GT19 Land at Birmingham Road, Budbrooke (green)
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64453
Derbyniwyd: 06/05/2014
Ymatebydd: June March
Green Belt should have the highest level of protection. This is inappropriate development without any justification.
Proposal will blight the beauty and historic canalside area. This will impact local tourism and visitors.
Canal will present a danger to children living on the site.
The site will overwhelm the local community and will not promote or integrate co-existence at any level.
This is a well known accident black spot.
Will spoil the openness of the area and blight the views into Warwick. Screening will only draw attention to the site.
High risk for children crossing the road.
Nearby railway embankment is a potential danger for children living on the site.
Dangerous access and getting in and out of the site.
No pedestrian facilities.
Could lead to an increased fear of crime/anti-social behaviour.
Roads and nearby uses will impact on living conditions of gypsies and travellers on the site.
Will impact local ecology and wildlife.
Area is prone to flooding.
Local services (GP surgery, schools) are at capacity. Local shop is limited. Roads unable to sustain current traffic volumes.
Local Government Secretary Eric Pi...
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64457
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Karen & Nathan Bell
Bus service from Hatton Park only runs once per hour and not on Sundays which will hardly encourage travellers to use public transport.
Only one local shop which will not cope with the influx of new people.
The local school at Ferncumbe is already oversubscribed. Expansion has been explored and found to be impossible.
Local hospital is already at full capacity with no further room for expansion.
There is no dentist or GP surgery at Hatton Park.
Site is right beside a main road (A4177), fairly close to a bend in the road and close to existing access points. Access for large, slow-moving trailers will be particularly poor and lead to an increased risk of accidents. The road becomes extremely busy at rush hour, and will struggle to support the additional traffic here.
Site residents will have to cross the A4177 to reach Hatton Park or walk along it in order to reach Warwick.
Children present on the site may be attracted to the the canal increasing the risk of accidents.
If travellers use this land for their employment, which will in all likelihood be more industrial than the existing rural activities it will inevitably have some impact on the surrounding area and the appearance of the site.
Any deterioration in the visual appearance of Oaklands Farm will have a huge impact on the attractiveness of the canalside and towpaths and the local tourist trade.
The size of the proposed site will overpower the small community of houses on the roadside near Oaklands Farm.
The Council have been inconsistent in their approach to this site: calling it agricultural and previously developed land, rejecting site nearby sites for houses because of its proximity to the canal, rejecting previous applications for caravans on this site.
Using this site reduces the value of the surrounding land and puts the landowners business at risk, increasing the potential compensation payable by the Council.
Site would separate and dominate the longstanding community of 14 homes which was recognised to exist by the previous Inspector.
Reference to the "urban feel" of the land is completely wide of the mark - it has an extremely "rural" feel.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64459
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: A Hockly
Having considered the plan to place a traveller/gypsy camp on Birmingham Road (GT19), can only imagine that those planning the site have no idea of the actual location and have not visited the site.
Apart from the fact that it would be an eyesore for those who live in the area and those visiting the beautiful town of Warwick, many people walk, cycle and jog along the tow path and imagine fewer would wish to use the towpath if it meant walking beside what will no doubt be a noisy and untidy area, thus reducing income for those who depend on visitors to the area.
Birmingham Road is a busy and dangerous road already (several fatalities in the past few years) and as children of travellers do not seem to be well controlled it is only a matter of time before one is either killed on the road or causes an accident which results in others being killed or injured. If the road doesn't cause death or injury the canal waters probably would.
Plans for this site should be reconsidered forthwith.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64461
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Alexandra Benton
Green Belt should have the highest level of protection. This is inappropriate development without any justification.
Proposal will blight the beauty and historic canalside area. This will impact local tourism and visitors.
Canal will present a danger to children living on the site.
The site will overwhelm the local community and will not promote or integrate co-existence at any level.
This is a well known accident black spot.
Will spoil the openness of the area and blight the views into Warwick. Screening will only draw attention to the site.
High risk for children crossing the road.
Nearby railway embankment is a potential danger for children living on the site.
Dangerous access and getting in and out of the site.
No pedestrian facilities.
Could lead to an increased fear of crime/anti-social behaviour.
Roads and nearby uses will impact on living conditions of gypsies and travellers on the site.
Will impact local ecology and wildlife.
Area is prone to flooding.
Local services (GP surgery, schools) are at capacity. Local shop is limited. Roads unable to sustain current traffic volumes.
I am happy to be contacted to disc...
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64467
Derbyniwyd: 04/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Hatton Parish Council
Government policy is that the unmet demand for sites does not in itself represent an 'exceptional circumstance' sufficient to outweigh the harm such development would cause to the Green Belt.
The site has had previous planning applications refused due to its Green Belt location and highway safety concerns.
The recent and successful objections to the Kites Nest Lane Travellers site (which was less than a mile from this site) was based on the green belt arguments. As with that site, this site would be visible and caravans would be a jarring element in the landscape; the proposed number of pitches would dominate the small number of nearby houses.
There is a close-knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupiers of the 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity. The 5 proposed pitches would increase the property density by 25% along this stretch of road and therefore change the local dynamics. The previous Inspector accepted that 'the scattered houses 'do form an identifiable community.
Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncumbe School in Hatton Green is full.
Concerned about the health and wellbeing implications for young children living next to the canal.
Poor air quality of this site for the residents.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64475
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Lee Jackson-Clarke
Wishes this document to personal representations against site GT19
Green Belt:
Of the five preferred sites, Site GT19 is in the only site located within the Green Belt.
The Government has consistently stated that Green belt land should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
In a written statement to Parliament on 1st July 2013 , Brandon Lewis, Local Government Minister stated:
"Our Policy Document Planning for traveller sites was issued in March 2012. It makes clear that both temporary and permanent traveller sites are inappropriate development in the green belt, and that planning decisions should protect green belt from such inappropriate development.
The secretary of state wishes to make clear that, in considering planning applications....he considers that the single issue of unmet demand, whether from traveller sites of for conventional housing, is unlikely to outweigh harm to the green constitute the "very special circumstances" justifying inappropriate development in the green belt"
This was reiterated by Brandon Lewis in his Jan 2014 statement The Secretary of State remains concerned about the extent to which planning appeal decisions are meeting the Government's clear policy intentions, particularly as to whether sufficient weight is being given to the importance of green belt protection. Therefore, he intends to continue to consider for recovery appeals involving traveller sites in the green belt.
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS:
WDC has not shown that very exceptional circumstances exist for including GT19 in the list of preferred sites as required by Policy E-14: (Traveller Sites in the Green Belt). This contravenes Government Policy.
The consultation document states that previous development has been allowed on the site, but it is equally the case that permission has been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.
In addition, the Green Belt argument was used against Kite's Nest site being a gypsy and traveller site. It is less than a mile away and similar in several aspects. The argument applies equally if not more so to site GT19. There is a lack of consistency by WDC when appraising similar sites.
WDC Site Assessment Criterion:
Availability of the Site (including impact on existing uses on the site:
* The owner of Site GT19 does not want to sell it for a Traveller and Gypsy site, therefore a CPO would be needed. WDC has stated that a CPO could be used. This is I contravention of ministerial statements.
* The use of CPO powers could set up conditions for a legal challenge
* The owners business would be put at risk, with consequent compensation
* Expenditure on this and the CPO would not be an appropriate use of limited financial resources of WDC
Proximity to Other Residential properties:
* There is a close knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupiers of the 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GT19 site.
* The provision of five pitches on this site would increase the housing density by 25% and thus would change the local dynamics.
The Kites Nest Inspector found and the Sec. of State agreed that Kites Nest site was situated within a community of about 10 households and that community would be dominated by 13 or 8 pitch scheme. It could be argued that the approval of GT19 would be going against the Inspectors Comments.
PPTS Policies:
GT19 would also contravene PPTS Policy B, para 11(a) -policies should "promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community" and PPTS-Policy C -authorities should "ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community"
Safe Access from the Site for Vehicles and Pedestrians:
Approval of the GT19 would locate the pitches between the canal and the fast and busy A4177. At this section of the proposed site the road narrows and constructed with tight bends. Traffic on this road is already dangerous and if proposed housing developments occur it would be set to increase.
The road has already had two fatal in the last five years and a serious accident in March 2014
The movement of caravans and large vehicles in and out of the site on such a fast and busy road would be potentially dangerous to the proposed occupiers of GT19 and increase likelihood of more accidents to other traffic . Possibility of increasing risk of catastrophic accident involving the petrol station.
An application by current owner for Timber storage and cutting facility was refused on Green Belt and [highway safety] grounds. Contradictory to refuse owners application on these grounds and ignore them when assessing GT19.
Impact on Visual Amenity including the visibility of the site and surrounding area:
The Inspector for Kits Nest Appeal found that the development was very prominent through "gappy hedges" and from public footpaths, and that the existing caravans were an "extremely jarring element"
* Site GT19 would be similarly visible through gappy hedges
* The road is higher than the proposed site and it would be overlooked-screening would be required on the road side to give the residents privacy from passing traffic and screen off caravans from neighbouring houses. Screening issues for Site GT19 are even more extensive than Kites Nest.
* Site GT19 would also be visible from the canal which is a tourist attraction with its many locks.
Distance to Nearby Schools:
Local Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncombe School in Hatton is also full.
Impact of Land Contamination, Noise and Other Disturbance
* The five pitches present potential noise and disturbance for nearby residents:
* Possible land contamination if dumping of rubbish takes place on the site.
Compliance with PPTS-Policy B-Para 11(e) -Health and Wellbeing:
* There is no criterion listed to address this policy
* The site is adjacent to a canal -with potential detrimental effects to the health and well-being of young people living nearby.
* Also putting children on a site near potentially dangerous road and service station does not appear to comply with this Policy.
Impact on heritage assets and setting of heritage assets:
* The Gypsy and Traveller Site would have an adverse impact on the history and heritage of the area -flight of 21 locks "Stairway to heaven" [including its potential for future development for leisure and recreation].
* Understand that the current site owner is developing plans I conjunction with British waterways for a marina, restaurant, conference centre, and heritage and visitor area.
* Encouraging tourism, preservation of heritage and possible employment opportunities should take precedence over inappropriate use of expenditure on CPOs and potential financial compensation.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64477
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Dene Jackson-Clarke
Wishes this document to personal representations against site GT19
Green Belt:
Of the five preferred sites, Site GT19 is in the only site located within the Green Belt.
The Government has consistently stated that Green belt land should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
In a written statement to Parliament on 1st July 2013 , Brandon Lewis, Local Government Minister stated:
"Our Policy Document Planning for traveller sites was issued in March 2012. It makes clear that both temporary and permanent traveller sites are inappropriate development in the green belt, and that planning decisions should protect green belt from such inappropriate development.
The secretary of state wishes to make clear that, in considering planning applications....he considers that the single issue of unmet demand, whether from traveller sites of for conventional housing, is unlikely to outweigh harm to the green constitute the "very special circumstances" justifying inappropriate development in the green belt"
This was reiterated by Brandon Lewis in his Jan 2014 statement The Secretary of State remains concerned about the extent to which planning appeal decisions are meeting the Government's clear policy intentions, particularly as to whether sufficient weight is being given to the importance of green belt protection. Therefore, he intends to continue to consider for recovery appeals involving traveller sites in the green belt.
Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS:
WDC has not shown that very exceptional circumstances exist for including GT19 in the list of preferred sites as required by Policy E-14: (Traveller Sites in the Green Belt). This contravenes Government Policy.
The consultation document states that previous development has been allowed on the site, but it is equally the case that permission has been refused due to its impact on the Green Belt.
In addition, the Green Belt argument was used against Kite's Nest site being a gypsy and traveller site. It is less than a mile away and similar in several aspects. The argument applies equally if not more so to site GT19. There is a lack of consistency by WDC when appraising similar sites.
WDC Site Assessment Criterion:
Availability of the Site (including impact on existing uses on the site:
* The owner of Site GT19 does not want to sell it for a Traveller and Gypsy site, therefore a CPO would be needed. WDC has stated that a CPO could be used. This is I contravention of ministerial statements.
* The use of CPO powers could set up conditions for a legal challenge
* The owners business would be put at risk, with consequent compensation
* Expenditure on this and the CPO would not be an appropriate use of limited financial resources of WDC
Proximity to Other Residential properties:
* There is a close knit and neighbourly sense of community amongst the occupiers of the 10 or so dwellings in the immediate vicinity of the proposed GT19 site.
* The provision of five pitches on this site would increase the housing density by 25% and thus would change the local dynamics.
The Kites Nest Inspector found and the Sec. of State agreed that Kites Nest site was situated within a community of about 10 households and that community would be dominated by 13 or 8 pitch scheme. It could be argued that the approval of GT19 would be going against the Inspectors Comments.
PPTS Policies:
GT19 would also contravene PPTS Policy B, para 11(a) -policies should "promote peaceful and integrated co-existence between the site and the local community" and PPTS-Policy C -authorities should "ensure that the scale of such sites does not dominate the nearest settled community"
Safe Access from the Site for Vehicles and Pedestrians:
Approval of the GT19 would locate the pitches between the canal and the fast and busy A4177. At this section of the proposed site the road narrows and constructed with tight bends. Traffic on this road is already dangerous and if proposed housing developments occur it would be set to increase.
The road has already had two fatal in the last five years and a serious accident in March 2014
The movement of caravans and large vehicles in and out of the site on such a fast and busy road would be potentially dangerous to the proposed occupiers of GT19 and increase likelihood of more accidents to other traffic . Possibility of increasing risk of catastrophic accident involving the petrol station.
An application by current owner for Timber storage and cutting facility was refused on Green Belt and [highway safety] grounds. Contradictory to refuse owners application on these grounds and ignore them when assessing GT19.
Impact on Visual Amenity including the visibility of the site and surrounding area:
The Inspector for Kits Nest Appeal found that the development was very prominent through "gappy hedges" and from public footpaths, and that the existing caravans were an "extremely jarring element"
* Site GT19 would be similarly visible through gappy hedges
* The road is higher than the proposed site and it would be overlooked-screening would be required on the road side to give the residents privacy from passing traffic and screen off caravans from neighbouring houses. Screening issues for Site GT19 are even more extensive than Kites Nest.
* Site GT19 would also be visible from the canal which is a tourist attraction with its many locks.
Distance to Nearby Schools:
Local Budbrooke School is already struggling with numbers due to rising population. Ferncombe School in Hatton is also full.
Impact of Land Contamination, Noise and Other Disturbance
* The five pitches present potential noise and disturbance for nearby residents:
* Possible land contamination if dumping of rubbish takes place on the site.
Compliance with PPTS-Policy B-Para 11(e) -Health and Wellbeing:
* There is no criterion listed to address this policy
* The site is adjacent to a canal -with potential detrimental effects to the health and well-being of young people living nearby.
* Also putting children on a site near potentially dangerous road and service station does not appear to comply with this Policy.
Impact on heritage assets and setting of heritage assets:
* The Gypsy and Traveller Site would have an adverse impact on the history and heritage of the area -flight of 21 locks "Stairway to heaven" [including its potential for future development for leisure and recreation].
* Understand that the current site owner is developing plans I conjunction with British waterways for a marina, restaurant, conference centre, and heritage and visitor area.
* Encouraging tourism, preservation of heritage and possible employment opportunities should take precedence over inappropriate use of expenditure on CPOs and potential financial compensation.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64486
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr John Payne
The site is green belt and is not therefore appropriate for a G&T site. There are no exceptional circumstances.
The proposal would have a negative impact on the landscape and character of the area including visual impact, noise, and ecology. It would also impact on tourism.
It is inconsistent to promote green corridors and then propose to build on the green belt.
The site is located within an accident blackspot and the proposal would add to road safety issues
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64493
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Caroline Wilkie
Objects to the site as being entirely unsuitable for this purpose for the following reasons:
1. The site is Green Belt land and Warwick District Council have in the past few years rejected an application from the owner to put a caravan site there because it is Green Belt land.
2. The site is not safe for children - it is between a very busy road (A4177) and the canal and the railway line.
3. The nearest GP Practice and school are over a mile away in Hampton Magna.
4. The site would be located next to "Hatton Flight" locks on the canal and would spoil the character of the area. This is a place that many locals and tourists visit each year.
5. The site is low lying and adjacent to the canal with risk of flooding. The Birmingham Road has a problem with flooding along this stretch of road every year.
6. The Birmingham Road has already had several accidents in the last few years, the increase in traffic and use of caravans and lorries on and off the site are likely to increase this risk.
7. The site is adjacent to residential properties who will lose considerable amenity due to the likely increase in noise and disturbance on the site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64494
Derbyniwyd: 05/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Dr James Wilkie
Objects to the site as being entirely unsuitable for this purpose for the following reasons:
1. There are no convenient amenities nearby such as GP Practice, school, or shop. Access to the nearest of these will require the use of cars to travel as public transport is not easily available 'point to point', only to/ from Warwick itself. The site will therefore increase traffic and require direct access to the A4177 which is already substantially congested at peak hours.
2. The site is low lying and adjacent to the canal with risk of flooding. It has been flooded in the recent past.
3.The site is small and it is hard to seed how vehicular traffic could be contained in the space available - this will lead to vehicles using the main road verges and adjacent areas for parking and consequent un-sighting of access to the A4177 from local side roads. This will increase the risk of accidents at these adjacent junctions. It is also hard to see how the space can accommodate caravan rigs turning and maneuvering so one might expect that these too will use the main road for this purpose. This is highly unsafe.
4. The site is adjacent to residential properties who will lose considerable amenity due to the likely increase in noise and disturbance due to the comings and goings on such a site.
5. The site is adjacent to the historic canal side and Hatton Flight locks. This is an internationally acclaimed and unique canal 'heritage' location which draws significant numbers of tourists each year. A Gypsy and Traveller encampment as the first visible aspect of the site will detract substantially from the landscape of the venue and is likely to significantly reduce visitors and consequent trade. The character of the area will be substantially degraded if the site goes ahead.
6. The site is adjacent to s significant volume of private residential dwellings both on the A4177 and on the Hatton Park estate. It is unlikely to promote peaceful co-existence with the local community, who regard it as a substantial loss of the character of the area and therefore their amenity.
7. The site, being small, is entirely unsuitable for the operations of businesses from the location by travellers who wish to do so. There is no easy way to allow 'passing trade' to safely pull off & on the A4177 without significantly decreasing the safety of the road and any reason for additional traffic on the A4177 needs to be avoided. As mentioned above, parking of multiple vehicles as required for business operations will not be possible on the small site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64513
Derbyniwyd: 23/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lisa Price
The site has busy, dangerous roads adjacent to it and has a nearby canal. These factors will impact on the safety of children living on the site. Government advice is not to enclose traveller sites but it is difficult to balance the safety needs of the children on this site without enclosing the site and making the occupants feel deliberately isolated from the rest of the community.
The Green Belt should be protected. Government policy and advice is that development should only take place in the Green Belt in exceptional circumstances and the unmet demand for gypsy and traveller sites is not classed as 'exceptional circumstance' sufficient to outweigh the harm it would cause. Notwithstanding this, there are other non-Green Belt site available.
Planning applications have previously been refused on the site due to Green Belt, highway safety issues and the special landscape importance of the site. Now the Council suggests gypsy/traveller site is acceptable because the site is previously developed and has an urban feel. The site is an undeveloped green field which can be used for up to 5 touring caravans and is very different to a permanent site.
There are many similarities to the Kites Nest site which was recently dismissed on appeal; including Green Belt location, landscape and visual impact which would be jarring with the rural character of the area, would be difficult to screen and visible from all directions.
This site should therefore be removed from the list of options.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64547
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Lyndsey Irvine
The site is the only preferred option in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances. Unmet demand for gypsy/traveller sites is not considered in itself sufficient reason to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt of such development and therefore should be resisted. The Council have not provided any justification as to what exceptional circumstances exist in this instance.
Previous development proposals have been refused because of the site's Green Belt status.
Kites Nest site is less than a mile away and a similar development was dismissed at appeal because of its Green Belt location. For the sake of consistency this site should not be allocated.
The landowner does not wish to sell the site and therefore CPO powers will be needed. This would be contrary to government guidance and not a good use of the council's limited financial resources. It would also put the existing business on the site at risk, which could mean compensation is payable.
As with the Kites Nest site, this site would dominate the local settled community, increasing the housing density by 25% and changing the local dynamics. It would not promote peaceful co-existence.
The adjacent busy and dangerous roads make vehicular access difficult and unsafe. Introducing caravans and large vehicles here would be dangerous. Previous planning applications have been refused on this site due to highway safety concerns.
The screening issues here are more extensive than the Kites Nest site, particularly as it is lower than the road. Caravans would be a jarring element in the countryside and will have an adverse visual impact on tourists using the nearby canal and its footpath. This in turn could impact the local tourist trade and future development of the canal and heritage assets. Supporting local businesses and economy would seem a more appropriate use of public money.
The local schools are full so children will have to travel further to get to school.
The proximity of the site to the canal and busy road could have implications for the health and safety of any children living at the site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64548
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Craig Irvine
The site is the only preferred option in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances. Unmet demand for gypsy/traveller sites is not considered in itself sufficient reason to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt of such development and therefore should be resisted. The Council have not provided any justification as to what exceptional circumstances exist in this instance.
Previous development proposals have been refused because of the site's Green Belt status.
Kites Nest site is less than a mile away and a similar development was dismissed at appeal because of its Green Belt location. For the sake of consistency this site should not be allocated.
The landowner does not wish to sell the site and therefore CPO powers will be needed. This would be contrary to government guidance and not a good use of the council's limited financial resources. It would also put the existing business on the site at risk, which could mean compensation is payable.
As with the Kites Nest site, this site would dominate the local settled community, increasing the housing density by 25% and changing the local dynamics. It would not promote peaceful co-existence.
The adjacent busy and dangerous roads make vehicular access difficult and unsafe. Introducing caravans and large vehicles here would be dangerous. Previous planning applications have been refused on this site due to highway safety concerns.
The screening issues here are more extensive than the Kites Nest site, particularly as it is lower than the road. Caravans would be a jarring element in the countryside and will have an adverse visual impact on tourists using the nearby canal and its footpath. This in turn could impact the local tourist trade and future development of the canal and heritage assets. Supporting local businesses and economy would seem a more appropriate use of public money.
The local schools are full so children will have to travel further to get to school.
The proximity of the site to the canal and busy road could have implications for the health and safety of any children living at the site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64549
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Janet Knight
The site is the only preferred option in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances. Unmet demand for gypsy/traveller sites is not considered in itself sufficient reason to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt of such development and therefore should be resisted. The Council have not provided any justification as to what exceptional circumstances exist in this instance.
Previous development proposals have been refused because of the site's Green Belt status.
Kites Nest site is less than a mile away and a similar development was dismissed at appeal because of its Green Belt location. For the sake of consistency this site should not be allocated.
The landowner does not wish to sell the site and therefore CPO powers will be needed. This would be contrary to government guidance and not a good use of the council's limited financial resources. It would also put the existing business on the site at risk, which could mean compensation is payable.
As with the Kites Nest site, this site would dominate the local settled community, increasing the housing density by 25% and changing the local dynamics. It would not promote peaceful co-existence.
The adjacent busy and dangerous roads make vehicular access difficult and unsafe. Introducing caravans and large vehicles here would be dangerous. Previous planning applications have been refused on this site due to highway safety concerns.
The screening issues here are more extensive than the Kites Nest site, particularly as it is lower than the road. Caravans would be a jarring element in the countryside and will have an adverse visual impact on tourists using the nearby canal and its footpath. This in turn could impact the local tourist trade and future development of the canal and heritage assets. Supporting local businesses and economy would seem a more appropriate use of public money.
The local schools are full so children will have to travel further to get to school.
The proximity of the site to the canal and busy road could have implications for the health and safety of any children living at the site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64550
Derbyniwyd: 22/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Patrick Knight
The site is the only preferred option in the Green Belt. The Government has consistently stated that Green Belt Land should only be used in very exceptional circumstances. Unmet demand for gypsy/traveller sites is not considered in itself sufficient reason to outweigh the harm to the Green Belt of such development and therefore should be resisted. The Council have not provided any justification as to what exceptional circumstances exist in this instance.
Previous development proposals have been refused because of the site's Green Belt status.
Kites Nest site is less than a mile away and a similar development was dismissed at appeal because of its Green Belt location. For the sake of consistency this site should not be allocated.
The landowner does not wish to sell the site and therefore CPO powers will be needed. This would be contrary to government guidance and not a good use of the council's limited financial resources. It would also put the existing business on the site at risk, which could mean compensation is payable.
As with the Kites Nest site, this site would dominate the local settled community, increasing the housing density by 25% and changing the local dynamics. It would not promote peaceful co-existence.
The adjacent busy and dangerous roads make vehicular access difficult and unsafe. Introducing caravans and large vehicles here would be dangerous. Previous planning applications have been refused on this site due to highway safety concerns.
The screening issues here are more extensive than the Kites Nest site, particularly as it is lower than the road. Caravans would be a jarring element in the countryside and will have an adverse visual impact on tourists using the nearby canal and its footpath. This in turn could impact the local tourist trade and future development of the canal and heritage assets. Supporting local businesses and economy would seem a more appropriate use of public money.
The local schools are full so children will have to travel further to get to school.
The proximity of the site to the canal and busy road could have implications for the health and safety of any children living at the site.
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64563
Derbyniwyd: 29/04/2014
Ymatebydd: David Neil Williams
Site within greenbelt.
Impact on landscape character.
Impact on historic assets - Hatton Locks.
Site within accident blackspot - numerous accidents over past few years.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64567
Derbyniwyd: 07/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Pauline Neale
Site within greenbelt.
Impact on tourism.
Impact on settings of heritage assets.
Health and safety concerns due to proximity to waterway, railway lines and fast, dangerous road.
Increased traffic.
Community integration concerns.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64574
Derbyniwyd: 07/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jane Beevers
Good small site near the road for transport but not near population. Field has long been in domestic use i.e boarding kennel. There is a bus service to Warwick and Hatton hospital. There is noone near by to feel any visual impact.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64575
Derbyniwyd: 15/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Lesley Hodgson
No justification for the use of green belt land
Negative impact on wildlife and tourism, main road into Warwick and near Hatton Locks
Dangerous road subject to accidents
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64576
Derbyniwyd: 25/04/2014
Ymatebydd: mr david merrick
Highly valued area backing onto the stairway to heaven locks, no screening will detract from the presence of a gypsy site
The Birmingham Road is busy and dangerous, it would not be suitable for additional traffic.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64577
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Stephen Morris
Site is green belt land, local area is quiet countryside with canal setting. Gypsy and traveller site would be highly visible and detrimental on approach into Warwick
The road is a busy accident hot spot
Few local facilities
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64580
Derbyniwyd: 30/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs D Thomas
Site may contribute to further accidents due to the proximity of the petrol station and ugly bridge road
Will have detrimental impact on the landscape
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64587
Derbyniwyd: 08/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs P Legg
Safety issues - Birmingham Road is a very busy A road with 2 major accidents in the locality in recent years. The infrastructure is insufficient to withstand the site plus the proposed 90 dwellings on the opposite side of the road.
Users on the canal need to be reassured their safety is paramount - total screening essential visual impact to visitors to Warwick will be detrimental. Its too close to farm and garage to be a safe environment
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64593
Derbyniwyd: 24/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Linda Roots
The site is greenbelt nd should be protected
Access is off a busy and dnagerous junction
There will be a negative impact on tourism and the openness of the area which could not be addressed through screening
Impact on noise
Safety concerns for children due to proximity of the canal.
Impact on ecology and farm land
This area (the Hatton Locks) is highly valued by local people.
Impact on local residents
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64594
Derbyniwyd: 17/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr William Bond
the land is green belt and should be protected.
Road safety is a concern
Congestion is already a problem in this area and the proposal would exacerbate this
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64607
Derbyniwyd: 01/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Steve Halliday
Only site put forward in the Green Belt, against Ministerial statement of Brandon Lewis MP.
Site not suitable due to impact on road and the excessively busy A4177 a danger to children. Safe access to and from site would be a danger to vehicles and pedestrians.
Impact on the amenity, historical and the ecological importance of the canal, including impact on protected species.
Proposal not sustainable as it would result in the smallest square area per pitch in relation to the other sites.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64614
Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Cochrane
Impact on green belt. The proposal would harm the character and openness of the area.
This is a prominent site and is a tourism attraction. this could be damaged by this proposal.
The site would need screening and safety measures which would look out of character.
There would be an impact on local residents
The A4177 is unsafe and this would get worse with these proposals
Impact on ecology
The site would need to be high density to deliver 5 pitches
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64625
Derbyniwyd: 09/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mrs Mary Christine Murphy
- traffic using Ugly bridge as a rat -run has increased over the years, what with this and the bend / road conditions a Gand T site would exacerbate difficult road conditions.
-The trafic / associated danger would cause danger to children walking to school.
-This is a very dangerous section of Birmingham Road with a history of accidents/ fatalities. Previous development in this area has previously been refused in part due to heightened risk to road users / traffic related matters.
- Stretches of the A4177 have been prone to flooding , especially since the development of Hatton Park. Oaklands Farm is one of the worst affected areas.
Loss of Green belt
- there is concern that this development would set a precedent for ribbon development that would erode the green belt. Brownfield sites should be used instead.
-The creation of a gypsy site with 5 family units would outnumber the existing community. This demographic shift will cause problems and should be resisted.
Facilities/ Infrastructure
- Budbrooke school is already over subscribed, access to doctors and shops is also difficult/ insufficient.
-Visitors attracted to the Hatton Locks etc will be deterred by the G and T site. The establishment of this site will tarnish the image of the area and be at odds with attracting tourists to the area.
Dangers to children
-The site is too close to an unguarded waterway as well as the railway network. Pollution from traffic will not be good for children on this site (as well as traffic speeds / volumes).
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64647
Derbyniwyd: 30/04/2014
Ymatebydd: Miss Celia Mills
The site should not be considered because:-
-The access to the A4177 Birmingham Road will be difficult / dangerous due to the proximity of the Ugly Bridge and the Garage.
-The canal is a local asset that may be spoiled by the Gypsy site / dumping etc.
-The canal will also present a danger to children from the site
-The ecological assets associated with the canal corridor may be negatively effected.
see attached
Preferred Options for Sites
ID sylw: 64652
Derbyniwyd: 02/05/2014
Ymatebydd: Mr Roland Nikolaou
Should be discounted because:-
-It will have a negative impact on the visual character of the area
-The site is too close to Hatton Park estate
-The site will create an increase in noise , mess and crime locally
- It will have a negative impact on tourism , visitors being put off
-traffic will be a major issue/ problems of danger
-concern in a drop in property values locally
see attached