Proposed Modifications January 2016

Daeth i ben ar 22 Ebrill 2016

Appendix 1

Table of Proposed Modifications to the Publication Draft Local Plan (Part 1)
(to address identified issues of soundness)

January 2016

About these proposed modifications

The proposed modifications to the Publication Draft shown in the table below have been prepared in February 2016 to specifically address the issues of soundness identified by the Inspector set out in his letter of 1st June 2015. The proposed modifications are based on the text of the Publication Draft Local Plan published in April 2014 as amended by the Focused Consultation published in October 2014.

A number of other amendments have been proposed in response to the consultations undertaken in May/June 2014 and November/December 2014. These have been shown in full in submission documents LP23 and LP23a. However, these amendments have not yet been subject to consultation and do not form part of current considerations. It is anticipated, subject to the agreement of the Local Plan Inspector, that any of these amendments that are substantive in nature, will form part of a future consultation following Examination hearings prior to finalising and adopting the Local Plan.

Note: In the table below,

new text is shown as follows: INSERTED:

existing text to be deleted is shown as follows: DELETED:

Ref Publication Draft Local Plan Page number Paragraph Number Proposed Modification Reason

Development Strategy

Policy DS2 Providing the Homes the District Needs

(35) Mod 1


Policy DS2

Amend Policy DS2 to read

STRATEGIC POLICY DS2: Providing the Homes the District Needs

We will provide in full for the Objectively Assessed Housing Need of the District INSERTED: and for unmet housing need arising from outside the District where this has been agreed. We will ensure new housing delivers the quality and mix of homes needed including

  1. Affordable homes
  2. A mix of homes to meet identified needs including homes that are suitable for elderly and vulnerable people
  3. Sites for gypsies and travellers

To reflect the Coventry and Warwick Housing Requirements MoU

(15) Mod 2


Para 2.6

Amend para 2.6 to read

National policy requires local planning authorities to boost significantly, housing supply. A key element in this is developing an evidence base to objectively assess housing need and ensuring that this Objectively Assessed Need is met in full for both market and affordable housing INSERTED: in the housing market area. This means that all the Councils within the Housing Market Area need to work together, in line with the Duty to Co-operate, to ensure the housing need is met in full. This in turn means that the Council needs to play its part in meeting unmet housing need arising from outside the District. In this respect, the Council is party to a Memorandum of Understanding, agreed in October 2015, to accommodate some of Coventry's housing need within the District. National policy also emphasises the importance of delivering a wide choice of homes by planning for a mix of housing based on current and future demographic and market trends. The Council has undertaken a Joint Strategic Housing Market assessment with the other local authorities in the Coventry and Warwickshire Sub-region. This provides the basis for establishing the District's Objectively Assessed Need

To clarify amendment to Policy DS2

POLICY DS4 Spatial Strategy

(55) Mod 3


Policy DS4

Amend Policy DS4 to read:

STRATEGIC POLICY DS4: Spatial Strategy

Allocated Housing and Employment will be distributed across the District to take account of the following:


  1. where greenfield sites are required for housing, they should generally be located on the edge of DELETED: urban INSERTED: built up areas in sustainable locations close to areas of employment or where community facilities such as shops, bus services, medical facilities and schools are available or can be made available.


To clarify clause b) and to align with proposed amendments arising from consultation undertaken in May/June 2014 and to provide a clear strategic basis for the proposed site allocations

Policy DS6 Level of Housing Growth

(33) Mod 4


Policy DS6

Amend Policy DS6 to read:

POLICY DS6: Level of Housing Growth

The Council will provide for INSERTED: 16,776 DELETED: 12.860 new homes between 2011 and 2029

To align with updated housing needs evidence and with the Coventry and Warwickshire Memorandum of Understanding for Housing Requirements

(23) Mod 5



Delete para 2.20 and replace with:


The Updated Assessment of Housing Need: Coventry-Warwickshire HMA (September 2015) sets out the objectively assessed future housing needs of the Housing Market Area and the six local authority areas within it. The report indicates that Warwick District's Objectively Assessed Housing Need is 600 dwellings per annum, which equates to 10,800 dwellings over the plan period. However, in recognition that Coventry City Council is unable to accommodate its housing needs in full within the City boundary, the Local Plan seeks to provide for 332 dwellings per annum (5976 over the plan period) towards Coventry's housing needs. Warwick District therefore aims to meet its housing requirement by providing for a minimum of 16,776 new homes between 2011 and 2029.

To clearly explain the reasoning for the proposed level of housing growth

Policy DS7 Meeting the Housing Requirement

(33) Mod 6


Policy DS7

Amend Policy DS7 to read:

DS7 Meeting the Housing Requirement
The housing requirement of 16,766 new homes between 2011 and 2029 will be met from the following categories:

Sites completed between April 2011 and March 2015


Sites with outstanding planning permission at INSERTED: 1st April 2015


DELETED: Sites with planning permission granted between 1st April 2013 and 31st December 2013


An allowance for windfall sites coming forward DELETED: in the plan period INSERTED: between April 2015 and March 2029


Small Urban sites assessed in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment as being suitable


Consolidation of existing employment areas and canal-side regeneration


Sites allocated in this Plan

DELETED: 6,299 INSERTED: 9,369


DELETED: 13,006 INSERTED: 17,577

To update the proposed sources of supply to achieve the modified housing requirement set out in the amendments to Policy DS6. In particular to

a) reflect the most recent data on completions and permissions and

b) set out a revised windfalls allowance to reflect revised assumptions in line with the Inspector's findings.

c) Update SHLAA site based on 2015 call for sites

d) Revise allocations based on updates

(16) Mod 7


2.21 to 2.24

Amend para 2.21 to 2.24 to read

2.21 The Council's approach to identifying land for housing is set out in the Spatial Strategy above. DELETED: Taking account of completions, committed sites and an allowance for windfall sites, the Council needs to identify sites for an additional 6,746 new homes. INSERTED: In the context of completions since 2011, committed sites, an allowance for windfall sites and small urban SHLAA sites, the plan identifies sites for a potential 9,369 homes. This allows for an element of flexibility in the event that some sites fail to come forward or are delivered with reduced capacities than that allowed for in the plan

2.22 In addition to completions and commitments, the Council has made an assessment of windfall sites which are likely to emerge based on past trends and taking into account likely changes to those trends. Windfall sites have consistently played an important role in the housing supply of the District DELETED: Between 2002 and 2013 the averaged 191 units a year (including garden land development), even with 3.5 years of a housing moratorium.

2.23 The identified sites include small urban brownfield sites of between 5 and 50 dwellings which are assessed as being suitable and available for development in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. The balance of housing is provided on allocated brownfield and greenfield sites across the District, based on the priorities set out in the spatial strategy.

2.24 The following Housing Trajectory shows the timeline for the delivery of housing across the plan period in relation to the annual average of the total requirement.

Amended Housing Trajectory Graph is shown in Appendix A below

To clearly explain the sources of supply proposed in the modifications to Policy DS7 and to set out the revised timeline for the delivery of housing across the plan period

Policy DS10 Broad Location of Allocated Housing Sites

(31) Mod 8


Policy DS10

Amend Policy DS10 to read

DS10 Broad Location of Allocated Housing Sites

Urban Brownfield sites


Greenfield sites on the edge of Kenilworth


Greenfield sites on the edge of Warwick, Leamington and Whitnash


INSERTED: Greenfield sites on the edge of Coventry


Sites within Growth Villages and the rural area




To reflect proposed revised distribution of housing in line with Policy DS4

(20) Mod 9


2.37 and 2.38

Amend paras 2.37 and 2.38 to read

2.37 The spatial strategy aims to meet housing needs of the District and the Housing Market Area by allocating sites INSERTED: in and adjacent to the main urban areas and the more sustainable villages. The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment identifies suitable and available sites DELETED: across the four towns and adjacent to villages. In line with the Council's aim of meeting housing needs in sustainable locations, the site selection exercise favoured sites firstly within the urban areas and then on the edge of urban areas. These locations are well placed to make best use of, and improve, the existing transport infrastructure and accessibility to jobs and services. Sites on the edge of urban areas are of sufficient size to deliver supporting services including schools, GP services and local centres as appropriate.

2.38 In selecting sites on the edge of urban areas, non-Green Belt sites are favoured over Green Belt sites where possible. However, where there are no suitable non-Green Belt alternatives INSERTED: to meet an identified need, sites are removed from the Green Belt to enable development to take place. This applies to land to meet the needs of INSERTED: Coventry, Leamington, Kenilworth, some of the villages and land on the edge of Lillington to assist in the regeneration of the area.

To explain amendments to Policy DS10, in particular making reference to meeting Coventry's needs

Policy DS11 Allocated Housing Sites


Mod 10


Policy DS11

Amend Policy DS11 as shown in Appendix B of this schedule of modifications

To identify sufficient specific allocated sites to address unmet need arising in Coventry and the reduced windfalls allowance

(31) Mod 11


2.41 to 2.53

Amend paras 2.41 to 2.53 as shown in Appendix B of this schedule of modifications

To reflect changes to Policy DS11 and to explain the rationale behind the proposed additional sites

Policy DS12 Allocation of Land for Education

(4) Mod 12


Policy DS12

Amend Policy DS12 to read

DS12 Allocation of Land for Education

Land at Southcrest Farm, Kenilworth (ED2) and land at Myton (ED1), as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for educational uses and other compatible uses (see policy HS5). This includes, on each site, the provision of a secondary school, 6th form centre and, INSERTED: if deemed the most appropriate location, a primary school.


In the case of Southcrest Farm the whole area of the site is unlikely to be required for educational purposes. Any land within this site that is surplus to the educational requirement is therefore allocated for housing (see Policy DS11)

To reflect proposals to allocate Southcrest Farm for housing as well as education as set out in Policy DS11

(5) Mod 13


Para 2.56

Amend para 2.56 as follows:

2.56 Kenilworth Secondary School and 6th Form: the existing school sites are allocated for housing within Policy DS11. The school is seeking to locate all its facilities on a single site. Further, the additional housing proposed in the Kenilworth priority area means that the school needs additional capacity if it is to continue to DELETED: offer the educational choice it currently provides INSERTED: provide for the educational needs of the Town and surrounding area. For these reasons, a new site for a secondary school in Kenilworth is required. In addition, the additional housing allocated in the Kenilworth area requires the provision of a new primary school. Over and above the educational INSERTED: land requirement, the site has capacity for housing, as set out in Policy DS11. The land at Southcrest Farm, as shown on the Policies Map, is therefore allocated DELETED: for INSERTED: primarily for educational purposes and other compatible uses as defined by policy HS5 INSERTED:, and for housing where there is surplus land over and above the educational requirement.

To reflect proposals to allocate Southcrest Farm for housing as well as education as set out in Policy DS11

Policy DS15 Comprehensive Development of Strategic Sites

(276) Mod 14


Policy DS15

Amend Policy DS15 to read:

DS15 Comprehensive Development of Strategic Sites

The sites to which this policy applies are (as shown on the Policies Map):

  1. South of Harbury Lane, including the former sewage works;
  2. West of Europa Way;
  3. INSERTED: Thickthorn and sites allocated to east of Kenilworth;
  4. INSERTED: Land at Westwood Heath (including land identified DELETED: for development as safeguarded beyond the current plan period)
  5. INSERTED: Kings Hill (including land identified for development beyond the current plan period)
  6. INSERTED: Land north of Milverton DELETED: and land at Kenilworth Road, Sandy Lane and Stoneleigh Road, Blackdown.
  7. INSERTED: Land at Gallows Hill and The Asps

Proposals for DELETED: all or part of the allocated INSERTED: strategic sites DELETED: detailed above will be approved where they INSERTED: represent a comprehensive development scheme for the whole site.DELETED: The comprehensive development scheme will take INSERTED: There will be a requirement to demonstrate this by the submission DELETED: in the form of either a Development Brief or a DELETED: Masterplan INSERTED: Layout and Design Statement as appropriate, to be approved by the Local Planning Authority INSERTED: (Policy BE2, paragraph 5.13).

The Development Brief or DELETED: Masterplan INSERTED: Layout and Design Statement should address the criteria set out in Policy BE2 and, for the sites set out below, should provide for the delivery of infrastructure and services, which as a minimum should include the following:

Site Key INSERTED: Inserted text On-site Infrastructure and Services

Land South of Harbury Lane

2 new primary schools
Country Park (see Policy DS13)
A community meeting place
Retail facilities: a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace. A number of other smaller stores may also be provided

Land at Myton / West Europa Way

Secondary school, sixth form facility and primary school (see Policy DS12)
Community hub (see Policy DS14)
Health facilities (See Policy DS14)

Thickthorn INSERTED: and sites allocated to east of Kenilworth

INSERTED: Primary School (see Policy DS12)
INSERTED: Secondary School (see Policy DS12)
A community meeting place
Retail facilities: a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace. A number of other smaller stores may also be provided

INSERTED: Land at Westwood Heath


Health Centre; community facilities (quantified in the context of the development of this allocation and the potential wider area over the long term).
Retail facilities: a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace.

INSERTED: Land at Kings Hill


Potential for some employment land; potentially land for secondary school provision; new primary schools; local centre and community facilities; health centre; new rail station

INSERTED: Land north of Milverton


Potential for some employment land; potential park and ride; primary school; land/contribution for medical centre; community facilities; potential for new rail station (subject to viability)

INSERTED: Land at Gallows Hill and The Asps


Park and ride; primary school; neighbourhood police office; local centre (including a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace), community facilities.

The Development Brief INSERTED: s for

  1. the sites south of Harbury Lane, DELETED: should also take account of, and ensure alignment with, the proposals for the site and west of Europa Way DELETED: and vice versa
  2. INSERTED: Kings Hill and Thickthorn / east of Kenilworth, and,
  3. INSERTED: Kings Hill and Westwood Heath

INSERTED: should be broadly compatible with each other, in their approach to development issues, provision of linked infrastructure and commitment to sustainable growth.

To ensure the policy reflects the additional strategic allocations set out in policy DS11

(13) Mod 15


2.66 to 2.68

Amend paras 2.66 to 2.68


2.66 The sites listed within this policy are the allocated strategic urban extensions. A number of these sites are in multiple ownerships. This policy seeks to ensure that development on these sites comes forward within the context of an appropriate INSERTED: and comprehensive INSERTED: development scheme. The Development Brief INSERTED:/ Layout and Design Statement should clearly demonstrate how the mix of uses and the infrastructure requirements set out in policy DS7 (and articulated further within the Policies Map and Infrastructure Delivery Plan) will be planned for and delivered to ensure the development is sustainable and meets the policies set out elsewhere in this Local Plan. INSERTED: To ensure the most sustainable and deliverable form of development is achieved on these significant sites, landowners are strongly encouraged to work together closely to produce the most appropriate overall scheme for the site. This might for example be achieved through the setting up of consortia or other formal means of co-ordinated joint working (including the local planning authority as a full partner).

2.67 Without a comprehensive development scheme, the delivery of infrastructure and services (such as schools, open space, roads, transport facilities, community facilities and local centres) cannot be guaranteed or properly integrated into the area. Further, incremental proposals which do not take sufficient account of proposals for the whole site are less likely to deliver a high quality, integrated development which can build a strong sense of place and sustainable neighbourhoods.

2.68 The INSERTED: strategic sites DELETED: at West of Europa Way and South of Harbury Lane will be required to be developed in a comprehensive manner whereby the proposals for one take account of the other. This will further ensure integrated development, efficient use of land and access to high quality infrastructure and services across the DELETED: two sites.

Policy DS19 Green Belt

(368) Mod 16



Amend para 2.81 to read:

Land has been removed from the Green Belt at:

  1. Red House Farm, Leamington Spa
  2. Castle Sixth Form, Rouncil Lane, Kenilworth
  1. Land in the vicinity of Coventry Airport (sub-regional employment site)
  2. University of Warwick;
  3. OakLea, Finham
  4. Baginton
  5. Burton Green
  6. Kingswood (Lapworth)
  7. Leek Wootton
  • Red House Farm, Leamington Spa (H04);
  • Kenilworth Sixth Form, Rouncil Lane, Kenilworth (H12);
  • Thickthorn (H06), Southcrest Farm, Crewe Gardens and Woodside Training Centre (H40), Kenilworth;
  • Warwick Road, Kenilworth (H41);
  • Westwood Heath (H42);
  • Kings Hill (H43);
  • North of Milverton, Leamington Spa (H44);
  • Land in the vicinity of Coventry Airport (sub-regional employment site)
  • University of Warwick;
  • Oaklea Farm, Finham (H08);
  • Baginton (H19);
  • Burton Green (H24);
  • Cubbington (H25, H26, H50);
  • Hampton Magna (H27 and H51)
  • Hatton Park (H28 and H53);
  • Kingswood (Lapworth) (H29, H30, H31, H32, H33)
  • Leek Wootton (H37 and DSNEW3).

To reflect green belt allocations and proposed safeguarded area identified in amendments to the Policy DS11 and Policy DSNew2

Policy DS20 DELETED: Accommodating Housing Need Arising from Outside the District INSERTED: Review of the Local Plan

(20) Mod 17


Delete existing Policy DS20 and replace with:


The Plan will be reviewed (either wholly or partially) prior to the end of the Plan Period in the event of one or more of the following circumstances arising: -

  1. Through the Duty to Co-operate, it is necessary to accommodate the development needs of another local authority area within the District and these development needs cannot be accommodated within the Local Plan's existing Strategy
  2. Updated evidence or changes to national policy suggest that the overall development strategy should be significantly changed
  3. The monitoring of the Local Plan (particularly the monitoring of housing delivery) demonstrates that the overall development strategy or the policies are not delivering the Local Plan's objectives and requirements
  4. development and growth pressures arising from the specific circumstances in the area to the south of Coventry (as identified in Policy DS New 1)
  5. Any other reasons that render the Plan, or part of it, significantly out of date

To reflect the issues raised by the Inspector with regard to Plan Review, which renders the current policy DS20 unsound. A more broadly based Plan review policy is however still appropriate to provide an effective approach to managing risks associated the larger strategic sites and future growth pressures within the HMA

(12) Mod 18


2.82 to 2.87

Replace paras 2.82 to 2.87 with the following:


2.82 In the event that the Plan as a whole or a key part of it becomes out of date, it will be necessary to undertake a full or partial review of the Plan. There are a number of factors that could render the Plan out of date:

  1. The Coventry and Warwickshire Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) may need to be updated to reflect changing circumstances and evidence. In the event that a new or revised Memorandum of Understanding would require substantive revisions to the Local Plan proposals, then a partial or full review is likely to be necessary. However a new or revised MOU will not necessarily require a review of the Plan where the changes can be accommodated within the Plan's Strategy.

  2. National planning guidance is clear that updated evidence (such as new national household projections) will not necessarily render the Plan out of date. However where evidence signals a substantial and sustained change to the context of the Local Plan, this will trigger a review (partial or whole) of it.

  3. The delivery of the Local Plan's objectives, including the overall annual housing requirement will be closely monitored. Where the Plan's proposals and policies are clearly failing to deliver the Plan's overall strategy and objectives (for instance where there is clear evidence over a sustained period that housing delivery is failing to deliver the Plan's overall housing requirement), the Plan will require a review.

2.83 Policy DS NEW1 indicates that a partial review of the Local Plan will be undertaken within five years of the adoption of the plan, to address specific circumstances in the area to the south of Coventry. This proposed partial review will be undertaken in any event.

To reflect the MoU

Policies Map

(2) Mod 19


Policies Map

Amend the Policies Map as follows: Appendix C


Allocate additional land for housing in line with Policy DS11 (see Appendix B below) in the following locations:

  1. H44 North of Milverton (Policies Map 2)
  2. H45 Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash (Policies Map 2)
  3. H46A Gallows Hill (Policies Map 2)
  4. H46B The Asps (Policies Map 2)
  5. H40 East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre) (Policies Map 5)
  6. H41 East of Warwick Rd, Kenilworth (Policies Map 5)
  7. H42 Westwood Heath (Policies Map 35)
  8. H43 Kings Hill Lane (Policies Map 36)
  9. H19 extended area Baginton - Land north of Rosswood Farm (Policies Map 8)
  10. H47 Barford - Land south of Wasperton Lane (Policies Map 18)
  11. H48 Barford - Land South of Westham Lane (Policies Map 18)
  12. H49 Bishops Tachbrook - Seven Acre Close (Policies Map 16)
  13. H50 Cubbington - Land east of Cubbington (Policies Map 13)
  14. H51 Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close (Policies Map 20)
  15. H28 extended area Hatton Park - North of Birmingham Road (Policies Map 21)
  16. H53 Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane (Policies Map 21)
  17. DSNEW3 Leek Wootton - Former Policy HQ (policies Map 12)
  18. H52 Radford Semele - Land at Spring Lane (policies Map 15)

Amend the Urban Area Boundary in the following locations:

  1. H44 North of Milverton (Policies Map 2)
  2. H45 Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash (Policies Map 2)
  3. H46A Gallows Hill (Policies Map 2)
  4. H46B The Asps (Policies Map 2)
  5. H40 East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre) (Policies Map 5)
  6. H41 East of Warwick Rd, Kenilworth (Policies Map 5)
  7. H42 Westwood Heath (Policies Map 35)
  8. H43 Kings Hill Lane (Policies Map 36)

Amend the Growth Village Envelopes in the following locations:

  1. H19 extended area Baginton - Land north of Rosswood Farm (Policies Map 8)
  2. H47 Barford - Land south of Wasperton Lane (Policies Map 18)
  3. H48 Barford - Land South of Westham Lane (Policies Map 18)
  4. H49 Bishops Tachbrook - Seven Acre Close (Policies Map 16)
  5. H50 Cubbington - Land east of Cubbington (Policies Map 13)
  6. H51 Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close (Policies Map 20)
  7. H28 extended area Hatton Park - North of Birmingham Road (Policies Map 21)
  8. H53 Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane (Policies Map 21)
  9. DSNEW3 Leek Wootton - Former Policy HQ (policies Map 12)
  10. H52 Radford Semele - Land at Spring Lane (policies Map 15)

Remove allocated land for housing in line with Policy DS11 (see Appendix B below) in the following locations:

  1. H01 (part) Land at Myton School, Myton Road (policies Map 2)
  2. H15 Leamington Fire Station (policies Map 2)
  3. H34 Leek Wootton - The Paddock (policies Map 12)
  4. H35 Leek Wootton - East of Broome Close (policies Map 12)
  5. H36 Leek Wootton - Former Tennis Courts (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to allocate additional land for Education in line with Policy DS12 in the following location

  1. Land at Myton School (Myton Road frontage) (policies Map 2)

Amend the Policies Map to extend the Park and Ride area of search in the following location

  1. Land North of Milverton, Leamington Spa (policies Map 2)

Amend Policies Map to remove additional land from the Green Belt in line with Policy DS19 in the following locations

  1. Southcrest Farm, Crewe Gardens and Woodside Training Centre (H40), Kenilworth; (policies Map 5)
  2. Warwick Road, Kenilworth (H41); (policies Map 5)
  1. Westwood Heath (H42); (policies Map 35)
  2. Kings Hill (H43); (policies Map 36)
  3. North of Milverton, Leamington Spa (H44); (policies Map 2)
  4. Baginton (H19 extended area); (policies Map 8)
  5. Cubbington (H50); (policies Map 13)
  6. Hampton Magna (H51) (policies Map 20)
  7. Hatton Park (H28 extended area and H53); (policies Map 21)
  8. Leek Wootton (DSNEW3) (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to remove land from the Green Belt and safeguard it in line with Policy DS NEW2 in the following locations

  1. S1. Land South of Westwood Heath Road
  2. S2. Land North of Milverton

Amend Policies Map to identify the masterplan area for the development of the former Police HQ sites at Woodcote House, Leek Wootton in line with Policy DS NEW3 (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to allocate land for outdoor sports in line with Policy DS NEW4 in the following locations

  1. SP1. Land at Castle Farm, Kenilworth (policies Map 5)
  2. SP2. Land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth (policies Map 5)

Allocate additional land for housing in line with Policy DS11 (see Appendix B below) in the following locations:

  • H44 North of Milverton (Policies Map 2)
  • H45 Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash (Policies Map 2)
  • H46A Gallows Hill (Policies Map 2)
  • H46B The Asps (Policies Map 2)
  • H40 East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre) (Policies Map 5)
  • H41 East of Warwick Rd, Kenilworth (Policies Map 5)
  • H42 Westwood Heath (Policies Map 35)
  • H43 Kings Hill Lane (Policies Map 36)
  • H19 extended area Baginton - Land north of Rosswood Farm (Policies Map 8)
  • H47 Barford - Land south of Wasperton Lane (Policies Map 18)
  • H48 Barford - Land South of Westham Lane (Policies Map 18)
  • H49 Bishops Tachbrook - Seven Acre Close (Policies Map 16)
  • H50 Cubbington - Land east of Cubbington (Policies Map 13)
  • H51 Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close (Policies Map 20)
  • H28 extended area Hatton Park - North of Birmingham Road (Policies Map 21)
  • H53 Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane (Policies Map 21)
  • DSNEW3 Leek Wootton - Former Policy HQ (policies Map 12)
  • H52 Radford Semele - Land at Spring Lane (policies Map 15)

Amend the Urban Area Boundary in the following locations:

  • H44 North of Milverton (Policies Map 2)
  • H45 Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash (Policies Map 2)
  • H46A Gallows Hill (Policies Map 2)
  • H46B The Asps (Policies Map 2)
  • H40 East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre) (Policies Map 5)
  • H41 East of Warwick Rd, Kenilworth (Policies Map 5)
  • H42 Westwood Heath (Policies Map 35)
  • H43 Kings Hill Lane (Policies Map 36)

Amend the Growth Village Envelopes in the following locations:

  • H19 extended area Baginton - Land north of Rosswood Farm (Policies Map 8)
  • H47 Barford - Land south of Wasperton Lane (Policies Map 18)
  • H48 Barford - Land South of Westham Lane (Policies Map 18)
  • H49 Bishops Tachbrook - Seven Acre Close (Policies Map 16)
  • H50 Cubbington - Land east of Cubbington (Policies Map 13)
  • H51 Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close (Policies Map 20)
  • H28 extended area Hatton Park - North of Birmingham Road (Policies Map 21)
  • H53 Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane (Policies Map 21)
  • DSNEW3 Leek Wootton - Former Policy HQ (policies Map 12)
  • H52 Radford Semele - Land at Spring Lane (policies Map 15)

Remove allocated land for housing in line with Policy DS11 (see Appendix B below) in the following locations:

  • H01 (part) Land at Myton School, Myton Road (policies Map 2)
  • H15 Leamington Fire Station (policies Map 2)
  • H34 Leek Wootton - The Paddock (policies Map 12)
  • H35 Leek Wootton - East of Broome Close (policies Map 12)
  • H36 Leek Wootton - Former Tennis Courts (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to allocate additional land for Education in line with Policy DS12 in the following location

  • Land at Myton School (Myton Road frontage) (policies Map 2)

Amend the Policies Map to extend the Park and Ride area of search in the following location

  • Land North of Milverton, Leamington Spa (policies Map 2)

Amend Policies Map to remove additional land from the Green Belt in line with Policy DS19 in the following locations

  • Southcrest Farm, Crewe Gardens and Woodside Training Centre (H40), Kenilworth; (policies Map 5)
  • Warwick Road, Kenilworth (H41); (policies Map 5)
  • Westwood Heath (H42); (policies Map 35)
  • Kings Hill (H43); (policies Map 36)
  • North of Milverton, Leamington Spa (H44); (policies Map 2)
  • Baginton (H19 extended area); (policies Map 8)
  • Cubbington (H50); (policies Map 13)
  • Hampton Magna (H51) (policies Map 20)
  • Hatton Park (H28 extended area and H53); (policies Map 21)
  • Leek Wootton (DSNEW3) (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to remove land from the Green Belt and safeguard it in line with Policy DS NEW2 in the following locations

  • S1. Land South of Westwood Heath Road
  • S2. Land North of Milverton

Amend Policies Map to identify the masterplan area for the development of the former Police HQ sites at Woodcote House, Leek Wootton in line with Policy DS NEW3 (policies Map 12)

Amend Policies Map to allocate land for outdoor sports in line with Policy DS NEW4 in the following locations

  • SP1. Land at Castle Farm, Kenilworth (policies Map 5)
  • SP2. Land at Warwick Road, Kenilworth (policies Map 5)

To reflect amendments to policies DS11, DS12, DS19, and addition of policies DS NEW2, DS NEW3, DS NEW4

Policy DS NEW 1 Directions for Growth South of Coventry

(36) Mod 20


DS New1

New policy wording:


To meet both local and sub-regional housing needs, the Council has identified an area of growth focussed on strategic housing allocations to the immediate south of the City of Coventry (see policy DS11). The geographic boundaries of the area covered by this policy will be guided by: -

  • the emergence of agreed allocations for large-scale development and sites identified as safeguarded land post-adoption;
  • the extant and emerging infrastructure in the local area (including HS2 and existing and proposed future strategic road networks), with a view to identifying the most appropriate locations for both additional housing and strategic transport and other infrastructure;
  • the future plans of the University of Warwick;
  • significant strategic opportunities on both sides of the local authority boundary.

The sites in this area are expected to provide residential-led, mixed-use development of around 2225 dwellings over the plan period to 2029, with the potential for additional growth post-2029:

  • Westwood Heath - 425 dwellings (capped by infrastructure constraints)
  • Kings Hill - c.1,800 dwellings; the total capacity of the site is c.4,000 dwellings

To facilitate this growth, the Green Belt boundary in this area has been amended to take account of the strategic sites and to identify and safeguard land suitable for longer-term growth requirements (see Policies DS19 and DSNEW2).

The Council intends to schedule a partial Plan review within five years of the adoption date of this Plan (see policy DS20). At that time, and subject to sufficiently robust evidence, the Council will consider whether further land is required within the broad area to allow for future growth.

Development proposals must take account of all significant constraints, other development within the vicinity and future opportunities for integrated strategic growth; this will require close co-operation between WDC, Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council, the University of Warwick and major landowners and developers.

It is likely that some of this development activity will extend beyond the current plan period. To give a degree of longer-term certainty to investors and stakeholders, a series of key objectives are identified below to provide clear guidance to landowners, institutions, infrastructure providers and major developers when they are drawing up their proposals.

  1. individual site proposals support the comprehensive longer-term planning of the area
  2. proposals should take account of the potential for a new road linking the A46 Stoneleigh junction with Kirby Corner and subsequently to the A452 or A45, which has been identified as an important means of mitigating increased traffic flows on the local and strategic road network; increasing existing strategic highway capacity; and providing an improved future strategic highway link to UK Central;
  3. development proposals must take into account the potential for future growth at the University of Warwick (see Policy MS1);
  4. individual masterplans and applications should reflect and address, where necessary, any significant proposals immediately beyond the boundaries of Warwick district.
  5. provision should be made for necessary improvements to the highway network including those set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan and those that may be required to support future development in the area;
  6. the Green Belt between Coventry and Kenilworth should be protected;
  7. improvements to rail infrastructure, such as a new rail stop on the Coventry to Leamington line should be considered and provided where practical and viable;
  8. improvements to cycle and pedestrian networks should be provided;
  9. requirements for additional educational capacity should be provided in a co-ordinated manner;
  10. requirements for improved healthcare capacity should be provided in a co-ordinated manner;
  11. provision of emergency services infrastructure and other issues that may be identified.

Where appropriate, contributions to infrastructure provision will be sought in accordance with policy DM1.

To provide a comprehensive approach to the planning of this area of growth including growth beyond the Plan Period

(22) Mod 21


New Paras

New 1.1 to New 1.10

New explanatory text:


1.1 Part of the housing requirement set out in Policy DS6 seeks to meet Coventry's housing need. This is an important aspect of creating a sustainable and secure base for the growth of the city. The Warwick Local Plan has thus identified the need to deliver integrated, strategic development to meet current and future housing need both for its own requirements and to address the need generated by Coventry.

1.2 To do this, an area adjacent to the boundary with the city has been identified as a suitable prospect for delivering part of the housing required. This will help create opportunities for high-quality design and layout to be delivered via co-ordinated masterplans. It will allow for the generation of development that benefits from its proximity to the City's employment, education and services / facilities rovision in terms of travel times and infrastructure provision.

1.3 There will be the opportunity to generate economic benefits both through the provision of new employment opportunities and through the creation of additional residential populations that will be using extant services and facilities, so supporting their retention. There will also be the opportunity to deliver infrastructure improvements that should not only benefit the new development but, if properly designed and delivered in a timely fashion, may also help to alleviate existing problems on the local and strategic transport network. Sites can be linked to local and sub-regional centres through improvements to public transport, cycling and walking links.

1.4 The sites in this immediate area (including where necessary related sites within the boundary of the City of Coventry) will benefit from a shared set of key objectives. These are intended to set a clear framework for the delivery both of the development sites themselves and the associated large-scale infrastructure requirements, such as the link road. As described in the policy, the key objectives identify a number of broad parameters. Within these strategic parameters, developers and promoters are at liberty to provide their own detailed masterplans / design approaches that should be in accordance with the broader strategic principles.

1.5 The University of Warwick will prepare a revised masterplan within the Plan Period (see policy MS1). The potential growth of the University is an important element in the development of this area and needs to be taken into account in considering site layouts elsewhere in the vicinity and particularly in planning for wider infrastructure. This will ensure the area has capacity to address development that is not currently known about but which is likely to come forward within the Plan Period and during the years immediately afterwards.

1.6 At Westwood Heath an area of c30ha has been identified for a residential-led, mixed-use development (see Policy Map). Given infrastructure constraints, especially along the strategic and local highways network, the housing to be provided on site is capped at 425 dwellings during the current plan period. However, the creation of improved road infrastructure / additional network capacity will allow further residential development to be accommodated without undue adverse impacts on local amenity. This will take place on land that has been identified and reserved for development adjacent to the allocated site. Land required for longer-term housing provision is therefore safeguarded in line with policy DS20, and will be released subject to:

  1. a Plan review that clearly indicates a need for land for further development; and
  2. significant improvements to the strategic highways network, including the construction of a new link road between the A46 Stoneleigh Junction and Kirby Corner and onwards towards the A452 or A45.

1.7 An integral aspect of the allocated site is the need to provide for facilities and services at an appropriate scale, including community provision, emergency services infrastructure, play areas and local retail provision for convenience shopping. Land also needs to be provided for open space, leisure and amenity uses and will form part of a green infrastructure network linking to the wider countryside and north to the conurbation.

1.8 At Kings Hill an area of c269ha has been identified for a residential-led, mixed-use development (see Policy map). The site has an overall capacity of c. 4,000 dwellings, with c. 1,800 dwellings being deliverable by the end of the current plan period. The mixed use development will also include the potential to provide employment land. Land will need to be provided for open space, leisure and amenity uses and will form part of a green infrastructure network linking to the wider countryside and north to the conurbation. A local centre will be provided at an appropriate scale, incorporating a range of local community facilities and services including meeting space / community buildings, emergency services infrastructure, youth facilities / play areas and local retail provision for convenience shopping. A new primary school will be required to serve the development, which may need to be expanded as the site develops over time.

1.09 Development proposals for the strategic sites will be expected to address the following as a minimum: -

  • Proposals for development must respond positively to natural and heritage assets; wherever possible and viable, development should enhance the settings of such assets;
  • Development should respect the topography and landscape of the area and should be designed in such a way that it minimises visual impacts and protects local amenity;
  • Biodiversity should be maintained and enhanced on all development sites wherever possible; where otherwise acceptable development would result in the loss of biodiversity interest and value, mitigation must be offered that offsets loss or damage onsite. If this is not possible, appropriate off-site mitigation and habitat replacement should be provided as close to the affected amenity as feasible;
    1. Kings Hill - Wainbody Wood is ancient woodland of around 15.5ha in area, which should be excluded from the development area, protected from associated adverse impacts and maintained as a habitat and biodiversity resource;
    2. Westwood Heath - Whitefield Coppice, Black Waste Wood and Broadwells Wood are all ancient woodlands within or adjacent to the site. They should be excluded from development areas, protected from associated adverse impacts and maintained as habitat and biodiversity resources.
  • There are listed buildings associated with Wainbody Wood Farm and Hill Farm (farmhouses and barn) that should be protected and their settings enhanced as appropriate.
  • Strategic infrastructure improvements must be accommodated where necessary, including improvements to highways junctions, road capacity improvements and public transport links.
  • Local services, facilities and retail provision should be commensurate with the scale of development being proposed and in terms of the location's proximity to the conurbation and Kenilworth.

1.10 Proposals should accord with the requirements of all other relevant policies in the Local Plan.

To support the comprehensive approach set out in Policy DS New1

DS NEW2 Safeguarded Land

(25) Mod 22


Policy DS NEW2

Insert new Policy DS NEW2


Safeguarded land is identified on the Policies Map in order that it may be utilised, if required, to meet longer-term strategic development needs beyond the Local Plan period. The following principles apply to safeguarded land:

  1. It is not allocated for development at the present time;
  2. Local Plan Policies relating to development in the rural area and open countryside will apply;
  3. Development that would prejudice the future comprehensive development of the safeguarded land area will not be permitted;
  4. The status of safeguarded land will only change through a review of the local plan following an assessment of development need and the identification of the most appropriate locations for development.

Safeguarded land is identified on the policies map in the following locations:

  • S1. Land South of Westwood Heath Road
  • S2. Land North of Milverton

To identify a Green Belt release for beyond the plan period to reflect longer term opportunities

(11) Mod 23


Paras New2.1 to New2.3

Insert new paras as follows



2.1 National policy recommends that when reviewing Green Belt boundaries through a local plan it is important to have regard to potential development needs well beyond the plan period, and consequently be satisfied that boundaries will not need to be altered at the end of the plan period. Therefore, the Council has identified areas of Safeguarded Land between the urban area and the new Green Belt boundary in order to assist in meeting potential long term development requirements.

2.2 The Council recognises that there is a limited amount of suitable land currently available outside the Green Belt to meet long-term development needs, particularly those needs arising in Coventry. Therefore identifying 'safeguarded land' in appropriate locations may assist in meeting the long-term development needs of the functional housing and economic market area.

2.3 Safeguarded land is not allocated for development and is within the rural area; therefore rural and open countryside policies will apply. Other than development in accordance with the policy, planning permission for the permanent development of safeguarded land will not be granted ahead of a review of the Local Plan where this proposes the area for development

To support Policy DS New2

Policy DS NEW3 Former Police Headquarters, Woodcote House Policy

(11) Mod 24



Insert new Policy DS NEW3


The former Police Headquarters site will be developed for housing purposes. Built development will be limited to appropriate areas of the site that lie within the Village Growth Envelope Boundary (Policy H10) as identified on the Policies Map. There will be a requirement to agree a masterplan with the Council for the entirety of the former police headquarters landholding, including other associated land parcels outside of the Growth Village Envelope Boundary.

All planning applications for development of the site within the Growth Village Envelope must comply with the Masterplan and accord with other relevant policies of this Local Plan and any adopted Neighbourhood Development Plan, taking account of viability. In determining any planning applications on the site the local planning authority will seek to ensure that the proposals:

  1. Protect and enhance the historic assets and their setting;
  2. Secure the sustainable long-term future of Woodcote House as a Grade 2 Listed Building;
  3. Contribute positively to the landscape character;
  4. Deliver a mix of housing, including affordable housing;
  5. Demonstrate a high quality of design and layout, including an appropriate means of access and circulation;
  6. Make provision for all reasonable infrastructure requirements, including open space; and
  7. Make provision for the future management / maintenance of the balance of the site (those areas not to be utilised for housing development);

To reflect the allocation of this site within Policy DS11 and to ensure this sensitive site is brought forward in line with a comprehensive masterplan which takes account of the site's sensitivities

(2) Mod 25


Para New 3.1 and New 3.2

Insert new para as follows:



3.1 Warwickshire Police have declared this site surplus to operational requirements. Encompassing a large area of previously developed land within the Growth Village of Leek Wootton, the site offers the potential to contribute significantly to the delivery of new housing necessary to meet the needs of the District, whilst simultaneously securing the long-term use, and therefore conservation, of the Grade II listed Woodcote House and its setting within the associated locally listed gardens/parklands.

3.2 Development of this site for housing will be supported provided that it is carefully managed to ensure that the site's heritage and landscape assets are conserved and enhanced. Development will only be permitted where it is brought forward in accordance with the vision, development principles and framework that will be provided by an agreed Masterplan. Given the specific circumstances of the site, including that significant demolition and restoration work will be required to enhance the site's historic value, it will be important to ensure that the combined effects of policy requirements do not render development, which can positively contribute to sustainable development at this location, unviable and thus undeliverable.

To support Policy DS New3

Policy DS NEW4: Allocation of Land for the Provision of Outdoor Sport

(5) Mod 26


Policy DS NEW4

Insert new policy as follows:


Land at Castle Farm (SP1), and Land at Warwick Road (SP2), Kenilworth, as shown on the Policies Map, are allocated for the provision of outdoor sport.

Appropriate facilities associated with the provision of outdoor sport will be permitted provided that they preserve the openness of the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including land within it.

To enable sports clubs in Kenilworth to grow in the context of new and previously proposed housing allocations.

(2) Mod 27


Para new 4.1 and 4.2

Insert new paras as follows:



4.1 The Playing Pitch Strategy recognises that the provision of outdoor sport requires quantitative and qualitative improvements in order to meet the needs of the existing and predicted population in the district. This is particularly the case in Kenilworth where there are a number of sporting clubs with limited capacity for expansion or improvement and where there may arise a future need due to displacement.

4.2 The provision of additional land at Castle Farm for outdoor sport will complement, and may assist the improvement of, existing playing facilities at the site. Land at Warwick Road will complement the proposed housing allocation H41 immediately to the north and provide an appropriate southern edge to Kenilworth. Both sites are in suitable, accessible locations and will offer better provision in terms of quantity and/or quantity than the existing provision in the area.

To support new Policy DS NEW4

Table of Modifications (Part 1) January 2016 Appendix A

Amends to para 2.24 (Explanation to Policy DS7) - see Mod 7 above

(3) Housing Trajectory Graph

Housing Trajectory

Table of Modifications (Part 1) January 2016 Appendix B

Amendments to Policy DS11 (see Mod 10 above)

DS11 Allocated Housing Sites

The following sites, as shown on the Policies Map, will be allocated for housing development and associated infrastructure and uses:

Ref Site Number of
Area of
Emp. Land
and Other Uses

Urban Brownfield Sites

DELETED: H01 (part)

DELETED: Land at Myton School, Myton Road

DELETED: 125 0


H02 (part)

Former Sewage Works, south of Harbury Lane



Country Park


Kenilworth School Site




Station Approach, Leamington

INSERTED: Included in



Land at Montague Road




Kenilworth VI Form College




Soans Site, Sydenham Drive




Riverside House




DELETED: Leamington Fire Station



(1) H16

Court Street




Garage Site, Theatre Street

INSERTED: Included in



Opus 40, Birmingham Road, Warwick



Greenfield Sites - Edge of Warwick, Whitnash and Leamington

H01 (part)

Land West of Europa Way

INSERTED: 50 (plus 1160
included in


ExtendedINSERTED: /new Secondary School, Primary School, Health Facilities, Local Centre, Sports Stadium and associated facilities.

H02 (part)

Land south of Harbury Lane (excluding former sewage works)

INSERTED: 620 (plus 985
included in


Primary Schools (x2), Local Centre, other Community Facilities, Country Park

(5) H03

East of Whitnash/South of Sydenham


INSERTED: Land should be reserved as a contingency for the location of a Primary School


Red House Farm


INSERTED: (137) H44

INSERTED: North of Milverton



INSERTED: (Total capacity up to 1315 with the balance to come forward beyond the end of the plan period). Potential for some employment land; potential park and ride; Primary School; land/contribution for medical centre; community facilities; potential for new Rail Station (subject to viability)


INSERTED: Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash




INSERTED: Gallows Hill



INSERTED: See site H46B below





INSERTED: Park and ride; primary school; neighbourhood police office; local centre (including a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace), community facilities.

Greenfield Sites - Edge of Kenilworth


East of Kenilworth (Thickthorn)



Primary School and Local Centre


Crackley Triangle

INSERTED: Included in


INSERTED: (11) H40

INSERTED: East of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre)*



INSERTED: New Secondary School; community facilities


INSERTED: East of Warwick Rd, Kenilworth



INSERTED: Provide access to sports facilities allocation (see Policy DS NEW4)

Greenfield Site - Edge of Coventry


Oaklea Farm, Finham



INSERTED: (20) H42

INSERTED: Westwood Heath**



INSERTED: Health Centre; community facilities (quantified in the context of the development of this allocation and the potential wider area over the long term).
Retail facilities: a convenience store of no more than 500sq.m gross floorspace.

INSERTED: (42) H43

INSERTED: Kings Hill Lane**



INSERTED: (Total capacity up to 4000 with the balance to come forward beyond the end of the plan period). Potential for some employment land; potentially land for secondary school provision; new primary schools; local centre and community facilities; health centre; new rail station

Growth Villages

(5) H19
INSERTED: extended area

Baginton - Land north of Rosswood Farm




Barford - Land south of Barford House




Barford - Former Sherbourne Nursery

INSERTED: Included in



Barford - Land off Bemridge Close



INSERTED: (17) H47

INSERTED: Barford - Land south of Wasperton Lane




INSERTED: Barford - Land South of Westham Lane




Bishops Tachbrook - Land south of the school

INSERTED: Included in



INSERTED: Bishops Tachbrook - Seven Acre Close



(7) H24

Burton Green - Burrow Hill Nursery



DELETED: Community Hall, Village Green and Parking


Cubbington - Allotment Land, Rugby Road




Cubbington - Opposite Willow Sheet Meadow



INSERTED: (42) H50

INSERTED: Cubbington - Land east of Cubbington



Hampton Magna - South of Arras Boulevard



INSERTED: (111) H51

INSERTED: Hampton Magna - Land south of Lloyd Close


(32) H28
INSERTED: Extended area

Hatton Park - North of Birmingham Road



INSERTED: (160) H53

INSERTED: Hatton Park - Brownley Green Lane



(2) H29 INSERTED: and H30

Kingswood - Meadow House and Kingswood farm




DELETED: Kingswood - Kingswood Farm




Kingswood - South of The Stables




Kingswood - R/O Brome Hall Lane




Kingswood - West of Mill Lane




DELETED: Leek Wootton - The Paddock

INSERTED: No longer available as stand-alone site (part of Police HQ Masterplan)


DELETED: To be developed jointly with H35


DELETED: Leek Wootton - East of Broome Close

INSERTED: No longer available as stand-alone site (part of Police HQ Masterplan


DELETED: To be developed jointly with H34


DELETED: Leek Wootton - Former Tennis Courts

INSERTED: No longer available as stand-alone site (part of Police HQ Masterplan



Leek Wootton - Car park East of The Hayes




INSERTED: Leek Wootton - Former Policy HQ***




Radford Semele - North of Southam Road

INSERTED: Included in



INSERTED: Radford Semele - Land at Spring Lane



Other rural sites


Former Aylesbury House, Hockley Heath




* to be brought forward in accordance with Policy DS12

** to be brought forward in accordance with Policy DS New1

*** to be brought forward in accordance with Policy DS New3

Amendments to Explanation for Policy DS11 - Para 2.41 to 2.53 (see Mod 11 above)

(3) Explanation

2.41 All sites were initially assessed for their suitability for housing in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. Sites were then appraised using the Council's Site Selection Methodology INSERTED: /Matrix which considered the suitability of each site against the following information:

  1. The Sustainability Appraisal
  2. Green Belt Assessment
  3. Landscape Character Assessment
  4. Historic Setting Assessment
  5. Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA Level 1)
  6. Habitat Assessment, and
  7. Strategic Transport Assessment
  • The Sustainability Appraisal
  • Green Belt Assessment
  • Landscape Character Assessment
  • Historic Setting Assessment
  • Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA Level 1)
  • Habitat Assessment, and
  • Strategic Transport Assessment

2.42 Sites were also assessed against the INSERTED: spatial strategy including the potential to lead to a coalescence of settlements and the loss of employment land. A figure for the number of dwellings for each site is shown, however it is recognised that this may vary dependant on detailed planning at the application stage. In most cases this figure will represent the minimum site capacity

Urban Brownfield Sites

2.43 A number of brownfield sites will become available as a result of the rationalisation or replacement of public sector land and services. The two Kenilworth School sites INSERTED: and Riverside House DELETED: and Leamington Fire Station will become available when alternative premises have been provided for the existing users. DELETED: The land at Montague Road is available in part and capable of being developed in phases.

2.44 DELETED: Land at Station Approach is partly vacant and the site is being brought forward by a Joint Venture between the Council and a Housing Provider with grant funding from the Homes and Communities Agency. The Council is DELETED: also proactively bringing forward INSERTED: part of the site at Court Street INSERTED: that does not yet have planning permission. Land at Myton School is being made available as part of the proposals to reconfigure and expand this school. The land has potential to help fund the school expansion

INSERTED: 2.45 The Soans site INSERTED: and the site at Station Approach have been assembled DELETED: is currently being assembled for housing development utilising an area where vacancy rates in existing industrial premises are high. INSERTED: These sites gained planning permission for 147 dwellings and 212 dwellings respectively in 2015 DELETED:. The site forms part of a wider area that has potential to deliver canalside regeneration through the support of policy DS14. Opus 40 has also received planning permission during 2015 for 85 dwellings.

INSERTED: 2.46 The site of the former sewage works is set back from Harbury Lane and is sandwiched between the sites at Grove Farm and Heathcote Farm. Thus the site, which requires extensive remediation, cannot come forward until a suitable access from an adjoining site is made available.

INSERTED: 2.47 The site at Aylesbury House is a small brownfield site in the Green Belt, south east of Hockley Heath, with potential for some redevelopment and infilling around the original Aylesbury House INSERTED: with needing to be removed from the Green Belt

INSERTED: 2.48 The small site at Theatre Street INSERTED: has been granted planning permission and adds a further 20 dwellings to a previous permission and is included within the commitments. DELETED: is likely to become vacant within the plan period and provide an opportunity to supplement an existing planning permission and to redevelop and improve this prominent site on the edge of Warwick Town Centre.

Greenfield Sites

INSERTED: 2.49 The strategic urban extension to the south of Warwick and Leamington comprises of land to the west of Europa Way and land to the south of Harbury Lane. INSERTED: In addition to the sections that are brownfield sites, this area will deliver 2920 dwellings. With the exception of a small section to the south of Harbury Lane (capacity for 105) and a small area west of Europa Way (capacity 50 dwellings), this whole area has been granted planning permission during 2014 and 2015. In addition to the housing, DELETED: T INSERTED: the area will deliver DELETED: up to 2,957 homes along with extended secondary school facilities, three primary schools, DELETED: employment land, local GP services, shops, community facilities and an important buffer of open space to the south to be delivered as a Country Park.

INSERTED: 2.50 The site at Whitnash East provides an extension to the committed site located off St. Fremunds Way, to the south of Sydenham. The site will deliver up to DELETED: 300 INSERTED: 500 homes along with an ecology and landscape corridor adjacent to Whitnash Brook and a partial rebuild and extension of Campion School which will enable access to be provided.

INSERTED: 2.51 Land at Red House Farm forms an extension to Lillington, one of the most deprived neighbourhoods in Warwickshire. The urban extension will provide for up to 250 new homes, of different types and tenures, and support regeneration in Lillington itself.

INSERTED: 2.52 The strategic urban extensions to the east of Kenilworth, at Thickthor INSERTED :n, Woodside Training Centre and Crewe Gardens DELETED: n, will provide for up to DELETED: 760 INSERTED: 1400 new homes and 8 hectares of employment land. Kenilworth has seen relatively little new development in the last 20 years and the new housing which has been provided has been largely at the expense of employment land. This development, therefore, provides the opportunity to deliver new housing and employment in a sustainable location along with the necessary supporting facilities of a primary school, local centre and open space. In order to ensure the delivery of housing and associated uses in Kenilworth, the Council will consider the use of its Compulsory Purchase Powers. DELETED: Later in the plan period a A new secondary school will be provided on land to the north at Southcrest Farm. A further 9 DELETED: 0 INSERTED: 3 homes INSERTED: now have planning permission DELETED: will be provided on a site to the north of the town at Crackley.


2.53 To the north of Milverton, land for 250 dwellings has been identified with the potential to also include a park and ride and a small amount of employment land. In addition to this allocation, a further area of land has been removed from the Green Belt and safeguarded for the remainder of the plan period

2.54 At Westwood Heath, land has been identified for a residential-led, mixed-use development. Given infrastructure constraints, especially along the strategic and local highways network, the housing to be provided on site is capped at 425 dwellings during the current plan period. However, the creation of improved road infrastructure / additional network capacity could allow for further residential development to be accommodated without undue adverse impacts on local amenity on land that has been safeguarded adjacent to the allocated site.

2.55 At Kings Hill an area of 269ha has been identified for a residential-led, mixed-use development. The site has an overall capacity of c. 4,000 dwellings, with c. 1,800 dwellings being deliverable by the end of the current plan period. The mixed use development will also deliver opportunities for employment provision. Land will be made available for open space, leisure and amenity uses and a green infrastructure network will link to the wider countryside and north to the conurbation. A local centre will be provided at an appropriate scale, incorporating a range of local community facilities and services including meeting space / community buildings, emergency services infrastructure, youth facilities / play areas and local retail provision for convenience shopping. A new primary school will be required to serve the development, which may need to be expanded as the site develops over time.

Village Allocations

INSERTED: 2.56 The majority of the village housing allocations are located on the edge of the existing limits to the built up areas of the village in locations which will provide natural extensions, DELETED: Large sites of over 50 dwellings will be brought forward in phases (see Policy H10) so that the growth of the village can take place more slowly and in proportion to the size of the settlement. This will provide a greater opportunity for the new communities to integrate into the life of the village and for housing to meet local needs which will change over the lifetime of the Plan.

Appendix C - Changes to Policy Map

Revised maps follow table

Ref Publication Draft Map Proposed Modification Reason

(2) Mod PM 2a

Policies Map - 2 Leamington Warwick & Whitnash

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H46A housing allocation (Gallows Hill)
  2. H46B housing allocation (The Asps)
  3. Allocation of additional land for education (Land at Myton School) Policy DS12

(2) Mod PM 2b

Policies Map 2 -Leamington Warwick & Whitnash

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H45 proposed extension to existing commitment at Hazelmere and Little Acre, Whitnash

(2) Mod PM 2c

Policies Map 2 - Leamington Warwick & Whitnash

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H44 proposed new housing allocation North of Milverton
  2. S2 safeguarded land North of Milverton under proposed Policy DS NEW2
  3. New area of search for park and ride
  4. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend Urban Area Boundary

(10) Mod PM 5

Policies Map 5 - Kenilworth

Amendments to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H40 proposed new site allocation for housing to the east of Kenilworth (Crewe Lane, Southcrest Farm and Woodside Training Centre)
  2. H41 Proposed new housing allocation East of Warwick Road, Kenilworth
  3. SP1 Land at Castle Farm new allocations for outdoor sports in line with proposed Policy NEW4:
  4. SP2 Land at Warwick Road new allocations for outdoor sports in line with proposed Policy NEW4
  5. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend Urban Area Boundaries

(5) Mod PM 8

Policies Map 8 - Baginton, Bubbenhall and Coventry Airport

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H19 extension to housing allocation at Rosswood Farm, Baginton
  2. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend the Growth Village Envelope

(4) Mod PM 12

Policies Map 12 -Leek Wootton, Hill Wootton, Old Milverton and Blackdown

Amendments to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H34 removal of allocate land for housing at the Paddock (H34);
  2. H35 removal of allocate land for housing East of Broome Close
  3. H36 removal of allocate land for housing at the Former Tennis Courts
  4. the area for the redevelopment of the former Police HQ sites at Woodcote House under proposed policy DS NEW3
  5. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend the Growth Village Envelope

(7) Mod PM 13

Policies Map 13 - Cubbington

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H50 new housing allocation on land east of Cubbington
  2. Extensions to area of safeguarding for HS2
  3. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(7) Mod PM 15

Policies Map 15 - Radford Semele

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H52 proposed new housing allocation on Land at Spring Lane
  2. Consequential amendments:
    1. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(1) Mod PM 16

Policies Map 16 - Bishops Tachbrook

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H49 proposed new housing allocation on Land at Severn Acre Close
  2. Consequential amendments:
    1. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(3) Mod PM 18

Policies Map 18 - Barford

Amendments to Policy Map

To show proposed new housing allocations at:

  1. H47 Land south of Wasperton Lane
  2. H48 Land south of Westham Lane
  3. Consequential amendments:
    1. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(17) Mod PM 20

Policies Map 20 - Hampton Magna & Hampton on the Hill

Amendment to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H51 new proposed housing allocation at land south of Lloyd Close
  2. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(23) Mod PM 21

Policies Map 21 - Hatton Park

Amendments to Policy Map

To show:

  1. H28 extension to proposed housing allocation North of Birmingham Road
  2. H53 new proposed allocation on land at Brownley Lane
  3. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt
    2. amend Growth Village Envelope boundary

(2) Mod PM 29

Policies Map 29 - Kingswood

Amendments to Policy Map

To show:

  1. Proposed amendments to Growth Village Boundary to the South of Old Warwick Road, with consequential minor removal/inclusion of Green Belt land designation

(10) Mod PM 35

Policies Maps

New Policies Map 35

To show:

  1. H42 proposed new housing allocation at Westwood Heath, edge of Coventry
  2. S1 safeguarded land South of Westood Heath Road under proposed Policy DS NEW2
  3. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt

(9) Mod PM 36

Policies Maps

New Policies Map 36

To show:

  1. H43 proposed new housing allocation at Kings Hill, edge of Coventry
  2. Consequential amendments:
    1. remove land from the designated Green Belt

Revised maps

Mod PM2a - Gallows Hill, The Asps and Myton School

ModPM2b - Golf Lane

ModPM2c - Milverton

ModPM5 - Kenilworth

ModPM8 - Baginton, Bubbenhall and Coventry Airport

ModPM12 - Leek Wootton

ModPM13 - Cubbington

ModPM15 - Radford Semele

ModPM16 - Bishops Tachbrook

ModPM18 - Barford

ModPM20 - Hampton Magna and Hampton on the Hill

ModPM21 - Hatton Park

ModPM29 - Kingswood

ModPM35 - Westwood Heath

ModPM36 - Kings Hill

Key Diagram

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