway dangerous - see accident rate figures.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64609

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Pat Hearn

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

acces to this stie is off a very busy and well known accident route.
Traffic would increase on entry and egress. to the site, so exacerbating the above point.
There is nowhere in walking distance from the site for chidlren. They would need to be driven to a from school on a very dangerous crossroads. There is already a community based business on the site - this will obvioulsy have to go.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64610

Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014

Ymatebydd: J M Edwards

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

The site is on a busy main road - danger to children.
School and GP surgery in Harbury wouldn't sustain increase in population.
Area is subjet to flooding.
No shops or community facilties in walking distance.
No gas/electricity available.

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64611

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Mark Skelcher

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

d- There are doubts about the accuracy of the GTAA
the proposals will provide for more accommodation than is needed.
- Capacity in adjacent Districts has not bee considered
- The GTAA ignores the impact of the transit site at Southam
- The has been a failure to collaborate with Stratford DC or Rugby BC
- Sites have not be effectively assessed - in particular the impact of CPO
- The consultation process has not been well publicised.
- The site does not meet the criteria laid out in the NPPF or DC's own consultation document (accessibility to shops and local services; close to existing communities; access to public transport; availablity of infrastructure such as roads, pavements, lighting, broadband; access to GP surgeries - distance and capacity; access to and capacity of schools)
- It is disproportinate to the size of the loal community
- The area is prone to flooding.
- It is located on busy crossroads with safety risks.
- Odours from Barnwell Farm would be a problem, along with noise and pollution from the breakers yeard.
- It would impact on the character of the local area
- The site is not affordable - especially if the relocation of the football is required.
- It is good quality farmland.
- Its development would harm the landscape including the views from Chesterton Mill (Grade 1)
- Adverse visual impact from Fossway
- Impact on tourism including Mallory Court Hotel - and local employment
- Damage wildlife habitats

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64612

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr S Hill

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

- There are doubts about the accuracy of the GTAA
the proposals will provide for more accommodation than is needed.
- Capacity in adjacent Districts has not bee considered
The GTAA ignores the impact of the transit site at Southam
The has been a failure to collabporate with Stratford DC or Rugby BC
- Sites have not be effectively assessed - in particulalr the impact of CPO
- The consultation process has not been well publicised.
- The site does not meet the criteria laid out in the NPPF ot WDC's own consultation document (accessibility to shops and local services; close to existing communities; access to public transport; availablity of infrastructure such as roads, pavements, lighting, broadband; access to GP surgeries - distance and capacity; access to and capacity of schools
- It is disproportinate to the size of the lcal community
- The area is prone to flooding.
- It is located on busy crossroads with safety risks.
- Odours from Barnwell Farm would be a problem, along with noise and pollutuon from the breakers yeard.
- It would impact on the character of the local area
- The site is not affordable - especially if te relocation of the football is required.
- It is good quality farmland.
- Its development would harm the landscape including the views from Chesterton Mill (Grade 1)
- Adverse visual impact from Fossway
- Impact on tourism including Mllory Court Hotel - and local employment
- Damage wildlife habitats

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64613

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Dr Anita Farrell

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

- There are doubts about the accuracy of the GTAA
the proposals will provide for more accommodation than is needed.
- Capacity in adjacent Districts has not bee considered
- The GTAA ignores the impact of the transit site at Southam
- The has been a failure to collaborate with Stratford DC or Rugby BC
- Sites have not be effectively assessed - in particular the impact of CPO
- The consultation process has not been well publicised.
- The site does not meet the criteria laid out in the NPPF or DC's own consultation document (accessibility to shops and local services; close to existing communities; access to public transport; availablity of infrastructure such as roads, pavements, lighting, broadband; access to GP surgeries - distance and capacity; access to and capacity of schools)
- It is disproportinate to the size of the loal community
- The area is prone to flooding.
- It is located on busy crossroads with safety risks.
- Odours from Barnwell Farm would be a problem, along with noise and pollution from the breakers yeard.
- It would impact on the character of the local area
- The site is not affordable - especially if the relocation of the football is required.
- It is good quality farmland.
- Its development would harm the landscape including the views from Chesterton Mill (Grade 1)
- Adverse visual impact from Fossway
- Impact on tourism including Mallory Court Hotel - and local employment
- Damage wildlife habitats

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64615

Derbyniwyd: 08/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Mr Michael Nunn

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

This site has poor vehicular access
It would impact on the green belt
There could be impacts on cumulations of waste
Local schools are at capacity

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64616

Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014

Ymatebydd: Mrs Sheila Carr

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Impact on neighbouring properties
the site has flooded in the past
The site is on a busy road at an accident blackspot
The Local GP surgeries would be overwhelmed
The is additional housing proposed for the area which combined with this proposal would make it hard for local schools to cope

Testun llawn:

see attached



Preferred Options for Sites

ID sylw: 64618

Derbyniwyd: 29/04/2014

Ymatebydd: Dr Fiona Carver

Crynodeb o'r Gynrychiolaeth:

Object to this site for the following reasons:
Impact on infrastructure in nearby villages
Increased traffic
Impact on ecology and the environment
Impact on green belt.

Testun llawn:

see attached
