Loes Farm (North of Woodloes)
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50073
Derbyniwyd: 21/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Kenneth Hall
It includes ancient trees and hedgerows which are rich in wildlife (including newts and ants) as demonstrated by the 2008 ecological survey
Extra traffic will increase congestion and result in safety concerns.
Woodloes is attractive because of its green areas. This will be destroyed by the island - don't use Primorose Hill
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50086
Derbyniwyd: 16/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Dawn Birdsall
Access to the site off Primrose Hill will lead to serious congestion, particularly at busy times.
Map 2 shows that the whole area between the A46 and A429 is assessed as being potentially suitable for development. This part of the site, then, is just the start of building on the whole area.
Loes Farm has medieval ridge and furrows which are clearly visible, of historical value and need protecting.
What access will there be from the top of Woodloes Lane and hence Wade Grove and Eliot Close. Will this be part of a cycle/pedestrian route to Woodloes and Aylesford Schools?
Wade Grove already experiences poor water pressure problems on hot days - will this be exacerbated by the new development?
As an alternative to these 180 homes Council should ensure all existing properties are made habitable and unused brownfield land is developed.
See scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50091
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Janet Young
Object to building on green belt land at Loes Farm:
-the area has mature trees that will be lost
-access to the countryside will be gone forever
-traffic congestion on Primorose Hill will increase
-the rural approach to Warwick will be spoilt and should be protected.
-there are alternative locations throughout the town which are derelict and the building a Pottertons has never been completed.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50111
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Rachel A Smith
The habitat Bio-diversity Report (2008) shows that Loes Farm is of significant value in ecological terms due to:
- anthills for Yellow Meadow Ants
- mature trees such as Oaks, Lime, Sweet Chestnut and Beech
- ridge and furrow,
- water bodies,
- species rich hedgerows, and
- old pasture grassland.
Development will affect our already busy roads, wherever the access is located. Extra resourses will be needed for schools and other services. Warwick should be maintained as a county town and its green areas should be maintained otherwise it will be connected to Kenilworth, Leamington and Coventry.
See scanned Response Form
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50117
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Andrew Leeson
The proposal for developing Loes Farm will destroy natural habitats and wildlife. It will add to congestion and noise pollution. Coventry Road will not be able to cope with the additional traffic.
The site is high ground and uneven and therefore difficult to develop.
Green belt should be retained and alternative solutions to housing found.
This site should not be developed for travellers at the expense of green belt, particulalrly as it would create an isolated community with limited access to amenities.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50119
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Tom Prendergast
Object on the grounds that loss of hedgerows and trees will have huge impact on wildlife, insects and wildflowers
The roads around Warwick are already busy and the proposals will exacerbate the problem.
Alternatives on brownfield sites should be used rather than green belt which once lost will be lost for all future generations.
We should protect the ancient tree in the area.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50123
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Jackie Prendergast
Object on the grounds of impact on wildlife - the area is very rich in wildlife including birds, bats, small mammals, lizards, moths. This is because of the natural corridor provided by the lane, trees and hedgerows. Once lost this will be lost forever.
There are alternative brownfield sites that are better suited for development.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50127
Derbyniwyd: 24/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Trevor Southern
Nifer y bobl: 2
Question whether Loes Farm is an SSSI (response - it isn't)
The proposals for Loes Farm will add to congestion on Coventry Road which is already slow moving.
Is Loes Farm already owned by a developer and have they put pressure on the Council to have their site allocated? (response - not aware of any developer interest in Loes Farm at present)
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50144
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mr Robert Webb
Object to development at Loes Farm for the following reasons:
-the area is rich in flora and fauna - important for biodiversity
-there are ancient ridge and furrow field patterns and the site is adjacent to Gaveston Monument and Guys Cliffe House
-it would destroy the natural beauty of this approach to Warwick
-it would make further encroachment in to the land adjacent to Coventry Road more likely
-it would add traffic in to the local road network and would make congestion worse
-there are very strong local objections which should not be ignored
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50147
Derbyniwyd: 25/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Rosemarie Woldanski
Proposal will lead to increased traffic on Primrose Hill and Coventry Road
There are no exceptional circumstances.
This area is a haven for wildlife and includes valued ancient trees and hedgerows.
The proposals could ultimately lead to Leek Wootton and Warwick merging.
The site is prominent when approaching Warwick from the north and will be an eyesore.
Business concerns should not be put before protecting the countryside.
There are other sites available for development - Ridgeway School, Nelson Lane.
Scanned representation
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50516
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Caroline Duckett
The current infrastructure is not good enough to cope and the potential is for increased traffic accidents.
I object to the development of 180 houses on the green belt site of Loes Farm. As it is the traffic is horrendous at rush hour time, the roundabout at Coventry Road and Birmingham Road is unacceptable, so how are the residents of Woodloes Park going to cope with another 200 plus cars. All this talk about health and safety is total rubbish, children crossing the road looks like more fatalities.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50517
Derbyniwyd: 03/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Miss Susan Masiero
The infrastructure is not sufficient to cope with the extra traffic and there would be a risk of more accidents due to the extra traffic.
Green belt land should be preserved espeically if it is on a large estate.
108 houses on Loes Farm would make the traffic situation highly dangerous as at least an extra 100 cars would use the local roads. Many pedestrians have to cross the existing roads and any further roads would be totally unacceptable. The estate does not need to be extended and green belt areas on a large estate should be preserved.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50518
Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Alma Wheatley
The proposed development will result in increased traffic particularly on Primrose Hill. The extra traffic at rush hour will make crossing the road very difficult. There have already been fatalities even before any proposed changes.
As scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50519
Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012
Ymatebydd: D Langridge
There would be destruction of the green belt and re-classification of farm land, destruction of 17th Century hedgerow,removal of public right of way and urban sprawl with Warwick merging into other nearby settlements such as Leek Wooton.
There would be loss of ancient trees and the area could not sustain an increase in population with crime up and the loss of our fire and police stations.
The roads would become even more congested and it is unclear why land judged not suitable for development in 2008 is now being considered.
As scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50520
Derbyniwyd: 01/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Mrs Sally Power
There would be destruction of greenbelt and destruction of historic hedgerow.
Loss of identity and in 2008 the land was stated as unsuitable for development so why has that changed?
There would be urban sprawl, an increase in crime and traffic together with a strain on resources such as the emergency services.
As scanned.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50643
Derbyniwyd: 27/07/2012
Ymatebydd: Cllr Martyn Ashford
Brownfield sites should be consoidered before development on sites such as Loes Farm is proposed
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50658
Derbyniwyd: 06/08/2012
Ymatebydd: Sarah Ridgeway
This sites fulfills the 5 purposes of the green belt. Development here will result in uneccessary destruction of the green belt.
Guys Cliffe is an importnat historical landmark and is designnated as such. It should be protected and development at Loes Farm will damage this histric asset
Woodloes Lane is an impotnat recreational route and is well used. The proposed housing will mean this is lost
The proposals will undermine the economic vitality of Warwick which is based on its hoistoric environment and tourism. To surround this by modern housing will diminish the environment and therefore the economy.
The proposals are likely to impact negatively on the viability of Hintons Nursery and the proposals for the Guys Cliffe Walled Garden.
The proposals will have a significant impact on biodiveristy (including mature trees, grass species, insects, bats, newts) in an area which has a rich ecology. This is inconsitent with the NPPF and the Council's own Green Space Strategy.
The [proposals will result in urban sprawl as the development is concentrated o the edge of towns. For Loes Farm this is particualrly important as this sites is hill top and will be very visible and will threaten the identiyty of Leek Wootton.
Development here will increase the flooding issues already experienced at Hinton's Nursery.
Coventry Rd/Primose Hill have had many accidents and the proposals are likely to inceasde traffoic here and damage air quality. There is nothing set out in the plan as to how this would be mitigated.
This land is good quality agricultural land and although the area is questionable in terms of agricultral viabilityit couls and should still be used to grow food. The proposals will make agriculture even less viable on the remaining open land.
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50666
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: K J Dorsett
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50672
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Miss T Dorsett
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50675
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr G Smith
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50678
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs E Smith
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50681
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr and Mrs Robert and Diane Thumwood
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50684
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: K J Dorsett
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50687
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs B Dorsett
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50690
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Tracy and Martin Poynter
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50693
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mr D Perkins
Proposals represent urban encroachment in to countryside and green belt
It is an open and historic landscape which is important for the setting of the town - a unique area that would be ruined forever
It is another step towards coalescence between Kenilworth and Warwick and would blur the boundary and distinctiveness of Leek Wootton.
There is already congestion at peak hours and these proposals would increase traffic. The proposals will make these roads more dangerous. The infrastructure will not cope and there are better alternatives where the impact would be less significant.
The area is rich in wildlife (newts, badgers and bats) and the proposals are not consistent with the NPPF or WDC's Habitat assessment. It is also an atractive and valuable landscape. Development will damage historic trees and hedgerows which are protected. The site is close to the historic monument at Gaveston Cross - development could compromise the setting of this.
This area is green belt and meets the 5 purposes of green belts. Specifically the proposals could result in:
-a loss of distinctiveness for Leek Wootton
-there are better alternatives
-there should be no development in the green belt which is there to protect from excessive housing
-the area provides opportunities for recreation and access to the countryside.
The site was considered unsuitable for development in the earlier core strategy
See attached
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50696
Derbyniwyd: 14/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Ann Harvey
I am dismayed to read that one of your prefered options is for 180 houses to be built on land at Loes Farm for the following reasons:
1. It is Green Belt land.
2. The lane is part of The Millennium Way.
3. Warwick is generally flat, and it is on the only hill in Warwick.
4. Woodloes Park is already a vast estate, out of keeping with a small historic town.
5. Access is dangerous.
6. the Biodiversity of the site is important.
Submission attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50704
Derbyniwyd: 15/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Diane James
The preferred option of housing to be built at Loes Farm near to the Registered Historic Park and Garden at Guy's Cliffe will impact on the registered site, particularly with respect to the lines of sight and vistas.
Housing development on Loes Farm would destroy historic vistas across the parkland.
Submission Attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50705
Derbyniwyd: 15/02/2013
Ymatebydd: J Langridge
I object to the plan for a number of reasons. The proposed site is Green Belt and development would undoubtedly destroy the local habitat. Development would destroy the significant biodiversity of the site. The Millennium Way Walk also crosses the site and development would reduce the ability to walk and enjoy the rural environment. Development at the site could potentially lead to Warwick and Leek Wootton merging. Development could make traffic in the area much worse. A larger population in the area would increase crime and with the loss of Warwick Police Station, this could not be controlled.
Submission Attached.
Preferred Options
ID sylw: 50706
Derbyniwyd: 15/02/2013
Ymatebydd: Mrs Gillian Chapman
Transport - Increased pressure on the local road network. Access to the site would be extremely dangerous. Road pollution will be increased.
Local infrastructure - Additional pressure on local services. The Hospital is not adequate to deal with increased numbers. The local schools do not have the required capacity to cope. There will not be sufficient capacity in the emergency services to deal with this enlarged area.
Green Belt - Irreversible destruction to the green belt, especially when brown field land is available. Destruction of the ecology of the area. Destruction of the historic environment. Loss of social access to green spaces and leisure.
Flooding and water - Potential for increased flodding in the south-east corner of the site and Hintons Nursery.
Submission Attached.