PO11: Historic Environment
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48720
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Dr R K Morris
To achieve this it is essential that WDC maintains proper funding for professional expert advice in conservation, planning and archaeology: either through their own properly qualified staff or through subsidies to local bodies providing such services for the district (eg WCC).
Document scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48741
Derbyniwyd: 18/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jamna Woods
Development on the proposed scale will impact on the historic environment.
Residents are proud of the historic nature of the village specially the conservation area.
There are a number of listed and historic buildings and landmarks which need to be sympathetically maintained.
Remove Norton Lindsey from the list.
Document scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48759
Derbyniwyd: 19/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr. Paul Hodge
I object specifically to the development West of Europa Way. It was designated an area of restraint when building work on the Technology Park took place. The notion that the Myton area will be some sort of 'garden suburb' seems to be nonsense when you look at the number of buildings proposed and the impact of the environment.
I wish to respond to the Local Plan Preferred Options Summary. The paragraphs listed refer to the booklet, although I have read the full version.
PO1 Level of Growth
It is my understanding that during the last 12 years Warwick has undergone a large increase in population, indeed 12% since 2000, which is approximately twice the rate of increase for Warwickshire and twice the national average, and indeed three times the increase for the West Midlands. I would therefore strongly question the need for this level of growth and object to it.
PO3 Broad Location of Growth and PO 14 Transport
I object to the urban fringe development of sites 2 and 3. As no doubt you are aware Warwick has geographical limitations because of the river and the historical centre. Traffic from the Myton Road area is funnelled onto the Banbury Road Bridge and through the constricted town centre. The Preferred Options would necessitate that perhaps an extra thousand cars per day would need to cross Warwick in order to reach the A46. I foresee massive irresolvable problems with traffic by increasing the number of cars on roads which cannot be improved or widened. I have included photos from the past few weeks of occasions where traffic was excessive on the road (dated), and parking at Leamington train station was at capacity when I had arrived.
As a commuter, and resident in Warwick for the past 14 years, I have been shocked at the huge increase in traffic volume over that time period. The vast majority of new residents in the proposed new dwellings would also commute, since there are not 3000 new jobs in Warwick to sustain that influx, so will add intolerable and irresolvable strain on the saturated road networks in Leamington and Warwick at peak times. Therefore new dwellings need to be situated not in the central Myton area, but included in villages and developments such as Hatton Park where the transport networks will easily expand and support increased volume of cars and train commuters, without funnelling those increased traffic through the heart of Warwick town.
If new employment is being created in Coventry and Gaydon, the sustainable planning option would be to build dwellings there. Alternatively, local villages where there are good transport links and the potential to improve road access should be developed, rather than the urban fringe development of Warwick. Hatton Park has a station and easy access to the A46 and Barford has immediate access to the M40 and A46. Greenbelt should be acquired to support this growth as opposed to compromising the transport infrastructure, water and drainage utilities, and the unique historic character of the town.
PO11 Historic Environment PO15 Green Infrastructure
I object specifically to the development of zone 2, the area west of Europa Way. It was designated an area of restraint when building work on the Technology Park took place. The notion that the Myton area will be some sort of 'garden suburb' seems to be nonsense when you look at the number of buildings proposed and the impact on the environment. Rather, Warwick is currently a green suburb and as such our green spaces should be protected.
PO12 Climate Change
Warwick town centre road network is in breach of Nitrogen Dioxide levels. This problem has been in existence long before the Preferred Options have been set out (Warwick District Air Quality Action Plan 2008), and remains in breach of these regulations in May 2012. During the period of expansion and urban development that Warwick has already endured from 2000 to date, air quality has deteriorated further and the area of air quality in breach of regulations expanded to now encompass the entire town centre. Areas that have not endured the sustained development rates of Warwick do not show the same extent or progressive degradation of air quality. I object to the increased public health risk which adding more cars to the centre of Warwick at peak times will certainly contribute to.
I conclude by quoting your statement 'Your Views Matter'. I remember that approximately 3 years ago the Council received a large number of objections to plans which were very similar, and there was an enormous number of objections received about development zone 2. The current preferred options are a rehash of those previously rejected by the majority of south Warwick residents.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48776
Derbyniwyd: 06/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Peter and Philippa Wilson
Nifer y bobl: 2
I am saddened at the failure to ensure that the site of the Leper hospital in Warwick is protected and restored.
Document scanned
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48822
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Warwickshire County Council - Environment & Economy Directorate
Support direction in safeguarding and enjoyment of natural and historic environment together with district's rich heritage and visitor economy.
Section 4 - Would welcome specific reference to interdependency between district's tourist offer and safeguarding of natural and historic environment, and provision of heritage and cultural activities and venues.
Section 7 - Welcome reference to need to maintain and develop heritage and cultural infrastructure to support needs of new residents and new communities in developing sense of identity and social cohesion.
Section 10 - tourism and quality of built and natural environment are linked, therefore, contribution of high quality of environment should be specifically stated in policy to maintain role of towns as visitor destinations.
Section 17 - Introductory list of cultural venues should include museums and archives. Paragraph on "Seeking contributions" should include heritage and cultural facilities; as communities grow, cultural infrastructure and activities programme needs opportunity and financial framework to grow accordingly.
Welcome acknowledgement given to importance of historic environment in para. 11.1. However, archaeology and historic environment in some cases should be joined up.
Document refers to 'built and natural environment', (e.g. para. 4.11.7, 4.12.14, 10.4, 10.6, 11.2). 'historic areas' or protection of 'historic assets'; terms appear to be used interchangeably. Recommend that references to 'built and natural environment' throughout document be re-worded to reflect that historic environment made up of wide range of different types of heritage assets (including archaeological features, historic landscapes etc), rather than just historic structures.
Para. 11.1 describes historic environment in terms of statutory protected, designated sites, such as Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments etc, and locally important historic assets. There are also a number of archaeological sites across the District that are of national or regional significance but may be undesignated and local plan should recognise this.
Several instances where references to protection of historic structures (such as the references in PO11 to submission of nationally important historic assets for listing, and bringing back of Listed buildings into use), could be expanded to take into account other, non-built, heritage assets. For example, PO11 could be expanded to include the putting forward of nationally important archaeological sites for protection as Scheduled Monuments, not just historic structures for listing.
Further clarification is needed in PO11 by "support the understanding of the significance of Heritage Assets, by: There should be provision for appropriate research for all applications relating to the historic environment".
Further clarification needed about reference to Planning Authority undertaking research for all applications relating to historic environment, or reference to requiring any planning applications relating to historic environment to be accompanied by appropriate assessment of likely impact proposal will have upon historic environment, as per para. 128, of NPPF. Recommend re-wording of this section of the document and assistance from County's specialists can be provided.
Further clarification needed about term 'locally designated historic assets' in PO11. Not clear whether this is referring solely to designated historic assets such as those included on 'Local Lists', or whether this is also referring to historic assets recorded on Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (HER).
Recommend reference made to appropriately considering (and protecting if appropriate) all heritage assets as part of planning process, whether designated or not, and reference also made to heritage assets recorded on Warwickshire HER. Also recommend this policy acknowledge that there may be as yet unidentified heritage assets across District which may be worthy of conservation, and which may also require protecting during planning process.
Terms 'heritage assets' and 'historic assets' used interchangeably throughout document. Recommend term 'heritage assets' be used in preference to 'historic assets' as this is term used throughout NPPF and other policy documents.
Support reference in PO11 to use of Article 4 directions to help protect historic environment.
PO11 proposes protecting historic through submission of nationally important historic assets for listing. Not all heritage assets of national importance are listable, some may be better protected by being statutorily protected as Scheduled Monuments or included on English Heritage 'Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England'. This policy should reflect this.
Suggest indirect impacts of development on heritage assets should also be added to criteria based policy, for example, impact that proposed development may have upon setting of heritage asset which may be outside the planning application site. Whilst there is reference to setting in para. 11.9, this is only referring to setting of Conservation Areas.
Chapter 11, Para. 11.6 should read 'putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation'
Also note intention to draw up Local Lists of heritage assets (PO11); Should be clear methodology for identification of appropriate sites on basis of HERs data Should acknowledge throughout Local Plan that open space can support conservation of historic environment as well as natural environment.
List of areas of historic or environmental importance in District should include reference to "41 Scheduled Monuments". Recommend reference be made to significant number of undesignated heritage assets within District which are recorded on the Warwickshire HER.
The County Council, under the Localism Act 2012, has a "duty to co-operate". The duty to co-operate requires councils to 'engage constructively, actively and on an on-going basis' on issues relevant to statutory plans. Therefore, we will assist in the plan making process and infrastructure planning on an on-going basis.
We welcome the vision and direction of the local plan to create sustainable communities and a quality environment for all those who live and work in the District.
As well as our statutory duties our view is also set out in the context of the County Council's vision contained in the "Going for Growth" paper approved in April 2012. The purpose of this paper was to identify how the County will embrace the coalition government's twin primary aims of reducing deficit and securing growth in this challenging period of public sector austerity. The "Going for Growth" paper sets out how we will assist in stimulating and influencing the business and economic environment (with the necessary educational, skill development and community ambitions) to deliver 'growth' for Warwickshire.
In respect of indicating support for any particular development Option: our view is that there should be a right balance of sites that support growth. Therefore, it is a matter for the District Council, to satisfy itself and strike the right balance, in respect of deliverability, viability and sustainability and supporting infrastructure required to deliver each option.
The planning issues and policies contained in the "Preferred Options of the Local Plan" will impact at differing levels on the County council's corporate responsibilities, particularly economic, transport, support for the elderly and extra care housing, library services public health, gypsies and travellers and education. The Director of Public Health has already responded directly to you on the consultation and evidence.
The key values contained in the "Going for Growth" paper are stated below in emboldened text and their implications for planning and landuse policy is explained in the embolden text below:
* Our social investment will contribute to a county where the will compare well to other British communities.
We will look for planning policies that support technological Infrastructure and in particular in rural areas. We will support the strategic employment sites of the strategy.
* With a sense of mutual ownership of public services (the Warwickshire Shareholder).
We will support positive planning policies that embed co-location of services with the voluntary sector, private sector providers and other public bodies.
* We will achieve a discernible reduction in inequalities in social, economic, health and well-being regardless of age disability or culture.
This applies to access to goods and services for local residents including adequate provision for gypsies and travellers.
Planning policies on extra housing and affordable is provided with the necessary long term supporting services. We will support proposals and policies for co-location of services.
* A vibrant economy will produce high quality job offers in Warwickshire, raising the skill levels in the overall workforce so that we are as productive and competitive as the best in the Country.
* Warwickshire will be a place which looks actively at the best practice from other places - international as well as national - to develop innovative and entrepreneurial solutions. Our economic well-being will be measured by international comparison not simply against "West Midlands" regional standards. Our urban town centres will punch above their weight when compared with similar sized English town centres and our rural infrastructure will be amongst the best in the Country.
We will support planning policies that support a competitive economy for inward investment.
Warwick and Stratford upon Avon are international destinations and make a significant contribution to the economy of the region and sub region.
Therefore, we will support planning policies that support and sustain the key town centres.
* Our growth plan will attract people to live and work in Warwickshire as a specific choice. There will be a strong brand image, underpinned by a recognition that this as one of the best places in the Country to live and work.
Our strategic policies contained in the Local Transport Plan and Growth strategies support the improvement and the provision of strategic infrastructure such as junction improvements to strategic highway network and provision of new railways stations.
* There will be a strong Health and Well-being ethos about the quality of lifestyle we are encouraging.....where the brand "Warwickshire" will be directly associated with a health-focussed lifestyle supported by the health infrastructure to match.
The National Planning Framework requires Local Plans to include policies for health and well-being. The County Council is also responsible for Public Health and we would seek overarching planning policies in the Local Plan that support health and well-being as part of new developments in the District.
We are committed to delivering the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for everyone, helping people to live Warwickshire.
Planning for health is important not only from a legislative perspective, but
also in relation to costs. Promoting healthy lifestyles, avoiding health impacts
and tackling health inequalities throughout the planning process could result
in major cost savings to society. There is significant evidence on the effect that spatial planning has on community health and well-being and spatial planning policies can address local health inequalities and social exclusion. Some local authorities have adopted planning policies to promote the health and well-being of residents through development management. The Local Plan can contribute to health and well-being in the following way:-
* The quality and opportunities of the local environment is a contributory factor in shaping health.
* Transport and traffic, access to public transport, lack of open space and where we shop for food are just a few examples of how the built environment influences our physical and mental health.
* Planning can positively affect the health of residents by shaping and influencing the layout and the open spaces in between developments and securing investment for the public realm.
* For example, planning policies can include; design requirements for housing layouts to encourage safe and pleasant walking short distances to amenities and services.
Developer obligations can be used to build infrastructure such as healthcare facilities, parks or cycling routes. There should be an overarching policy that promotes health and welling for communities in the District area. Spatial planning policies can promote and provide opportunities for healthier lifestyles.
It is against the above background that the comments are made to the specific questions. This letter contains an amalgamated response from various services. Whilst we have endeavoured to bring together as many responses as possible to assist you in the development of your Core Strategy, please be aware that there may be other services that may have comments to make at subsequent consultation periods as the process moves forward.
We wish to make detail comments on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan by mid-September. However, our general comments are set out below:
Comments in relation to adult social care and specialists housing needs.
Preferred Option 6 (PO6) Mixed Communities & Wide Choice of Homes
Para 7.5.3.
C. Homes for Older People should also include homes that include the needs of local older people, adults and children with disabilities and other local vulnerable people who need care and support. Therefore, this policy should include provision for; extra care housing and supported living accommodation suitable for adults/children with disabilities.
Para 7.5.8.
The Local Plan should provide clarity on the difference Use class C2 and C3 Usage Class. All too often we are seeing the C2 Usage Class applied to individual dwellings, which seem to become institutional if they are providing independent living solutions to vulnerable adults, e.g. McCarthy Stone development in Southbank Road, Kenilworth.
Extra care housing and use class C2 and C3
There is currently some uncertainty about the precise the definition of the different care market sub sectors, including that of 'Extra Care'. Extra Care may be defined as a scheme where occupiers have their own self-contained apartment or living space(s), and generally do not wish to live entirely by themselves without access to care, but do not require either, constant care. Such occupants would have the option of purchasing, as their needs require or are determined varying degrees of domiciliary care.
In terms of which use class order Extra Care falls within, its widely recognised definition, particularly regarding the varying degrees of care provided to residents, has led to debate over whether it comes under C2 Residential Institution or C3 Dwelling Houses.
The issue here is that care homes and extra care housing - both offer long term care solutions - but the preferred model (and this is the view of older people) is independent living (use class C3) with access to 24/7 care rather than admission to residential care (use classC2). We are seeing the market over providing ie residential care homes delivered ahead of extra care housing. If the number of residential care beds introduced to the market hits the predicted number of overall required care places (extra care housing and residential care), planners are likely to argue that there is little need for extra care if the residential care market has already delivered the required/reported numbers
Housing polices within the Local Plan should, therefore, clearly set the distinction between the class uses and also address how those needs will be met.
Demand for Extra Care housing
Based on the 2001 census Warwick District Council will need to provide 1197 units of extra care housing of which 299 should be "social rented" extra care housing. The latter figure should be form about 10-15% of the affordable housing numbers for the District.
Draft Infrastructure Plan
The first sentence could be re-written to read as "Adult Social Services are mainly concerned with adults and older people with physical and/or learning disabilities and/or mental health problems"
The last sentence should read as "Residential care accommodation is..."
May be better to refer to "older people and adults" rather than "...elderly and non-elderly people..."
This needs to reflect the current 50/50 service model promoted by the County Council, i.e. a model where 50% of people who would normally go into residential care are diverted into extra care housing.
The suggestion that "Housing accommodation...for people with learning or physical disabilities will be met as the need arises" needs to be clearer.
At present only a limited number of people with learning disabilities are afforded the opportunity to live independent and meaningful lives with choice and control over where and who they live with. Instead, many have their lives constrained by having to live in residential care where individual outcomes do not generally improve. With approx. 300 people with learning disabilities currently living in residential care in Warwickshire, the overall programme intention is to deliver no less than 200, 1 and 2-bedroomed apartments that are suitable for adults with learning disabilities, including an initial short term target of an average of 25 apartments per annum between 2011 and 2015 in line with the County Council's Transformation agenda.
There are about 227 people with learning disabilities in the Warwick District, some are living in extra care accommodation and the others with their main carer (this could be parents or partner). Some residents are living in "hard to let" properties and can be victims of abuse and hate crime. These specialists accommodation would provide suitable and safe accommodation for these vulnerable residents.
General comments:
The District Council needs to include both anecdotal and specific needs analyses from a range of partners, such as local GPs, CCG, NHS Warwickshire and WCC. All these partners directly support and commission services for vulnerable people with a range of health and social care requirements, and these factors need to be considered when looking at overall housing provision.
Development Management and the consideration of planning applications for Care homes.
It is the joint view of the South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group and the County Council as the Public Health and Adult social care providers that the District Council should consider bringing forward a Supplementary Planning Documents ( SPD) to secure the proper distribution of housing and the implications the potential residents have for supporting care and clinical services.
We are therefore request that a moratorium on C2 applications placed. We also recommend that there should be an introduction of a two-stage process to assess planning application on behalf, i.e. a preliminary panel at Pre-Application stage. This could be made up of WDC, WCC, CCG (inc. local GPs) and NHS to consider any specialised accommodation, particularly as the District continues to attract interest from private developers who are seeking to provide specialised accommodation clearly geared to attracting the private pound and/or an imported population. This has implications for both Health and Social Care as follows:
1. NHS Continuing Health Care budgets are being used to fund services for an imported population rather than local residents. These new (and expensive) care homes or housing developments provide an attractive solution to meeting the needs of the private funder, however, we are still seeing those who cannot afford these prices being moved away from their local communities to where services are available. There will also be a drain on local GP and Nursing resources as these new and sizeable care homes come on stream.
2. Extra Care Housing delivery is complex and continues to struggle when reaching planning and enabling stages as it becomes embroiled in local policies. Therefore there should be planning policy guidance to create the proper balance of C2 and C3 housing for the District.
Subject to the input from the "specialist care and clinical services" panel, a development proposal could then progress to formal application for planning consent.
Heritage and Culture matters
We support the District Councils Local Plan direction in safeguarding and enjoyment of our natural and historic environment together with the district's rich heritage and visitor economy. Our specific comments are:-
Section 4, we would welcome specific reference to the interdependency between the district's tourist offer and the safeguarding of its natural and historic environment, and the provision of heritage and cultural activities and venues.
Section 7, we welcome reference to the need to maintain and develop the heritage and cultural infrastructure to support the needs of new residents and to support new communities in developing a sense of identity and social cohesion.
Section 10 tourism and the quality of the built and natural environment are linked, therefore, the contribution of the high quality of the environment should be specifically stated in any policy to maintain the role of towns as visitor destinations.
Section 17, we feel that the introductory list of cultural venues should include museums and archives. The paragraph on "Seeking contributions" should include heritage and cultural facilities; as communities grow, the cultural infrastructure and activities programme needs the opportunity and financial framework to grow accordingly.
We welcome the acknowledgement given to the importance of the District's historic environment in para. 11.1. However, archaeology and the historic environment in some cases should be joined up.
The document refers to the 'built and natural environment', (e.g. para. 4.11.7, 4.12.14, 10.4, 10.6, 11.2). 'historic areas' or the protection of 'historic assets', these terms appear to be used interchangeably. We recommend that the references to 'built and natural environment' throughout the document be re-worded to reflect that the historic environment is made up of a wide range of different types of heritage assets (including archaeological features, historic landscapes etc), rather than just historic structures.
Para. 11.1 describes the historic environment in terms of statutory protected, designated sites, such as Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments etc, and locally important historic assets. There are also a number of archaeological sites across the District that are of national or regional significance but may be undesignated and the local plan should also recognise this
There are also several instances where references to the protection of historic structures (such as the references in PO11 to the submission of nationally important historic assets for listing, and the bringing back of Listed buildings into use), could be expanded to take into account other, non-built, heritage assets. For example, PO11 could be expanded to include the putting forward of nationally important archaeological sites for protection as Scheduled Monuments, not just historic structures for listing.
Further clarification is needed in PO11 by "support the understanding of the significance of Heritage Assets, by: There should be provision for appropriate research for all applications relating to the historic environment".
Further clarification is needed about the reference to the Planning Authority undertaking research for all applications relating to the historic environment, or reference to requiring any planning applications relating to the historic environment to be accompanied by an appropriate assessment of the likely impact that the proposal will have upon the historic environment, as per para. 128, of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We recommend the re-wording of this section of the document and assistance from the County's specialists can be provided.
Further clarification is needed about the term 'locally designated historic assets' in PO11. It is not clear whether this is referring solely to designated historic assets such as those included on 'Local Lists', or whether this is also referring to historic assets recorded on the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (HER). We would recommend that reference is made to appropriately considering (and protecting if appropriate) all heritage assets as part of the planning process, whether designated or not, and that reference also be made to heritage assets recorded on the Warwickshire HER. We would also recommend that this policy acknowledge that there may be as yet unidentified heritage assets across the District which may be worthy of conservation, and which may also require protecting during the planning process.
The terms 'heritage assets' and 'historic assets' are used interchangeably throughout the document. We would recommend that the term 'heritage assets' be used in preference to 'historic assets' as this is the term used throughout the NPPF and other policy documents.
We support the reference in PO11 to the use of Article 4 directions to help protect the historic environment.
PO11 proposes protecting the historic through the submission of nationally important historic assets for listing. Not all heritage assets of national importance are listable, some may be better protected by being statutorily protected as Scheduled Monuments or included on the English Heritage 'Register of Historic Parks and Gardens of special historic interest in England'. This policy should reflect this.
We also suggest that indirect impacts of development on heritage assets should also be added to any criteria based policy, for example, the impact that a proposed development may have upon the setting of a heritage asset which may be outside of the planning application site. Whilst there is reference to setting in para. 11.9, this is only referring to the setting of Conservation Areas.
Chapter 11, Para. 11.6 should read 'putting them to viable uses consistent with their conservation'
We also note the intention to draw up Local Lists of heritage assets (PO11); There should be clear methodology for identification of appropriate sites on the basis of our Historic Environment Records data. There should be acknowledgement throughout the Local Plan that open space can support conservation of the historic environment as well as the natural environment.
The list of areas of historic or environmental importance in the District should include reference to "41 Scheduled Monuments". We would also recommend that reference be made to the significant number of undesignated heritage assets within the District which are recorded on the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record.
We welcome that Chapter 15: Green Infrastructure makes reference to the Warwickshire Historic Environment Record (including the Historic Landscape Characterisation and Historic Farmsteads studies) (para. 15.21), however, it is disappointing that no reference is made to these within chapter 11, which specifically deals with the Historic Environment. It should be noted that whilst para. 15.21 states that the District Council has the Historic Environment Record
Proposed development sites
The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (which has informed the choice of preferred development sites included in the proposed Local Plan) should also assessed the impact that the proposed development of these sites could have upon the historic environment.
Whilst the assessment has identified statutorily protected sites on and within the vicinity of the potential development sites, however these have not considered a number of known un-designated heritage assets which the Council may also wish to consider. . These undesignated, heritage assets are of national significance and worthy of conservation. The assessment should also consider the historic landscape character of these areas.
In addition, as noted in our previous responses to the earlier Options paper of July 2008 and the 2009 "Proposed Submission Core Strategy" consultation, there will also be archaeological sites as yet undiscovered which will not be recorded on the HER, and even in areas where no archaeology has been recorded, evaluation may be required to confirm the presence/absence of remains. Consultation on a site by site basis will remain the best means of identifying archaeologically sensitive areas on the basis of current knowledge, as well as areas where archaeological potential will need to be assessed through more detailed work.
Since the individual allocations will need to take account of the impact upon historic environment we recommend that further work be undertaken to identify the issues in respect of the historic environment.
The selection criteria for the major development sites should also include for a thorough consideration of Historic Environment, and proper appraisal is undertaken and allowance made where necessary for preservation of sites of national Importance (in the sense of the 1979 Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act and the National Planning Policy Framework). We perhaps need a separate meetings to work on a systematic assessment of potential sites being put forward.
Tourism policy - general comments
We support the tourism policy of the Local Plan. Tourism is a significant sector of the overall economy within Warwick District and is recognised as a strategic priority within WDC's emerging Economic Development and Regeneration Strategy, it is recommended that Local Plan polices. Therefore, the District Council should also consider to referencing tourism as part of policy no P0 8 Economy and vica versa.
PO 8 Economy
We support the preparation of the Economic Development and Regeneration Strategy to provide a clear direction for growing and sustaining the economic position of the District Council area.
PO 17 Culture & Tourism
Rural broadband policies and policies for Culture and tourism should be cross referenced to promote the quality of the offer in the District.
It is therefore recommended that an introductory statement along the lines of Weston-Super-Mare might be more suitable:
"The Council will work with partners to support the development and retention of new and existing tourism facilities, for both business and leisure markets and promote their sustainable expansion across the District, whilst maximising their co-locational and cumulative benefits to:
* assist in regenerating our town centres by supporting growth of their retail, evening and night time economies by offering facilities and functions that could encourage spending within the wider areas;
* assist with development of green infrastructure corridors linking destinations and attractions for the benefit of both residents and visitors;
* improve the range, quality and distinctiveness of the District's tourism destination;
* provide high quality hotels and serviced and non-serviced accommodation formats and conferencing facilities;
promote the image and reputation of the District to attract visitors and secure investment."
Town centre tourist accommodation
We support the "town centre first" sequential approach for the further hotel accommodation. To support this and as an alternative, it is recommended that the Council consider the following policy wording:
Within the existing urban settlements of Warwick, Kenilworth and Leamington Spa, proposals that would result in the change of use hotels and tourist accommodation will be permitted unless:
* the proposed use or uses would reduce the overall capacity and attractiveness of Warwick, Kenilworth and Leamington Spa as tourism hubs and result in the loss of an otherwise viable hotel or tourist facility which would consequently harm the provision of tourist accommodation;
* the proposed use or uses would be incompatible with the surrounding area and businesses and would harm the character of the town centre;
* there would be no clear, additional benefits from the proposal in terms of improving the character of the area, the vitality and viability of the town centre and the economic and, cultural and environmental impact on the town as a whole.
Applicants seeking change of use away from existing hotel or tourist accommodation use will need to submit detailed evidence relating to the viability of the business and details of how the business has been marketed.
Rural accommodation
We support tourism in rural areas and we recommend that the Local Plan should have a specific policy to address expansion and re-development of existing tourism accommodation and tourism facilities within the Green Belt.
Accommodation not in permanent buildings
The District Council may wish to consider an additional policy to cover accommodation not in permanent buildings (i.e. camping, caravan and chalet parks). This type of accommodation can be damaging to the character of landscapes, and in rural areas the added light pollution can be intrusive. It is recommended that small scale developments should be supported in areas of open countryside or next to small settlements provided they are not prominent in the landscape and have high quality landscaping. The policy may choose to exclude locations in sensitive landscapes and areas prone to flooding.
Ecological & Geological
We welcome and support the strategic direction outlined in the Preferred Options document in relation to the Natural Environment and would like to make the following suggestions:
4. Spatial Portrait, Issues and Objectives
4.7 - Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation are now referred to Local Wildlife Sites. It is suggested that Local Geological Sites are also listed. You may wish also to consider using the Habitat Biodiversity Audit and the State of Biodiversity Report to provide a Spatial Portrait of the District's Biodiversity.
4.8 - You may wish to add climate change as a pressure in bullet point 9
7. Housing
7.5 - You may wish to add within the important issues a reference to the natural environment such as "Maintain access to the natural environment in both urban and rural settings to reap social, economic and well-being benefits".
PO4 Distribution of Sites for Housing: (A) Allocated Sites - we are aware of the habitat evidence submitted for the previous work on the local plan, but would suggest that a new model has been produced to measure Habitat Distinctiveness and Connectivity throughout Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull. This approach is placed at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework as a way to indicate 'sensitivity' of habitats within potential allocated sites and how the site acts within the ecological corridors. We would recommend that this approach is investigated as partners to the Habitat Biodiversity Audit with the knowledge that the habitat data is current and sound.
PO4 Distribution of Sites for Housing: (C) Development of Brownfield Sites - we welcome the comment relating the development having 'no serious impact on the amenity and environment of their surroundings'. However, brownfield sites can be e very important ecological sites in their own right so suggest that this aspect is noted in the future policy.
8. Economy
There is no reference to the relationship between a healthy environment and the economy. It is suggested that this link is made in the introduction to add weight and substance to subsequent paragraphs within the policy such as 8.15. For example a statement could be, "There are proven links between the natural environment and economics (National Ecosystem Assessment, 2010) through an Ecosystem Services approach. It is essential that these links are maintained and enhanced through both the placement and setting of commercial activities coupled with the retention of agricultural and silvicultural practices." Further pictorial reference to explain Ecosystems Service can be found in the National Ecosystem Assessment documentation.
9. Built Environment
We support the 'Sustainable Garden towns, suburbs and village' design guide as well as the Relevant Issues and Strategic Objectives.
10. Climate Change
It is recommended that more be added in relation to Climate Change Adaptation within the introduction to support the last bullet within the box titled PO12 Climate Change.
12.25 - 12.26 These paragraphs outline the impacts and issues relating to Climate Change Adaptation, however, it is felt that this topic could be expanded upon within future documents, e.g. an addition Supplementary Planning Document or equivalent. This additional document could promote green roofs, green walls and other ways to promote urban cooling etc. WCC Ecological Services is able to signpost you to a couple of other Local Authority documentation on this topic.
11. Transport
It is recommended that reference be made to the Natural Environment White Paper (2011) and the importance of transport networks and ecological connectivity assets.
12. Green Infrastructure
In our opinion we suggest that this chapter is well balanced and support its approach. It is suggested that additional references to Ecosystem Services, the Warwickshire Biological Record Centre and the importance of using up-to-date ecological and geological / geomorphological data is used is the assessment of development proposals. These should be added to the future policy and the Ecological Services are able to assist you with this advice, subject to resources.
By the time the future policy is formed the Sub-regional Green Infrastructure Strategy will have been produced for consultation and can be more fully referenced as a mechanism to deliver your objectives outlined in this chapter.
18. Flooding and Water
In relation to ecology it is recommended that there is future referenced to the safeguarding or promotion of natural flood alleviation areas at strategic sites within the district as short, medium and long term aspirations to assist with flood risk measure. We are aware that this may form part of the Catchment Flood Risk Management Plan (18.9) or fall within the Sustainable Urban Drainage Approving Body's remit, but would suggest that these strategic potentials should be particularly noted within the future policy. These sites could then be potential delivered through the biodiversity offsetting metrics (15.16).
It is also recommended that a further discussion be held regarding the assessment of allocated sites using latest modelling of habitat data.
Comments regarding minerals safeguarding
Para. 143 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires that in preparing Local Plans, local planning authorities should define Minerals Safeguarding Areas and adopt appropriate policies in order that known locations of specific mineral resources of local and national importance are not needlessly sterilised by non-mineral development, whilst not creating a presumption that resources defined will be worked; and define Minerals Consultation Areas based on these Minerals Safeguard Areas.
The British Geological Survey's 'Guide to Minerals Safeguarding in England' (October 2007) provides the following advice:
"A district DPD could include policies that set out the general approach the district will take when determining proposals for non minerals development within or close to MSAs or existing mineral workings. Such policies should acknowledge the procedures for consulting the MPA on the existence and extent of mineral resources present and considering the case for prior extraction of mineral where appropriate."
In June 2009, the British Geological Survey (BGS) completed a piece of work to delineate Warwickshire County Council's Mineral Safeguarding Areas (MSAs)/Minerals Consultation Areas (MCAs). The BGS identified the extent of individual mineral resources in Warwickshire and these, in turn, were used to develop safeguard areas for each mineral. WCC would suggest that these MSAs/MCAs are either identified on WDC proposals maps and/or a link is provided in the Local Plan to Warwickshire's Minerals Safeguarding webpages. This will help to ensure that minerals implications are taken into account as part of decision making for District planning applications.
We would request that where certain applications may potentially sterilise minerals deposits within an MSA, the District Council consults the County Council. If the County Council concludes that minerals reserves may be sterilised, the applicant may be required to submit a Minerals Survey to establish whether the reserve is economically viable. In some cases, the County Council may insist that prior extraction of the minerals is undertaken prior to the non-mineral development being carried out. It is considered that the inclusion of this procedural information will improve the effectiveness and deliverability of the policy.
In assessing the Preferred Options, it is noted that there appear to be sand and gravel deposits under the 'Whitnash East', 'West of Europa Way' and 'South of Gallows Hill' sites - see attached map (appendix A). It would be beneficial if a minerals survey was undertaken by the developer to determine the quality and depth of the resource and to establish the feasibility of prior extraction.
Policies for the development of major residential development sites should include waste management issues as part of the overall design of larger residential/retail developments. For example, provision for waste recycling/composting on site will ensure that waste is managed in accordance with the principles of proximity, self-sufficiency and the Waste Hierarchy. Furthermore, there is a need to provide adequate waste facilities for flats and apartments - see WRAP's 'Good Practice Guidance - recycling for flats' WRAP, available at
It should also be noted that policy CS8 of the Warwickshire Waste Core Strategy (due for Submission in September 2012) seeks to safeguard existing waste management sites. At this stage, it is considered that none of the preferred option sites are likely to prevent or unreasonably restrict any waste sites. However, if necessary the Council may object to other proposals which may sterilise important waste facilities (e.g. those delivering significant waste management capacity to meet the County's landfill diversion targets). To prevent this, WCC intends to supply each District/Borough Council with its latest waste site information, possibly in GIS format, so that the County Council can be consulted on any proposals within reasonable proximity (e.g. 250m) of existing waste management facilities.
Customer Services/One Front Door/services that support communities and families.
The County Council is open to co-location, co-access, and co-servicing of support services including support for the elderly, vulnerable adults, and families , however, these services should be located or are accessible to communities they serve. Further for new development these key services should evolve with the phasing for large developments. One solution could be providing lay-bys with " electric hook up points" for mobile services (including a mobile shops) this would build up sufficient demand before most of the dwellings are built. Consequently, make communities and developments sustainable.
Transport and Planning matters
The key transport strategies are contained in Warwickshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2016. The County Council is already working with the District Council to assess the transport impacts of various development scenarios as part of our Strategic Transport Assessment work and will be responding directly on this and other relevant transport matters. The key matters are access and sustainability of the pattern of development for homes and jobs.
We support the direction and economic strategy of the Local Plan and we need to undertake further work on some key matters ie transport, archaeology and ecology matters.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48848
Derbyniwyd: 26/07/2012
Ymatebydd: John Brightley
See attachment
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48894
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Perry
It is important to presere conversation areas, buildings, paths, orchards, medieval ridge and furrow fields and historic hill top setting of Norton Lindsey.
Document scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48910
Derbyniwyd: 19/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Royal Leamington Spa Town Council
Welcome the intention to protect the historic environment and would be pleased to work with the District Council in listing the historic assets, and reviewing the Conservation Area. We are pleased to note the District Council's encouragement of regeneration of appropriate sites within the historic environment. We strongly affirm that the historical integrity of the area is threatened by sex entertainment establishments and oppose any such establishment, which we see as an inappropriate development. The Town Council supports the Blue Plaque scheme, and the Guild of Guides Walks.
The Town Council of Royal Leamington Spa broadly welcomes the Plan, and below gives a more detailed response on particular items of the Plan. We expect to incorporate our vision for Leamington Spa into a Plan for the Town in due course.
Delivering Growth (PO1 & PO3)
We welcome the broad location of growth. We agree that an annual average increase of 600 new homes for the next 20 years is a reasonable and fair target. Many of the Wards in the Town are already densely populated, and we note that the Plan anticipates some growth in these areas.
Affordable housing (PO5)
We approve the requirement that 40% of new homes on developments of 10 or more dwellings, and 5 or more dwellings in the rural areas, should be affordable housing.
Mixed communities (PO6)
We approve the option for a mix of housing, and note that strategic sites will include Extra Care Housing. We believe in a balanced and mixed population and welcome families and single people in all our Wards.
Whilst the Town Council is proud of the diverse population in Leamington, we would request the District Council introduce a policy to restrict the number and density of Student Houses and Houses in Multiple Occupation to ensure that they do not adversely impact on the character of neighbourhoods to the detriment of family households. The Town Council requests close involvement in the input into the policy on mixed communities.
We would also welcome developments that demonstrate a more imaginative provision for students, that are not simply converting existing family housing.
Economy (PO8)
We welcome the proposals to ensure a wide range of employment. We particularly support the regeneration and enhancement of existing employment areas.
The Town Council believes that the Local Plan needs to encourage the continuing growth of the already successful Computer Games industry and the further development of Silicon Spa as the primary UK centre of excellence for the industry. The Local Plan also needs to support further growth in the innovative automotive industry much of which is based in the District or on the edge of the District as this is likely to provide future employment in the Leamington and Warwick conurbation.
Retailing and Town Centres (PO9)
We welcome the support for Town Centre retailing and a Town Centre first message. We believe that the `Town' includes the whole town, and that developments should be considered in the area south of Regent Street, in the Parade and in Old Town.
The Town Council believes that we should promote and support Fair Trade initiatives.
We are committed to strategies that promote the town for retail provision, leisure, entertainment and eating establishments. We can promote our parks and green spaces as important attributes of the Town Centre.
However, we see that `shopping' also includes local shops. The Town Council would prefer there to be a policy on where supermarkets should be located, and that local communities should be consulted about any new proposals for supermarket development.
Historic Environment (PO11)
We welcome the intention to protect the historic environment. We see that this includes the historic areas of the Old Town, and would be pleased to work with the District Council in listing the historic assets, and reviewing the Conservation Area. We are pleased to note the District Council's encouragement of regeneration of appropriate sites within the historic environment. We strongly affirm that the historical integrity of the area is threatened by sex entertainment establishments and oppose any such establishment, which we see as an inappropriate development.
The Town Council supports the Blue Plaque scheme, and the Guild of Guides Walks.
Climate Change (PO12)
As a Transition Town, the Town Council welcomes the intention to include a policy on climate change.
Transport (PO14)
We support the option to minimise the need to travel, and to promote sustainable forms of transport. In addition to the proposals in the Plan, we believe that a higher priority should be given to cycle provision, and to ensuring that all new developments encourage ease of access by bicycles between areas of the District. This includes cycle lanes and provision to park cycles.
Residents should also be encouraged to travel by bus for work and leisure with the encouragement of more quality bus routes into and across Leamington.
Encourage the co-ordination of different forms of transport to encourage more residents to travel by foot, bus, train and bicycle.
Green Infrastructure (PO15)
We welcome the intention to protect and enhance the assets as identified in the Plan. We are pleased to see the introduction of "Green Wedges" as an alternative to areas of restraint.
We would also be in favour of consideration of a policy that considers garden preservation. We support greener neighbourhoods through our tree planting scheme, and through our support of Allotment Societies.
Culture and Tourism (PO17)
We support the intention to develop this appropriately and would welcome opportunities to share ideas on promoting the cultural facilities of Leamington. We believe there is scope for improving the visual impact for visitors to Leamington who arrive by rail or canal.
We are proud of the assets of the Town and are committed to maintaining them as welcoming and friendly venues for residents and visitors.
Evening Economy
The Town Council is concerned that the District Council's Policy on the Evening Economy has not yet been completed and so is not available for consultation. The evening economy is important to Leamington, but unless it is carefully considered it can produce public dangers, so it is important to the Town that there is a well-considered policy in place that takes account of the needs of residents, visitors, the businesses and public safety.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48951
Derbyniwyd: 15/10/2012
Ymatebydd: Laura Bates
Grade II listed house and nearby ancient woodland and roman site been taken into account with the Thickthorn site? Other proposed sites seem to have been given more credence than they deserve.
I wish to register my views regarding the WDC Local Plan - helping shape the district - Preferred Options in relation to Kenilworth.
PO1 - I feel Kenilworth is unsuitable for an increase in housing without a considerable amount of extra funds being found. Both medical centres are stretched and schools full.
PO3 - The preferred site for new housing and commercial development would be I believe on unsuitable green belt land. Acient woodland, trees with preservation orders, the noise from the nearby A46 and local road congestion.
PO4 - I fail to see the point of including commercial premises within the Thickthorn plan when the town was unable to get any interest in the empty site on the junction of Common Lane and Dalehouse Lane and it was made into housing.
PO7 - Kenilworth suffers from gypsies and travellers meetings and horse fairs at lease three times a year. The event is held on part of the proposed Thickthorn site. Chaos reins. The nearest pub to the gathering quite often has to close. I understand there is petty crime. The most police you will see in a year in the town appear. Normally there is a lack of police presence and there is no longer a police station in the town. I feel it would be hard to attract anything/one to come to Kenilworth if such a realatively small town had to accommodate such a site.
PO8 - See PO4.
PO10 - Let us hope that the proposed Thickthorn site does not consist of a large number of three story dwelling which would be totally out of keeping with the rest of the houses in the vicinity.
PO11 - Has the Grade II listed house and nearby ancient woodland and roman site been taken into account with the Thickthorn site? Other proposed sites seem to have been given more credence than they deserve. (Can you really see Kenilworth Castle from the proposed Rouncil Lane site?).
PO14 - I would suggest that building houses and commercial buildings on the Thickthorn site will greatly increase congestion in Kenilworth and on to Leamington. I would be interested in what plans could possibly improve situation which developes even before the traffic lights on the Warwick Road at Sainsburys. You can alter the island at the Jet filling station, widen the top of Birches Lane and alter the A46 island but whether you put a road out of the new development into Birches Lane or out on to the A452 Leamington Road it still doesn't alter the fact that there will be 770 new homes a good percentage of which will have cars who will be joining these roads.
PO16 - I feel strongly that it is wrong for WDC to alter greenbelt boundaries.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 48993
Derbyniwyd: 16/10/2012
Ymatebydd: Friends of the Earth
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49203
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Steve Tebby
Review of conservation areas should be done in discussions with elected representatives, residents and voters under the framework of the Localism Act.
Parts of the existing Local Plan should be carried over - see change to Plan
I am quite taken aback by WDC's statement in Para 2.1 of the Local Plan Preferred Options. WDC states that the Council's vision for the Warwick District .... "is to make Warwick District a Great Place to Live, Work and Visit."
There are and have been a great many local people who belong to respected societies, who range from all political persuasions (or none) or who are just hard working individuals who have made this locality what it is today - a really good place to live, work and visit. WDC can continue the work in this vein and I hope it does, but it would be more fitting in a document of this kind for WDC to acknowledge the dedication and effort to date of such people and not to give the impression that our District is not at this moment something other than a really good place to live, work and visit.
WDC please restructure this paragraph.
1. Quoting from the LOCALPLAN: "Introduction:
"Our approach can be summarized as one which:
"Plans positively for growth and meets the District's housing need by allocating areas of land for new mixed developments.
"Supports the future vitality and sustainability of villages by including development sites in or adjacent to some villages and relaxing some of the current restrictions on development in villages." End of Quote.
Comment: Yes, but WDC doesn't mention the Localism Act. If WDC has Preferred Options then by law I understand that it now has to obtain buy-in from elected representatives, residents and voters.
PO4 ...Quote: "The Council will work with developers...."
Comment: Under the Localism Act, the council, the elected representatives, the residents and the voters will all work with the developers if that is the consensus between the council, the elected representatives, residents and voters. This must mean no more "behind closed door" meetings or secrecy.
PO9...Start of quote: "Our Preferred Option is to incorporate retail and town centre policies to:
** Apply the 'town centres first' message at the heart of Government retail policy advice that will be central to promoting the vitality and viability of the district's town centres. Town centres will be the focus for retail development and the Council will plan positively for their growth and development in accordance with their particular role within the network of town and local centres;
Support the addition of a major retail -led development scheme in Leamington Town Centre, in accordance with the identified need/evidence within the retail study" End of quote.
Comment: WDC may still support this, but after discussion with residents and voters, district councillors decided not to support Application W10/0340 re Clarendon Arcade. The legitimate planning reasons for refusing the Application, given in a written statement to the Applicants, are clear and on record. This was before the Localism Act became law. WDC must observe that any decision taken from now on is to be as a result of a consensus between themselves, the elected representatives, the residents and the voters. Furthermore, should any rivaling scheme, however small or diverse, gain the "majority" support from the elected representatives, residents, voters and WDC, then that scheme must now by law prevail.
During the public discussion on W10/0340 (2007-2011), under the questionable heading of "public consultation", there was very little support and much opposition to that scheme but WDC went ahead regardless. It was due to the good sense of the elected representatives that the scheme was rejected in November 2010. Well over 200 people lodged their formal objections to WDC. There were but four or five letters in favour. A similar proportion of Leamington Courier readers wrote in to express their objections to the scheme. The first survey by Wilson Bowden in the Royal Prior Shopping Centre in 2007 demonstrated that some 40 people wanted more shops. However, 200 others in that survey did not express such a desire. Yet this survey result has been used on a number of occasions to provide justification for the scheme and more shops. There are now more empty shops in Leamington in 2012 than there were people who wanted more shops in 2007.
Quote: "Reviewing of the Conservation areas"
Comment: It is to be expected that all such matters are to be discussed with elected representatives, residents and voters under the framework of the Localism Act. Further, I would prefer that specific parts of the existing / previous Local Plan be carried over verbatim to the new Local Plan as follows (notwithstanding the welcomed comments in section 11 in the LOCALPLAN Preferred Options Complete with....):
1. A development will not be permitted which has an unacceptable adverse impact on the amenity of nearby users and residents such as loss of privacy, loss of sunlight and daylight and noise disturbance.
2. A development will only be permitted which protects important natural features and positively contributes to the character and quality of its existing environment
3. Developments will help to support the objective of reducing dependence on the private car, avoid excessive levels of car parking and increase the patronage of public transport and encourage walking and cycling.
The rules 1 to 3 above are preferred because of their (relatively) unambiguous meanings. There doesn't appear to be a good reason to deviate from the previous plan which seems to have protected our town's heritage quite successfully during the past 20 years.
2. Comment on LOCALPLAN Preferred Options Complete with....
Paragraph 4.11, first section, 4. Quote:" 4. Make sure that new developments are in place that will reduce the need for people to use there cars. This will improve air quality and help address climate change by reducing road congestion and carbon emissions, and will encourage people to live more healthy lifestyles by walking and cycling more." End of quote.
Comment on the above quote: BRAVO!
Final Comments: I do not find the Preferred Option Executive Summary acceptable in so far as it fails to mention the Localism Act. WDC is well aware that this new Act has an objective to genuinely involve all the interested parties in local issues, the interested parties being (to repeat): the elected representatives, the residents, the voters and the District Council (or its equivalent).
The Localism Act is referred to only in Para 5.12. of "LOCALPLAN Preferred Options Complete with....", but mainly only that part of it concerned with the removal of the regional layer of strategic planning. Thank you WDC for acknowledging one part of the other main purpose of the Act and for pledging in this Para 5.12 that the "Council will, however be consulting neighbouring authorities on its proposals".
For clarity, I would like to see contained in the final agreed Local Plan an independently prepared précis of the Localism Act 2012 and what effect it may have in local decision making.
It would be good also for WDC to provide a detailed explanation of what is meant by "sustainable" in the contexts in which it uses it. The effort made in Para 12.28 on this is appreciated.
Comments on Draft Infrastructure Plan re Leamington Fire Station.
There has been considerable public discussion recently on the possible relocation of Leamington Fire Station from Warwick Street. I would like to see a commitment in the Local Plan for the retention of Leamington Fire Station at its present Warwick Street site
The "Local Plan Preferred Options" seems to be advocating growth in such a way that growth may become inevitable. WDC envisage an increase in traffic between 6% and 13% for each of the four home growth areas identified in Para 3.1.2 or a compound traffic growth of 40% if they are all developed as outlined. Is it conceivable that satellite crews from out of town fire stations, struggling with appliances through our narrow streets during the rush hour against a 40% increase in traffic density over current levels, might just fail to reach the town centre in time to prevent our wonderful Regency style heritage from being razed?
In Para 4.6.17, it is reported that the Fire and Rescue Service acknowledges that although new development can impact on the level of risk, there is no direct relationship between an increase in population and an increase in risk. This curious and counter-intuitive denial (from whom it is not clear) then turns into a warning: An increase in traffic congestion could impact the ability of existing stations to meet standards of cover. Here we have a preferred plan which predicts an increase in traffic density of up to 40% and a proposition in Para 4.6.18 to remove the Fire Station to a satellite location.
Under the powers of the Localism Act, I would urge our elected representatives, the Leamington residents and the voters to press WDC for our Town's Fire Station to be retained at its present location. Perhaps WDC could resolve not to relocate our Fire Station?
In my opinion, without further explanation, the Para 3.1.24 (on innovative but undefined ways to overcome traffic problems) lacks credibility. Perhaps further explanation could be provided in the Plan? Any explanation may be crucial to the case for a re-location of our Fire Station.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49219
Derbyniwyd: 23/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Nigel Hamilton
Plan should do more to promote good design in housing.
Should also seek to unambiguously protect historic buildings and their settings.
Some vague and bland statements. Needs clearly articulated "heritage vision", backed up with detailed planning guidance and rigorous enforcement.
Towns are special, BUT only if key historic/architectural elements and values
are protected, otherwise risk becoming sprawling new town.
Existing open spaces, sports fields, allotments and parklands should unambigiously be protected from development, including their settings.
Providing sustainable levels of growth :
The levels of growth envisioned are not sustainable- in that the level of infrastructure, its
distribution, housing location and jobs, do not match the population growth forecast.
A 40% increase in Warwick's population over 15 years is clearly unsustainable and will cause
immense damage to the the character of the County Town
Level of Population Growth and demand for housing assumptions:
These are flawed because:
Given that more than 50% of national population growth has been from immigration over the
last two decades, and the government has publicly stated it wishes to greatly reduce this
future net immigration, why is Warwick District planning for an even greater level of growth
over the next 15 years, than has been experienced in the recent past?
* Housing demand growth in England is from a combination of net immigration and
changes in household demographics towards smaller households.
* However the impact of a prolonged recession which the Prime Minister says could last
another decade, will impact on the ability of individuals to afford housing.
* This is manifest in the rapidly rising age of first time buyers and the profound
demographic change since 2008 in more young adults living at home with their parents
for much longer than in the past.
* So why is the plan still assuming a rapid increase in demand for single occupancy
households; when the actual demographic trend is away from this?
* Is the modelling based on current data, or is it simply looking at the demand during the
decade of rapid growth and easy availability of mortgage loans pre the 2008 crash?
* This in turn could mean that in fact far less individual units are required for the District
as a whole, but a greater emphasis should be given for multi generational living , with
semi independent adults?
Distribution of housing within the District
The plan talks about the need to distribute housing across the entire District , but then in fact does
not do this!
A starting point should be that EVERY ward has the same level of housing growth during the plan,
i.e. A 20% across the board increase.
* It appears that most housing will be again concentrated within Warwick and parts of
Leamington Spa, with very little in the large villages or in Kenilworth
* This is curious, as it also points out the lack of affordable rural housing but then basically
ignores any provision for it!
6 Hampton Street, Warwick, CV34 6HS
* The inexplicable lack of housing growth in and around Kenilworth is most odd given that the
job growth is likely to be around the University and Coventry Airport, and the town already
has a lot of facilities.
* 830 houses over 15 years in the villages is clearly inadequate to meet their housing needs
or the lack of affordable housing, this is only 55 houses per year spread across a wide
geographical area.
* I suggest as a minimum 2500 of the 10800 houses in the plan be developed in the
village areas spread evenly across the district.
* This provision WOULD meet the need for affordable rural housing projected, at 55
per year if 33% was "affordable".
I suggest two areas which have been overlooked for large scale housing provision are Radford
Semile and Lapworth.
* Both are ripe for large scale "garden suburbs", supported by business parks. This would
support and make more viable their existing shops and schools.
* I suggest that at least an additional 1000 to 1500 houses are considered for each ward, and
therefore the significant benefits of population growth extolled by this plan are met, coupled
with local affordable housing and retail provision
* I note they both have existing primary schools, and good proximity to public transport and
roads, and Lapworth has a commuter railway station.
* There is also the opportunity in Lapworth to build a business park to tap into the proximity
to Solihull and at Radford Semile to build a business park dedicated to engineering to tap
into the expertise and supply chain associated with Ricardos.
* This in turn would mean much smaller developments around Milverton and Warwick would
therefore by required.
For the plan to be actually sustainable, there needs to be a lot more vision for integrated public
Cycle ways:
It would be a good objective to work with the County Council to ensure that EVERY community is
served by a dedicated cycle way, especially within the urban areas, where short lengths of cycle
way often just stop.
This should be funded by developers of the new housing as a priority via the Community
Infrastructure Levy
Commuter Rail and Bus Routes:
The plan envisions much new low cost housing, yet this is concentrated mainly around Warwick,
and the new job provision is in the north of the District.
HOW are those in low paid jobs who will presumably be the beneficiaries of the "low cost" housing,
be able to commute to where the jobs are if they cannot afford their own cars?
For the plan to be sustainable surely it would be better to have more smaller housing
developments within walking/ cycle distance of the new job provision; i.e. small estates near small
business parks?
* IF this is not possible a commitment to provide and subsidise long distance inter nodal
commuter bus routes is essential.
* Low paid workers will need to be able to commute quickly and cheaply to where the jobs
actually are!?
* This can be achieved, by developing inter town express bus routes to link together;
6 Hampton Street, Warwick, CV34 6HS
Warwick, Leamington, Stratford, Coventry, The University, Nuneaton, Rugby, Kenilworth
and the larger villages; integrated with mini bus services which will THEN serve the local
housing areas. Funded by the Community Infrastructure Levy.
* NOT the farcical situation as now when it take between 90 and 120 minutes each way to
get between towns , which IF a direct town centre to town centre route could be achieved in
20 -30 minutes, (existing buses take very circular routes).
* This lack of effective public commuter transport compounds inequality and creates greater
dependency on state subsidies, as those able and willing to work cannot afford the
transport to get to the jobs, and the bus services are simply too slow and too infrequent to
be a viable alternative.
* Similarly regular local new commuter train services linking together ALL the major
Warwickshire Towns and Coventry should be a priority, funded by the Community
Infrastructure Levy,.
* The "virtual" park and ride scheme, seems like a lot of hot air political spin. Does it
effectively mean NO park and ride , but a slightly extended bus route?
Air Pollution
Parts of WDC already do not meet the Nox emissions EU Directive, including large parts of the
centre of Warwick.
This is likely to be tightened up in the near future with harder targets and lower permissible
emissions, possibly wit fines for non compliance.
It therefore seems curious that the large-scale housing developments on the edge of Warwick are
suggested with a likely 40% increase in the town's population, over 15 years.
This will inevitably add to the congestion and air pollution; so why is it in the plan on this scale?
Historic Distinctiveness
* I believe the plan should do more to promote good design in housing.
* It is should also seek to unambiguously protect the historic buildings in the area and their
settings, as this is one of the major "draw" factors for population growth and economic
* The plan has some very vague and bland statements, it needs a clearly articulated
"heritage vision", backed up with detailed planning guidance and then an appetite for
rigorous enforcement.
* Our towns are special, BUT only if the key historic and architectural elements and values
are protected, otherwise they risk becoming a sprawling new town reminiscent of Milton
* The existing open spaces, sports fields, allotments and parklands should unambigiously be
protected from development, including their settings.
Definitions of affordable Housing
I suggest that the definition of what is affordable housing needs broadening.
The plan highlights the need for housing for the elderly and the growth of the elderly as a % of the
One solution to their needs and the obvious trends in semi independent adults living much longer
with their parents because they cannot afford to get on the housing ladder, would be to classify
"granny flats" or semi separated apartments within houses as going towards the "affordable
housing" targets.
Multigenerational living should be encouraged as it meets housing need, is sustainable and reflects
changing land-use patterns. There is the opportunity to boost this by incorporating it into the plan's
6 Hampton Street, Warwick, CV34 6HS
housing targets and helps meet the need for "mixed" housing.
Gypsy Site:
I suggest the land adjacent to the Junc 15 of the M40 might be a suitable site.
There is little nearby existing housing, but a public bus service and good road access
Employment Land
I support the use of green belt land to expand employment opportunities on well designed business
parks at Stoneleigh and around the University. BUT there must be good public transport links to
allow potential workers to access these jobs from the existing WDC Urban areas.
HS2 could open up significant advantages for the West Midlands by improving links to London &
Heathrow, but more importantly Northern English cities and direct rail links with northern Europe.
I support HS2 and would suggest that rather than opposing a strategic transport plan which cannot
be blocked by WDC due to existing legislation, the Council concentrates in obtaining maximum
benefit for the District, by getting subsidies for improving the transport links to meet the HS2
Conservation Areas and Historic Environment
* WDC must commit to protecting the existing listed buildings, open public spaces and
conservation areas, from encroachment by development.
* Particularly as most development needs - as defined by this plan-will be met by building on
greenfield and brown field sites, there is therefore less pressure to damage the existing
historic town buildings?
* I suggest the English Heritage Guidance published in May 2011 in "Seeing History in the
View" should be incorporated into the plan.
Climate Change
Flooding and SUDS. Given the recent patterns of heavy rainfall and the long history of local
flooding, great care should be given to the sitting of all new developments.
Claims of 1000 year flood modelling should be treated with extreme scepticism as reliable data
only exists for the past 90 years.
Especially in existing urban areas a conservative approach should be given to any large new
buildings and their impact on surface water drainage.
Consideration should be given to more local flood defences and helping individuals to flood proof
their homes.
Fear of Crime
* No sex clubs or night clubs should be allowed near housing- they should only be built in
non residential areas.
* No new pubs, bars or hotels should be built or change of use in areas of predominately
residential nature, to protect existing residential amenity.
* There should be the presumption that in residential areas new businesses will not increase
the background ambient noise levels. If this cannot be achieved these businesses should
6 Hampton Street, Warwick, CV34 6HS
be located in designated areas such as retail or business parks.
Good Design:
The plan highlights good design and sustainability, this should be supported but defined
All new housing should be built to Parker Morris standards
* These standards are based on ergonomics of the minimum space needed to meet "a
functional approach to determining space standards in the home by considering
what furniture was needed in rooms, the space needed to use the furniture and move
around it, and the space needed for normal, household activities."
As these were the minimum set for UK 1961 social housing it is not unreasonable that they should
be the very minimum acceptable in WDC for the next 15 years. OR we run the risk of creating
housing that CANNOT meet the needs of the occupants and risks becoming dysfunctional or
slums, which by definition is hardly "sustainable".
Public Space:
Existing open space, sports and recreational buildings and land, including playing fields, should
not be built on !
Any new developments should have additional public space.
* Any new visitor accommodation -over a small number of bedrooms- should be examined to
see if it would have a negative impact on the existing providers locally as a material
planning consideration.
* Small independent providers of accommodation tend to support far more local jobs and
have a bigger local economic impact by their use of local suppliers.
* It is desirable to have a diversity in type and location of accommodation providers.
* New budget chain hotels which have a similar impact on existing hotels and guest houses,
to that of supermarkets on independent retail traders. They should only be permitted where
it can be demonstrated there is an unmet demand or capacity need. And there will not be a
detrimental impact on existing buisnesses.
Green Wedges
This seems to be a meaningless concept.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49686
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lynn Hunt
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49901
Derbyniwyd: 02/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
This Parish council supports PO11 in principle. The Historic Assets in the district are appreciated by all and form a vital part of it's character. Particularly useful is the final point about being flexible about new uses when bringing listed buildings back into use.
See Attachments
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 49903
Derbyniwyd: 02/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council
It has to be remembered that, although we have a lot of value from the past, we are living in the present and are planning for the future. Sometimes it means that there are conflicting interests between the old and the new that is needed to take us forward. It is important to ensure that designations (Conservation Areas) are of sufficient value and importance to justify them being conserved at the cost of compromising other important considerations for the environment in which we live.
See Attachments
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50005
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Dennis Michael Crips
Highway infrastructure demonstrably inadequate to deal with current traffic loads.
Situation allowed to arise due to inadequate forward planning where infrastructure hasn't kept pace with development and last opportunity to complete north-south route between towns missed.
Result experienced in Warwick with peak traffic causing congestion twice a day. Adversely affects sustainability of local economy and historic environment.
WCCs measurements show that over 70% of Warwick's traffic burden is through traffic.
Joint Study Group set up to evaluate options for traffic reduction. Indications that reduction between 15% and 30% necessary. Displaced traffic would have to be accommodated by alternative routes, changes in travel times, modal shift or evaporation.
Council member of Traffic Forum but now proposing hosuing on Banbury Road which will increase traffic demand.
Contradiction needs to be brought to Inspectors attention.
Banbury Road bridge designed to support its own weight and that of contemporary traffic. Strong enough to carry todays loads so taken for granted. Also used by overweight vehicles.
Concern recently over working life of masonry arch bridges. Vital north-south link and tourist attraction, part of local heritage.
Letter attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50006
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Sandra Barnwell
The historic nature of Thickthorn should be recognised - especially Kenilworth Manor (a grade 2 listed building). The grounds of the house were used for football and cricket and other activities. Any developmet should make a link to the house and keep the history alive.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50161
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr & Mrs Peter & Linda Bromley
Nifer y bobl: 2
Pinch points at bridges cannot be alleviated and the 300-year old Castle Bridge already carries 20,000 vehicles per day and cannot sustain an increase in traffic without threat to its very structure. We should be trying to reduce this traffic to prevent the bridge collapsing, not increase it. The NPPF (112) states "As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of a grade II listed building, park or garden should be exceptional." The precious historic and listed buildings in Warwick are being damaged by traffic vibration and pollution and this problem will only worsen. Increased commuting traffic must not be funnelled through Warwick's congested urban centre.
We are writing to object to the proposal for 3,330 new houses in Warwick. In objecting we refer to the National Planning Policy Framework which "aims to strengthen local decision making and reinforce the importance of up-to-date plans".
Population Growth
The NPPF states that there should be a clear strategy "taking account of the needs of the residential and business communities".
Why has the number of 10,800 new homes (up to 25,000 more people) been proposed which is the same number as proposed in the Core Strategy and was strongly resisted by Warwick District Council at that time? The West Midlands Regional Office was vehemently criticised by WDC for producing these flawed and untenable figures. Your figures do not comply with WCC population figures and are therefore unreliable. A 40% increase in Warwick's population over 15 years is clearly unsustainable and will cause immense damage to the character of the County Town. Migration from other areas into Warwick's more attractive green environment has produced most of the population growth. The provision of more houses will encourage more migration and Warwick will no longer be an attractive area. The new Plan should cater for LOCAL needs not migration into the area. You have included figures to cover an increase in students but they should be housed near the Universities not in the District, especially in south Leamington. Increasingly high concentrations of students in certain areas is an issue of concern.
Regarding your assumptions on the demand for housing, given that more than 50% of national population growth has been from immigration over the last two decades, and the government has publicly stated it wishes to greatly reduce this future net immigration, why is Warwick District planning for an even greater level of growth over the next 15 years, than has been experienced in the recent past? Warwick District population has increased by 12% since 2000, which is approximately twice the rate of increase for Warwickshire, twice the national average increase, and over three times the increase for West Midlands. Warwick has had its fair share of development over the years with major estates at Warwick Gates and Chase Meadow (with further development allocated), Hatton Park, along the Myton Road and many other infillings. This is far greater than other areas in the District and history has shown that the necessary infrastructure has never been put in place. The NPPF (48) states that Local planning authorities may make an allowance for windfall sites in the five-year supply". 1,224 properties have planning permission or a planning brief at the moment and yet you do not appear to have taken these into consideration. This would equate to a two-year supply of houses. We do not believe our authority has identified and brought back into residential use the 300-400 empty houses and buildings (NPPF 51) to the extent they should have done.
We believe that the only motivation for WDC producing such figures for demand is the income that will benefit WDC in New Homes Bonus, rent, rates, council tax monies etc.
Brownfield Sites
The NPPF (111) states "Planning policies and decisions should encourage the effective use of land by re-using land that has been previously developed (brownfield land) provided that it is not of high environmental value. Local planning authorities may continue to consider the case for setting a locally appropriate target for the use of brownfield land."
So why are we not making it a priority to develop brownfield sites first and regenerate poorer housing in urban areas? The Ford Foundry site is a prime example of revitalising an eyesore of a brownfield site to vastly improve the area and bring it back into good use. There are many more examples of brownfield sites in Warwick District which could be regenerated.
Gypsy Site
We suggest the land adjacent to Junction 15 of the M40 might be a suitable site. There is little nearby existing housing, but a public bus service and good road access
Green Belt
The NPPF (79) states "The Government attaches great importance to Green Belts. The fundamental aim of Green Belt policy is to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanently open. The essential characteristics of Green Belts are their openness and their permanence."
An incredible 37% of the 11,000 homes proposed for Warwick District are to be built on the land south-east of Warwick, covering nearly all of the green space between the Banbury Road, Greys Mallory, Europa Way, Myton and the Technology Park. This would mean estates more than three times the size of Warwick Gates, Woodloes Park or Chase Meadow!
The NPPF (76) states "By designating land as Local Green Space local communities will be able to rule out new development other than in very special circumstances". "Once established, Green Belt boundaries should only be altered in exceptional circumstances." (NPPF 83) Yet your reason for allocating development on Green Belt is that "there is nowhere else to build" (your quote at the Warwick Society Meeting).
NPPF (88) states "When considering any planning application, local planning authorities should ensure that substantial weight is given to any harm to the Green Belt. 'Very special circumstances' will not exist unless the potential harm to the Green Belt by reason of inappropriateness, and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by other considerations.." The exceptions given in NPPF 89 and 90 do not apply in your proposed Local Plan. Our Green Space is already designated.and we are objecting to this scale of development which will undoubtedly impact negatively on the character of Warwick and the quality of life of existing residents. Why are we facing urban sprawl rather than the housing being spread equitably around the District as you stated was your aim? The previous Core Strategy stated that 90% of the population live in the urban areas and 10% in rural areas. Yet in the new Plan less than 10% of housing is proposed for villages, some of which, such as Barford, would welcome more homes including low-cost housing to build up sustainable communities with schools and facilities and meet the need for affordable rural housing. Those that grew up in the villages and wish to remain there would then have the opportunity to do so. We would propose that at least another 1,000 could be spread around the villages and the number proposed for Warwick reduced.
The area to the west of Europa Way was identified as an area of restraint at the time of planning the Warwick Technology Park. It was put forward as an untouchable green buffer zone to separate Warwick from Leamington Spa to prevent the two towns becoming one urban sprawl. The District has 85% green belt but 45% of this is to be built on, thus reducing the gap between conurbations. The green space threatened is valued rich agricultural land, essential for food self-sufficiency, environmentally precious landscape with many wildlife habitats and biodiversity including badger setts and also prevents coalescence which you declare is one of your aims. Our existing green space provides open space, sports and recreation and such land, including playing fields, should not be built on!
Alternative Sites
The previous Core Strategy identified several other sites with potential for housing. Local villages where there are good transport links and the potential to improve road access should be developed rather than the urban fringe development of Warwick. The Warwick Parkway area provides a first class rail link. Hatton has a station and easy access to the A46 and Barford has immediate access to the M40 and A46. Two other areas of potential for large scale housing provision are Radford Semele and Lapworth which already have infrastructure to cope with further development, with good public transport, roads and a railway station.
This in turn would mean much smaller developments around Milverton and Warwick would therefore be required. Although you state that there are three gas lines near Bishops Tachbrook. I can see from the map that there is an area to the west which could take some housing whilst avoiding the gas lines. There are other areas which were identified in the Core Strategy options which have not been considered this time, such as the A46 corridor and further development at Sydenham. The commercial units at Sydenham have mostly closed and been boarded up and would offer an ideal brownfield site for development.
Yet your reason for allocating development on Green Belt, against the National Planning Policy Framework is that "there is nowhere else to build". This argument is totally flawed and I would expect the Inspector to find this Plan unsound if only on this issue.
The NPPF (17) states that planning should be "empowering local people to shape their surroundings."
Why has this amount of housing been proposed for South Warwick when the previous consultation on the Core Strategy produced a 97% response in overwhelming opposition to housing here (700 objecting to the Europa Way, Gallows Hill and Banbury Road area.. Why were those results not heeded when you devised the new Plan? These plans do not reflect the aspirations of the community as the Government intended in the Localisation Act.
Flood Risk
The NPPF (94) states that "Local planning authorities should adopt proactive strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, taking full account of flood risk". Also "Local Plans should take account of climate change over the longer term, including factors such as flood risk....." and (NPPF 99) "When new development is brought forward in areas which are vulnerable, care should be taken to ensure that risks can be managed through suitable adaptation measures, including through the planning of green infrastructure." We already have existing green infrastructure to mitigate against water run-off and flood risk but you are proposing to build on it!
The NPPF (101) states "The aim of the Sequential Test is to steer new development to areas with the lowest probability of flooding. Development should not be allocated or permitted if there are reasonably available sites appropriate for the proposed development in areas with a lower probability of flooding. The Strategic Flood Risk Assessment will provide the basis for applying this test." There are other available sites as already stated. "A site-specific flood risk assessment must demonstrate that the development will be safe for its lifetime taking account of the vulnerability of its users, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and, where possible, will reduce flood risk overall." (NPPF 102) You have not carried out a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment before allocating these sites for housing.
Europa Way and an area to the south of Gallows Hill are in flood zones and at significant risk of flooding, yet housing is proposed in Flood Zone 1, adjacent to Zones 2 and 3. Areas at risk of flooding have always been designated areas of restraint but you are dispensing with these. More concrete on green fields here which currently soak up heavy rainfall must increase water run-off and impact on the areas of Warwick which already suffer from flooding, especially around Myton Road and Bridge End. This is contrary to NPPF 100 "Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere." The previous Core Strategy decided that this area may not be needed for development in the future being an area of restraint and the worst area for infrastructural needs. Development is not necessary in these areas of flood risk and should be avoided, certainly not put into the first phase for building. Home-owners would also face being turned down for insurance in postcodes where there is flood risk. This problem will possibly increase next year when the agreement between the Government and the Insurance Association ends. The Portobello development, built on a flood plain, is a prime example where many of the apartments are still unsold. This area you have designated for building is vital for flood alleviation and should not be built on at all. At the very least it should be the last designated site.
Garden Town suburbs sound admirable but naiïve when you look at the number of buildings proposed and the impact on the environment. This concept did not materialise in Warwick Gates or Chase Meadow and developers will build at high density for increased profit margins. 1,100 houses were first proposed for Chase Meadow and now it is to be 1,600. WDC has no budget for tree maintenance and developers cannot be relied upon to carry this out, as we have seen in other recent developments. After 14 years Chase Meadow still has unadopted roads, only just received its link road to the local school and the prospect of a community centre for sports provision and social interaction. Developers will not be persuaded to build at 30 units per hectare and there is no means of insisting on this. This is just a red herring in our opinion, as are green wedges since you admitted that where these are proposed, you will be reliant on private landowners to permit their development. Once again, funding for this would be dependent on developers' contributions and these monies, being in short supply, would be diverted for other more essential infrastructure.
Why are we allocating housing for the Coventry Gateway project? It should be up to Coventry Council to provide for this. They should also provide more dwellings for Warwick University students which would free up hundreds of dwellings (including Station House with over 200 student flats) in the South of Leamington to private affordable starter homes and family homes. WDC have recently been forced to change their planning policy because of the problematic increase in HMOS in the District.
The NPPF (17) states that strategies should "deliver sufficient community and cultural facilities and services to meet Local needs". Also (NPPF 162) "Local planning authorities should work with other authorities and providers to:
* assess the quality and capacity of infrastructure for transport, water supply, wastewater and its treatment, energy (including heat), telecommunications, utilities, waste, health, social care, education, flood risk and coastal change management, and its ability to meet forecast demands and
* take account of the need for strategic infrastructure including nationally significant infrastructure within their areas."
Yet you confirm that infrastructure will not be put in place before building commences but that you hope that infrastructure will be provided from developers' contributions, whilst admitting that this may not raise enough to cover escalating costs of new roads, bridges, schools, extra health provision, policing, fire service, community centres etc. If left to developers, history has shown this may not happen. Infrastructure needs will then be prioritised and some areas may miss out. You have admitted that infrastructure proposals will be prioritised and there will be a cut-off point when the money runs out. We have seen no architects' proposed site plans showing each area with all the necessary infrastructure in place. You have provided no idea of potential costs at all. You have provided no results of studies at all. Warwick has already lost its police station and fire station, roads are completely congested at peak times, schools are drastically oversubscribed and have no places (particularly Myton which is the catchment area), the hospital is at breaking point and cannot cope with the load, having day surgeries and evening clinics to clear backlogs and lack of parking leads to innumerable late attendance for appointments, and the police haven't a clue how they can cope with more communities. Utilities such as water, sewers, electricity provision will have to be provided at escalating massive cost.
The NPPF (175) states "Where practical, Community Infrastructure Levy charges should be worked up and tested alongside the Local Plan. The Community Infrastructure Levy should support and incentivise new development, particularly by placing control over a meaningful proportion of the funds raised with the neighbourhoods where development takes place."
You have not provided information on these charges at all. We do not believe that there will be anywhere near the amount of funding available from CIL to cover the above extra infrastructure needs, especially new roads, bridges, schools and hospital.
Air Quality/Traffic
The NPPF (17) states that the Plan should "support the transition to a low carbon future" and contribute to "reducing pollution". Also "Local planning authorities should plan for new development in locations and ways which reduce greenhouse gas emissions." (NPPF 95)
The NPPF (17) states that policies should "recognise town centres as the heart of their communities and pursue policies to support their viability and vitality". (30) "Encouragement should be given to solutions which support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and reduce congestion". Also (NPPF 124) "Planning policies should sustain compliance with and contribute towards EU limit values or national objectives for pollutants, taking into account the presence of Air Quality Management Areas and the cumulative impacts on air quality from individual sites in local areas. Planning decisions should ensure that any new development in Air Quality Management Areas is consistent with the local air quality action plan."
The traffic congestion that Warwick already suffers will increase by a possible 6,000+ extra cars from extra South Warwick housing alone, let alone the increase from 10,800 new homes, bringing with it increased pollution in areas where air quality is already over the limit. The Warwick District Air Quality action plan 2008 identified the entire road network within Warwick town centre as exceeding maximum NO2 levels as set out in the Air Quality Regulations (England) (Wales) 2000. Air quality remains in breach of these regulations and will become toxically high with the 27% increase in traffic volume resulting from the Local Plan preferred options. There is no management plan to address these levels. The County Council admitted that air quality will suffer as carbon emissions will increase in surburban sprawl. You admitted that you did not know how the carbon emissions could be reduced by the 20% currently necessary. It therefore seems incredible that the large-scale housing developments on the edge of Warwick are suggested with a likely 40% increase in the town's population, over 15 years. This will inevitably add to the congestion and air pollution; so why is it in the plan on this scale?
The NPPF (34) states that "Plans and decisions should ensure developments that generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximised." "A key tool to facilitate this will be a Travel Plan" (NPPF 36). All developments which generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a Travel Plan". We have not seen such a Travel Plan.
Myton Road, Banbury Road and Europa Way are all highly congested with long queues or at a standstill at peak times including the Town centre and often emergency vehicles cannot negotiate a way through, even via the pavements. If the closed Warwick Fire Station were to be relocated at Queensway, their vehicles would experience increased problems and response times would be worsened. There is a suggestion that Europa Way could be widened but this would exacerbate bottlenecks when the traffic reaches the roundabouts. The County say they can mitigate but not contain the resulting increase in traffic and admit there are places where congestion will worsen.
Historic Environment
Pinch points at bridges cannot be alleviated and the 300-year old Castle Bridge already carries 20,000 vehicles per day and cannot sustain an increase in traffic without threat to its very structure. We should be trying to reduce this traffic to prevent the bridge collapsing, not increase it. The NPPF (112) states "As heritage assets are irreplaceable, any harm or loss should require clear and convincing justification. Substantial harm to or loss of a grade II listed building, park or garden should be exceptional." The precious historic and listed buildings in Warwick are being damaged by traffic vibration and pollution and this problem will only worsen. Increased commuting traffic must not be funnelled through Warwick's congested urban centre. Danger to schoolchildren and others is currently problematic on our roads and will be exacerbated near schools such as at Woodloes and Aylesford/Newburgh.. We are given no concrete proposals for new roads, only ideas. A North Leamington relief road suggestion could cost £50million+ and the idea that the A452 could be routed to the Fosse - one of the most dangerous roads in the County is preposterous. The proposal to create a dual carriageway along Europa Way to alleviate the traffic queuing off and on to the M40 will have the opposite effect at the eastern end of Myton Road with the addition of Morrisons and the proposed trading estate and Aldi supermarket all exiting out on to the double roundabout system. The present Plan does not address these traffic problems sufficiently and should be "refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe (NPPF 32).
You state that in 2026 Warwick District will be renowned for being "A mix of historic towns and villages set within an attractive rural landscape of open farmland and parklands that have developed and grown in a way which has protected their individual characteristics and identities....." In our opinion this could not be farther from the truth.
The above comments demonstrate that this Plan is seriously flawed. It is not specific to the needs or the character of this area and the necessary infrastructure is not deliverable. We believe the Planning Inspector will declare it unsound. It cannot be justified as "the most appropriate strategy, when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence" and it is not "Consistent with national policy - the plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the Framework." (NPPF 182)
This Plan should be completely revised taking account of the above, specifically reducing the numbers of housing proposed for Warwick.
I look forward to your response to the comments contained in this letter.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50201
Derbyniwyd: 30/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Warwick Castle
Asiant : Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners
Warwick Castle welcomes the recognition the the historic environment is of 'vital importance' for culture, education,leisure, tourism and the wider economy particularly as Warwick Castle is a regional cultural asset that makes a a major contribution to the local tourism offer and the local economy as well as creating a diverse mix of local jobs. Warwick Castle supports the preferred option to "work with property owners and other stakeholders in the historic environment to both protect the historic environment and ensure its economic viability for future generations". Furthermore the the value of these assets should be explicitly recognised. Specific historic environment policies should be dynamic enough to enable heritage assets to be enhanced, improved and/ or developed, particularly where they are vital to the regional tourism and cultural offer and the regional economy. Historic environment policies should recognise the need for Warwick Castle to continuously improve its tourism offer to continue to attract visitors as this (by the generation of income) will ensure ongoing investment and the future economic viability of the Castle / historic environment.
scanned letter
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50219
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Ms Nicola Hunt
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50323
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Whitnash Town Council
We support the principles set out in PO11.
Whitnash Town Council respond to each of the Preferred Options in turn, and
make comments in respect of the Vision and Objectives.
Vision and Objectives
We broadly support the Vision and Objectives for the Local Plan, but reserve
our position on the level of housing supply, for the reasons set out in our
response to PO1 below.
PO1 - Level of Growth
In principle we agree that sufficient housing should be provided across the
District to meet future housing needs. However, we are unable to comment on
the proposed level of an average provision on 555 per annum on allocated
sites, plus windfalls, as housing numbers are an immensely technical issue.
Notwithstanding this, we are very concerned that Warwick District and
Coventry City Councils are failing to exercise their statutory Duty to Cooperate
under the Localism Act 2011 by not addressing the important matter
of cross-boundary housing need.
We are concerned that, in its current state, the proposed strategy will be
found to be "unsound" by the Inspector at the eventual Examination. This
could well result in additional housing provision having to be made, and this
would have clear implications for non-Green Belt areas, such as those
surrounding Whitnash.
We therefore urge the District Council to effectively exercise the Duty to Cooperate
with Coventry in respect of cross-boundary housing provision at this
Franklin Road Town Clerk
Whitnash Mrs J A Mason
Warwickshire Email:
CV31 2JH
Telephone and Fax: 01926 470394
stage, therefore preventing the danger of the Local Plan being found
"unsound" in the future and the Council having to consequently revise its
strategy and land allocations.
PO2 - Community Infrastructure Levy
We fully support the District Council in seeking to introduce a CIL scheme as
the Town Council considers it vital that full and appropriate infrastructure
provision is made, in advance of development wherever possible. It is
essential, however, that the funds raised are used to develop infrastructure in
the areas where the impacts will be felt, irrespective of Town and Parish
administrative boundaries.
We look forward to seeing and commenting upon the Infrastructure Delivery
Plan in due course.
PO3 - Broad Location of Growth
We support the strategy to make Green Belt releases to the north of
Leamington. For the first time in many years, this will allow a spatial
rebalancing of the urban form and provide for significant development in areas
away from the southern edge of the Warwick/Leamington/Whitnash urban
Apart from relieving some of the development pressure on the south, it also
represents sensible planning practice by creating a more rounded and
balanced urban area, enabling greater accessibility, especially for the town
centres, and should enable more effective transport planning through
maintaining a more compact urban form with Leamington and Warwick Town
Centres as two central hubs.
Past development allocations had resulted in Leamington Town Centre
becoming increasingly less "central" to the urban area as development
extended to the south. The proposed strategy ends this practice and is
therefore welcome.
PO4 - Distribution of Sites for Housing
At this Preferred Option stage, we do not have detailed proposals for any of
the sites covering, for example, access arrangements, amounts of
employment land, types and forms of community facilities to be provided, and
such like.
Therefore, we wholly reserve our position in respect of objection to, or support
for, any of the sites and we will make strong representations in this respect at
the Draft Local Plan stage.
However, we have a number of concerns in respect of several of the sites. We
draw these to the District Council's attention at this stage so they can be
addressed in formulating detailed proposals.
Education Provision
A general comment we wish to make is that it is critical that detailed
consideration is given, up front, to the level and location of future school
provision, both Primary and Secondary.
In Whitnash we have suffered from the lack of provision of a Primary School
at Warwick Gates. The draft Development Brief included a school, but this
was subsequently deleted as the County Council, as LEA, took the view that a
better option was the expansion of the existing three schools in Whitnash. As
this was, in planning terms, "policy neutral", the District Council amended the
Development Brief accordingly and deleted the school site.
This has led to problems for the residents of Warwick Gates and we would
seek to ensure that such a situation does not arise again through this Local
Plan process.
Our comments on education more specifically related to individual sites as
Sites 2 and 3 - if these sites progress, these should be seen as incorporating
a possible location for a Secondary School.
Site 6 (Whitnash East) - we understand that access could only be achieved
through the Campion School site. We are concerned that the school should
remain viable and continue to be located where it is.
Site 10 (Warwick Gates Employment Land) - consideration should be given to
siting a Secondary School on this land, given its advantages in terms of
accessibility from across the south of the urban area. The opportunity should
also be taken to explore the siting of a Primary School on the site, to meet the
needs both of existing Warwick Gates residents and also the needs arising
from any additional housing, on the site itself or in the vicinity.
Site 2 - Myton Garden Suburb
Our concern in respect of this proposed allocation is that its development will
result in the coalescence of the three components of the urban area, Warwick,
Leamington and Whitnash. We consider that this will result in a loss of
individual identity for the three towns.
Site 3 - South of Gallows Hill
We raise the following concerns in relation to this site:
* The land is extremely prominent in the landscape and will be highly
visible when entering the urban area from the south
* The site does not represent a logical extension of the current urban
form. It is in no way "rounding off" and would constitute a "peninsula" of
development extending to the south
* It would have a negative impact upon the setting of Warwick Castle
Site 6 - Whitnash East
We raise the following concerns in respect of this site:
* We are not convinced that access to the site is feasible. Our
understanding is that the South Sydenham development constituted the
maximum number of dwellings that could be accommodated off a cul-de-sac.
Given that access to the site via Church Lane or Fieldgate Lane is clearly not
feasible, access would have to be achieved via land within Campion School.
As this would involve relocation of school buildings, we are sceptical that the
number of houses proposed could fund the necessary works required to
achieve this solution
* Given the above issue, and our earlier comments on the wider subject
of education provision, we do not wish to see the future location of Campion
School prejudiced by this development
* There are, in the immediate vicinity of the proposed site, substantial
areas of both historical and nature conservation interest. Any development
must not have an adverse impact on any of these cultural, historic and natural
heritage resources
* In the event that the site is developed, we would wish to ensure that
sufficient community facilities are provided within the development and also
that adequate footpath and cycleway links are provided between the
development and the existing community of Whitnash
Site 10 - Warwick Gates Employment Land
We raise the following concerns in respect of this site:
* The site appears to be proposed for development at an extremely low
density. We make this observation elsewhere in respect of other proposed
allocations. We are concerned that, to accommodate the projected housing
need, land is allocated at appropriately high density, thus reducing the overall
level of new land that is needed
* This site is currently a high quality employment land allocation and we
understand that a reason the land has not been developed is landowner
aspirations, rather than demand for such a site. It is essential that the Local
Plan provides a balanced supply of employment land to meet all sectors of
demand, if economic growth and prosperity is to be fostered. There is
currently no other site in the urban area that offers this amount of land area in
such an accessible location. We are therefore concerned at its proposed
reallocation from employment to housing
Site 11 - Woodside Farm
We raise the following concerns in respect of this site:
* We fail to see how two access points could effectively be achieved to
this site. We do not consider access from Harbury Lane to be feasible due to
the existing road alignment. We doubt whether access could be achieved
from Tachbrook Road due to the proximity of the Ashford Road and Harbury
Lane junctions to the north and south of the site respectively. Construction of
a roundabout at the Tachbrook Road/Harbury lane junction would offer
potential for one access point, but we are concerned about the impact of such
construction on the important oak trees in the vicinity
* We also doubt whether the development could carry the cost of such
highways works. The option of gaining access via Landor Road is utterly
unacceptable due to the road alignment and lack of vehicle capacity.
Furthermore, it appears that physical access could only be gained through
demolition of existing buildings
* In the event that a single access point was sought, we consider that
this has the potential to isolate the housing from the existing community and
also lead to unnecessary and unsustainable vehicle movements
* The site would be highly prominent in the landscape - there is
therefore a concern about visual impact
* The presence of underground High Voltage electricity cables will limit
the site layout
* There is considerable local opposition to the proposed allocation of the
site. It is our duty as a Town Council to inform you of this high level of
Site 12 - Fieldgate Lane/Golf Lane
The raise the following concerns regarding this site:
* We consider there to be fundamental access problems and have
concerns about the capacity of the Coppice Road/Morris Drive and Whitnash
Road/Golf Lane junctions to accommodate the additional movements
generated by the development, especially at peak periods
* We are concerned that, at a proposed level of 90 dwellings, the site
density is too high. This would be a prestigious site and the proposed density
should reflect this. Our argument does not run contrary to that made in
respect of other sites, where we consider the density to be too low, as
provision needs to be made at varying densities to reflect different sectors of
the housing market. This includes provision of sheltered housing and singlestorey
dwellings on appropriate sites. This may or may not be the case at
Fieldgate Lane, but should certainly be considered across the portfolio of
proposed housing allocations
PO5 - Affordable Housing
We support the provision of appropriate levels of affordable housing but would
seek this to be distributed across all sites to ensure the development of
socially balanced communities
PO6 - Mixed Communities and a Wide Choice of Homes
We support the Preferred Option PO6.
PO7 - Gypsies and Travellers
Given that Whitnash has experienced particular problems through unlawful
traveller encampments in recent years, we support the principle of the
Preferred Option of proper site provision
PO8 - Economy
We support the principles of PO8. However, we reiterate our concern that
appropriate levels of employment land should be provided, in the right places,
and this should constitute a balanced portfolio of sites to meet as wide a
variety of needs and demands as possible
PO9 - Retailing and Town Centres
We support the principles set out in PO9
PO10 - Built Environment
We support the principles set out in PO10
PO11 - Historic Environment
We support the principles set out in PO11
PO12 - Climate Change
We support the principles set out in PO12
We will seek to ensure that any future development in Whitnash seeks to
reduce the Town's overall carbon footprint through the application of
sustainable development and design principles
PO13 - Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Communities
We support the principles set out in PO13
PO14 - Transport
We support the principles set out in PO14 with the exception of the section
relating to High Speed 2.
Whitnash Town Council neither objects to nor supports HS2
We urge the District Council to ensure that the final Infrastructure Delivery
Plan takes full account of public transport needs and the principles and
policies set out in Warwickshire County Council's Local Transport Plan 3
PO15 - Green Infrastructure
We support the principles set out in PO15
PO16 - Green Belt
We support the limited release of Green Belt sites as set out in PO16 as this
will create a more balanced and sustainable urban area and urban form
PO17 - Culture and Tourism
We support the principles set out in PO17
PO18 - Flooding and Water
We support the principles set out in PO18
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50326
Derbyniwyd: 02/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Christine Archer
Asiant : Tyler-Parkes Partnership
Support working with landowners to protect historic environment and ensure economic viability for future generations. Entirely appropriate to be flexible about new uses for listed buildings to encourage survival and maintenance.
Policy does not go far enough however and should seek to promote development opportunities enabling improvement to setting of assets and enabling development to preserve and enhance in line with NPPF.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50664
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jenny Mann
Norton Lindsey is mentioned in the Doomsday Book.
Has a number of Grade II Listed Buildings.
Norton is a fine example of a Warwickshire Hill Top Village.
Village has grown in a 'ribbon style' and development outside of this style would adversely impact on the historic environment.
Examples of rudge and furrow.
Submission Attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50697
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Ann Harvey
Development on Loes Farm will spoil the historic environment of warwick.
Submission attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50731
Derbyniwyd: 06/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Peter and Philippa Wilson
Nifer y bobl: 2
I am saddened at the failure to ensure that the site of the Leper Hospital in Warwick is protected and restored.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50789
Derbyniwyd: 31/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Graham Harvey
Broadly supportive of these measures but would again suggest that with respect to the County Town there should be a greater emphasis to ensure the road approaches respect these objectives. The Castle Park area and the Guy's Cliffe areas should be maintained and enhanced as they are the gateways to the historic
Submission Attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50821
Derbyniwyd: 02/08/2012
Ymatebydd: C and S Taylor LLP
Asiant : Parklands Consortium Ltd
PO11 Historic Environment states:
"Protect the historic environment from inappropriate development, by:
Including policies which protect Scheduled ancient monuments, Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas, Historic Parks and Gardens and locally designated assets."
The proposed site South of Gallows Hill/The Asps is introducing development that is inappropriate and does nothing to protect the historic environment for the reasons already outlined above. This is clearly illustrated on the map asttached, an extract from the 1813 Ordnance Surveyor's drawing of Warwickshire, on which is superimposed the proposed area in question. This map shows the completed park with urban development to the north and agricultural land on the other three sides. Although there has been subsequent development in the vicinity of Warwick, agricultural or open land still comprises the major part of the setting of the park. This would be significantly damaged by the present proposals.
Documents attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50826
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Julia Russell
What you say is good.
The historic environment is clearly a huge visitor attraction. It should be high on the agenda for Warwick to maintain itself as an historic centre and tourist attraction.
This really pushes strongly agains the furthe development of Warwick. Increased development reduces the attractiveness of Warwick to visitors. Much of the local economy is supported by tourists.
Submission Attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 51295
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Hatton Parish Council
We also support the aims and objectives outlined in P011 (Historic Environment).
See attached representations.